5 Years ago today



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    My Rick passed away on


    My Rick passed away on Thanksgiving morning last year, so this has been a very difficult day for me.  I don't feel growth from this situation, just the opposite.  I am extremely depressed, although I try to hide it from my family/friends/co-workers, but sometimes it doesn't work and my emotional pain shows through the facade.  I don't care about the little problems in life anymore, because I don't care about much of anything anymore.  I couldn't care less about my own health and have considered ending it all many many times during extreme bouts of grief and depression.  The only thing that has gotten me through the past few months have been my dear friends on this board, and my new kitten, Sophie (she makes me smile when I'm feeling down).  So no, I find nothing good about this @##$%# disease whatsoever.  It has taken from me the only man that I have ever truly loved, so I will never be whole, nor happy, ever again.

    But hang on Kim, you've made it this far, so you have a good chance of keeping the beast at bay for a very long time.  And yes, I know that you're not feeling so well, but take comfort in that your presence at the Thansgiving Day table continues to bring joy to your family.  May you have many more holidays to celebrate with them.

    I wish you well,



    Your Wonderful Husband

    You have such a burden on your plate on Thanksgiving also.  I'm so sorry for the way that you are feeling.  It seems like being around a day of importance brings such emotions and a death has to be the worse.  Please don't neglect your health because you are a valuable part of this board and it's worth it for the family and friends that love you to keep you healthy.  You enjoy your little kitten and please know that you are a valued member of this board.  I'm always praying for members of this board, so you are always thought of and prayed for. 

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    maglets said:


    hi trubrit....no I think you are onto something....I am 5 years out from death diagnosis and I think you have something there for sure. I was at a party not long ago and someone said to me...." maybe you didn't ever have cancer at all!!!!" oh good grief.....no the world moves on and it leaves us behind and we should not whine cuz we are still breathing.....

    Kim I am so so sorry you still have so many bathroom issues and Jeff you too.....I went to see my surgeon just yesterday for post colonoscopy and I said....so tell me about digestive issues after 2 liver resections and no gall bladder.  He laughed and said it has to do with the lack of available bile.....digestion swings from wild runs to constipation sometimes with great pain.  He was not concerned....he had no suggestions and just thought it was totally normal. Kim I know it is counterintuitive but have you ever increased your fiber? I have heard this might help....and Jeff fat is our enemy....really try to cut it right back and see if that helps your pain.  of course then there is the possibility that all these surgeries and all this chemo has just messed our digestive tract for good......sigh.....might as well have a glass of vino.  I toast you and salute you all my dear American friends...happy Thanksgiving.....




    Oh my goodness let me tell you the fiber that I'm on.  Pills, gummies, vegs, flaxseed, metamucile, I've got so much fiber in me it's surprising that I'm not going or going - it's either a good thing with fiber or not.  I'm told it helps go potty, but I've also been told it can constipate.  Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes.  It was a great day for me. 

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Hi Kim

    hope you had a good thanksgiving anyway.i hear all of you with the bathroom issues and mags you were right on.sometimes diareah gets a hold on me and the next thing i know i cant go.i have a flex sigmoid coming up on monday and i have not had a bm in two days.im praying that this is not something like a blockage.you are so right if things are not moving well then we always feel there could be something wrong.im glad you have made it 5 years clear but im sorry that this journey brings us all so many troubles...Godbless...johnnybegood


    I'm praying that all goes well with the flex.  That is kind of like having a mini colonoscopy without putting you out.  I've always followed you as I'm thinking we were diagnosed around the same time. I'm always taking something to make me go if I'm not able to, especially the smooth move tea.  That helps me most of all and I'm trying to do the Miralax everyday but sometimes not.  It was a good Thanksgiving and hoping you had one as well.  Hoping that you can go the bathroom soon.  I'm not sure if you have to take any prep for the flex on Monday but hope that it helps.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I really relate to what you're saying, Kim.

    As you know, for me it's the joint pain that is the lasting side effect (although my bowels are wonky too, but I think you're right that rectal cancer tx is harder on the digestive system in the long-term than what most of us get for colon cancer).  I started having periods of pretty intense depression once I realized that I was never going to be truly "fixed".  When I was in tx, I assumed that I would either make it, and be healthy again, or die.  I never understood that I would end up up in this no man's land, between living a full life, and not living at all.

    I don't feel that I should ever complain about this, given all who have died who deserved life as much I do (including my own sister), but I think we try to be honest on this board about the cancer journey, so I guess I should be more honest about this aspect of it.

