mouth sores (on the side of the tongue)

dear friends,

what to do about terrible mouth sores (on the side of the tongue)? i know from earlier posts that regular rinsing of the mouth with salt+soda water helps. but do you have additional advise? please share your personal experiences with mouth sores: what you did to relieve the pain, what sorts of foods were less painful to eat, and whether the doctor can help with this side effect at all.

due to nasty mouth sores, my mom has not been able to eat properly. in fact, she has lost her appetite. it's painful to see her, because she's already so skinny :( help!


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    From the chemo

    I had that also for a while.  Gargle with warm salted water and drink alot of flat warm ginger ale.  They will get better.  Be careful of mouth wash with alcohol in them, it will irritate the mouth sores.


    Best of luck - it does get better.

  • Miss Cindy L
    Miss Cindy L Member Posts: 34
    Mouth gel

    I was able to get analgesic mouth gel from the Dentist worked wonderful nothing else seemed to help. It is longer lasting so you Mom can enjoy her meal. Bland foods not too much sugar or salt it stings....soft food yogurt, smoothies, scrambled eggs, cream of wheat and soups. Hope this helps.

  • Livingbyfaith
    Livingbyfaith Member Posts: 55
    mouth sores

    My hubby used lysine which helped, also a Magic mouthwash available by prescription worked well

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Mouth sores

    I had them too. Dratted things! Luckily I was in a position where I needed to lose weight, but it sounds as though your mum doesn't need that extra trauma to her body.

    The only thing that really helped me was the baking soda, salt and warm water mouth wash. I did go through many tubes of toothpaste looking for one that had a mild taste, as I found that most of them burned my mouth.

    Good luck in finding something that works. 



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ask your oncologist about

    Ask your oncologist about "Magic mouthwash".