Gavin63 Member Posts: 98 Member
edited November 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Dear Friends,

I am getting myself admitted to the hospital tomorrow morning for my 1st cycle of Chemo (CAPOX)

Would love to hear the experiences of friends who were treated with CAPOX. What can I generally expect after the IV infusion of Oxaliplatin for the 1st time ? 

I know each person may have different experiences as we all would react differently to the Chemo drugs. But still wouldn’t mind to hear your experiences. It’s all ways good to expect various side effects & face a few or non (which wouldn’t be the case though)

Thank you for your support as all ways.



  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Do not know anything about CAPOX so can't comment on how that might go for you.  However, my first Oxy went well as did the second.  If meory serves, I did well until about the sixth infusion then there were some problems with blood counts.

    I do wish you a smooth and healing experience.



  • Gavin63
    Gavin63 Member Posts: 98 Member


    Do not know anything about CAPOX so can't comment on how that might go for you.  However, my first Oxy went well as did the second.  If meory serves, I did well until about the sixth infusion then there were some problems with blood counts.

    I do wish you a smooth and healing experience.



    Hello Art,
    Thanks. That

    Hello Art,

    Thanks. That helps. My IV infusion is Oxy + 14 days of Xeloda tabs. So I am going to get Oxy same as you. What was your combination Chemo along with Oxy ?

    I will post once I start the treatment. Thanks again for the encouragement.




  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Hey Gavin,

    I just started my folfox last Monday. Besides a little cold sensitivity in my fingers and throat, a little constipation, my biggest problem is being tired and bad taste in my mouth which sucks on thanksgiving with all this yummie food around. 

    Happy ThanksGAVINg,



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Good luck today

    It will be a breeze, I'm sure.

    I actully enjoyed infusion day, meeting with so many (too many) wonderful people and getting to know them a little. It wasn't at all depressing, which is what I had expected. 

    I hope that all goes well, and we look forward to hearing from you frequently. 

    As you know, we're all here to help you along the way, and pretty soon it will be old hat to you and then you too will be helping others. 

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Hope it went smoothly for you...

    my biggest problem with the "ox" was neuropathy, which has lingered long past the end of tx.  You might want to look into adding glutamine powder into your diet while on it.  Everyone who did a chemo with a possible neuropathy SE was given this at the hospital where I was treated.  It's a protein powder that you can buy at most health supplement/vitamin stores.  Apparently there is some research out there that suggests it helps protect the nerves from damage.  It bothered my stomach, so I wasn't able to take it, but I know others who have, and they seem to have less trouble with this particular SE than I do.

    Good luck, and let us know how you're doing when you can!


  • Gavin63
    Gavin63 Member Posts: 98 Member

    Hope it went smoothly for you...

    my biggest problem with the "ox" was neuropathy, which has lingered long past the end of tx.  You might want to look into adding glutamine powder into your diet while on it.  Everyone who did a chemo with a possible neuropathy SE was given this at the hospital where I was treated.  It's a protein powder that you can buy at most health supplement/vitamin stores.  Apparently there is some research out there that suggests it helps protect the nerves from damage.  It bothered my stomach, so I wasn't able to take it, but I know others who have, and they seem to have less trouble with this particular SE than I do.

    Good luck, and let us know how you're doing when you can!




    Hello friends,

    Thank you all for your posts. You all are truly awesome. AA, I will try glutamine powder. Just to update you all as to how it went on with me. They started the IV Infusion of OXY in the evening & it lasted for 3.5 hours & I returned home around 10 pm. They also gave me some medication to prevent vomiting before the administration of OXY.  It was good experience & not as bad as I expected. Now I am on Xeloda for the next 14 days & 1 week off before I could start my 2nd cycle. There is a slight change in taste in mouth & it's manageable for now. A friend told me eating Mandarin will help me in getting over the bad taste & I am doing it. It works. I will keep you all posted as to how I am progressing with the treatment



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Gavin63 said:



    Hello friends,

    Thank you all for your posts. You all are truly awesome. AA, I will try glutamine powder. Just to update you all as to how it went on with me. They started the IV Infusion of OXY in the evening & it lasted for 3.5 hours & I returned home around 10 pm. They also gave me some medication to prevent vomiting before the administration of OXY.  It was good experience & not as bad as I expected. Now I am on Xeloda for the next 14 days & 1 week off before I could start my 2nd cycle. There is a slight change in taste in mouth & it's manageable for now. A friend told me eating Mandarin will help me in getting over the bad taste & I am doing it. It works. I will keep you all posted as to how I am progressing with the treatment



    Good, good.

    I'm glad it all went well. I knew it would.

    Be careful of those cold drinks while on the Oxy, its an odd feeling when the throat constirct, and can be quite scary. 

    Good luck taking the Xeloda. I've heard that can be hard on your hands and feet, so get a huge bottle of a good moisterizer and slather up whenever you can. 


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I believe I only got FU5 so cannot relate.  Was getting radiation at same time.  first 4 weeks fine.  Then galloping diarrhea.  Good luck!!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Can't relate on your treatment as I've not been on that but wishing it all went well.


  • BigMike
    BigMike Member Posts: 17
    No problem!

    Hi Gavin,

    I had I1 cycles of Oxaliplatin and the first three infusions were a cake walk.  I had the sensitivity to cold about half way through each infusion and it would last for about 5 to seven days.  I was also eating take-out mexican food during the infusions.  Around the 4th infusion I had strong nausia... it is accumilative so it takes a few times to build up.  I was also taking Xeloda.  I had the worst side effects from the Oxaliplatin, Nausia, Cold sensitivity, and neuropathy (numbing in my hands and feet, sometimes face).  It's now been months since I've had to have any chemo and I have no lingering side effects whatsoever. To be completely honest the Oxaliplatin is what I disliked most about having cancer, I hate the way the stuff made me feel, but it works!  I just got my CEA on friday 6-7 months after my bowel resection surgery and it was at 1.63 I'm doing great.  Good luck to you. and stay strong!