    Yes, it's great to be alive, but it sucks to live with chronic illness.  Severe bowel problems, joint problems, and the like, make it impossible to live our lives as we once did, and that's a hard thing to accept, esp when you are as young as we are (at least in the context of cancer...I guess I'm kind of an old lady in the eyes of my kids).  On the one hand, facing years of life is great, and what we all fight for; on the other hand, facing a long life filled with suffering is pretty daunting at times.

    I have no advice, as I haven't yet figured out how to deal with this myself.

    But I am sending lots of hugs and love your way.


    You are Right

    The side affects are terrible even though you know you have no treatment left to help you.  I've checked into disability SSDI and can't get it because I'm not currently diseased and they don't see me as having a disability, yet I'm going up to 20 times a day.  I'm accepting this as I've seen many people get on disability that can work and just "won't" work so I'm thinking that maybe somehow I'm better off with some dignity behind me.  Have always been following your journey as well and wishing you the best.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    maglets said:


    just a note to say thanks for posting this thread Kim...it is something we do not talk about all that much or openly.  The pain the wounds the hurt is deep.....

    thanks Kim.......mags


    You're welcome and didn't mean to bring your name up but because I've been feeling the same way, thought it should resurface again.  We want to continue on with our life, but after what we have been through, the once dignity that you had that is now on display for every doctor you go to and with us rectal patients - everyone wants to put their figure up your anus and swoop it around and when you have a rectal tumor - it hurts.  My dignity has gone out the window and my modesty is nevermore.  I've even talked to people about my poop issues. They are probably thinking why are you discussing this, but when you go through this, nothing is off the table Laughing

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member


    You're welcome and didn't mean to bring your name up but because I've been feeling the same way, thought it should resurface again.  We want to continue on with our life, but after what we have been through, the once dignity that you had that is now on display for every doctor you go to and with us rectal patients - everyone wants to put their figure up your anus and swoop it around and when you have a rectal tumor - it hurts.  My dignity has gone out the window and my modesty is nevermore.  I've even talked to people about my poop issues. They are probably thinking why are you discussing this, but when you go through this, nothing is off the table Laughing

    Hugs!  Kim

    Don't you dare

    I had to go to the Doctors this week with my ever sore bum. I knew of course that I'd have to be examimed but when the medical assistant pulled out the anal speculum I said "I don't think so".

    When the Doc came in I told him I'd be having no foreign object poked up my bottom, thank you. And I ddin't. HA!

    Yeah, no dignity left. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Don't you dare

    I had to go to the Doctors this week with my ever sore bum. I knew of course that I'd have to be examimed but when the medical assistant pulled out the anal speculum I said "I don't think so".

    When the Doc came in I told him I'd be having no foreign object poked up my bottom, thank you. And I ddin't. HA!

    Yeah, no dignity left. 


    Sore butt but they don't seem to understand.  It's humbling fact that you've accepted all the things you go through because of this disease is a norm for us now - yuck - I'm still wondering why doctors would go into this profession Laughing


  • meh_oregon
    meh_oregon Member Posts: 4
    It could be worse ....

    I know having rectum cancer sucks! It changes a person for the good and the bad. I was diagnosed Stage IV in January 2011 with cancer in the rectum and liver. I went into remission in the rectal area November 2011. Too bad the liver didn't want to cooperate as well. I have come to the opinion that once a person has rectum cancer, one never operates the same in that area. I was thankful when I could have a "squirt" come out. Constipation was a constant battle for me. The fiber pills and laxatives in pill format never worked for me. Lactulose did work, but taking that twice a day caused diarrhea and lots of accidents. Unfortunately for me in 2013 I had a side effect from the radiation two years after it was done. I kept being hospitalized for constipation and bleeding to the point that nothing was coming out. I complained about the pain and was doubling over. The cancer was in remission in the rectum, but the pain was still there. I was on so many laxatives that if I hiccupped, a squirt would come out wherever I was. Basically, think of changing a diaper after a blowout. CTs were done. The doctor was thinking I was losing it, but knew I never complained unless the pain was uncontrolled. It took three months and a week at a time in the hospital each month for them to finally figure out what was happening. Oh yeah, three radiologists couldn't even see what was wrong. Finally in March 2013 they found out what was going on. My rectum had collapsed. Gas could get through, but nothing else. Hence, surgery took place and a stoma was created. I was not excited for this, but did not have a choice.

    Trouble over! Not! I was so lucky that what could go wrong did. Over the next three months four surgeries were performed to correct infections, incorrect healing, etc. This seemed to be worse than the actual cancer. 2013 has not been the most fun for me in the rectum area. I have an ostomy now and poop in a bag. Finding clothes to cover up the bag in my abdomen area is not easy. One can wear those “slimming” garments to help cover up the bulges, but too much pressure on the stoma brings pain and swelling. Finding pants is also horrible since the top band of the pants needs to be lower than the stoma. If it is above the stoma, the material has to be flexible. Pants hitting right at the stoma cause problems. One cannot control when you are going to poop and fill up the bag. At least with my rectum, I had some control. I can’t even control when gas is going to come out. Some people have thought the gas sounds were hungry sounds from my stomach. Just try and hug someone and they hear that or the bag starts growing during the hug. Yep, my world certainly has changed in the poop department.  At least I can’t get blamed for “farting” and smelling up the area. But, I do jokingly state that I can “burp” my bag. The one thing that is hard is that I'm divorced and was hoping to find another partner. Having an ostomy really does affect the love life. This is one area that cancer has beaten me.

    For everyone who has rectum cancer, having an ostomy is a possibility. Some are temporary and some are permanent. If you are constipated and it is backing up too much causing other health issues, this might be an area you need to look into. If you have one done, you still have to go to the bathroom often to empty the bag, but at least it is coming out and it’s not just a squirt. You still have to watch what foods you eat and how it affects you. I am still leery in eating new foods and tend to stay with the “basics” when eating out.


    Yeah rectum cancer sucks. One could say it is full of “sh**”. 


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Kim

    I am glad to hear you have another anniversary of survival...they are precious...regardless of the trials and tribulations we have gone thru to get there.

    May you have decades more of them.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member


    Sore butt but they don't seem to understand.  It's humbling fact that you've accepted all the things you go through because of this disease is a norm for us now - yuck - I'm still wondering why doctors would go into this profession Laughing


    I have often wondered why

    I have often wondered why anyone aspiring to become a doctor would choose oncology.

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Hugs Kim!

    Long time, no see!  I'm so sorry you're angry.   I'm not angry per se, but it's frustrating to have to know where every toilet in a 20 mile radius is and how fast does it take me to get there.  I had severe anxiety about traveling to our daughters house for Thanksgiving because it's eight hours away.  How am I supposed to last in a car for even an hour without knowing if my guts are going to have a sudden, toxic reaction to whatever.  What a life we have, huh? 

    Congratulations on making it to five years.  That's quite a milestone!  Here's to another five... and another five after that, and another five after that, and another five after that...and another .... and another...


    P.S.  Have you by chance appealed your SSDI veto?  I'm sorry, but going to the bathroom 20 times a day is a disability, no matter what they say!



  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    HollyID said:

    Hugs Kim!

    Long time, no see!  I'm so sorry you're angry.   I'm not angry per se, but it's frustrating to have to know where every toilet in a 20 mile radius is and how fast does it take me to get there.  I had severe anxiety about traveling to our daughters house for Thanksgiving because it's eight hours away.  How am I supposed to last in a car for even an hour without knowing if my guts are going to have a sudden, toxic reaction to whatever.  What a life we have, huh? 

    Congratulations on making it to five years.  That's quite a milestone!  Here's to another five... and another five after that, and another five after that, and another five after that...and another .... and another...


    P.S.  Have you by chance appealed your SSDI veto?  I'm sorry, but going to the bathroom 20 times a day is a disability, no matter what they say!



    I am sorry this disease


    I am sorry this disease is still causes you problems, that is certainly a reason to be angry.  But I am so happy to see you are still here.  Congrats to your 5 yrs too!!!!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    HollyID said:

    Hugs Kim!

    Long time, no see!  I'm so sorry you're angry.   I'm not angry per se, but it's frustrating to have to know where every toilet in a 20 mile radius is and how fast does it take me to get there.  I had severe anxiety about traveling to our daughters house for Thanksgiving because it's eight hours away.  How am I supposed to last in a car for even an hour without knowing if my guts are going to have a sudden, toxic reaction to whatever.  What a life we have, huh? 

    Congratulations on making it to five years.  That's quite a milestone!  Here's to another five... and another five after that, and another five after that, and another five after that...and another .... and another...


    P.S.  Have you by chance appealed your SSDI veto?  I'm sorry, but going to the bathroom 20 times a day is a disability, no matter what they say!



    My Bathroom Issues

    Really I'm not angry, but more frustrated.  First of all it's so good to see you posting again.  It's been a long time and miss you on the board.  I've tried SSDI and they won't take me.  Said I've been off work too long.  Had to retire after getting in a horrible accident in 1997 while left me paralyzed for 3 1/2 years.  I've only contacted one attorney but might try another.  I'm hoping that you post how you are doing on a seperate post.  I'd love to hear how you are doing.
