CSN sisters and brothers How are you doing? Please check-in



  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077

    Thank you all for sharing your stories

    thank you for sharing, we smile and cry together, amazing power of human spirit.



    Like many, I check in, but don't often post. But I am thinking of you all ~often. Praying for my sisters/brothers who are part of this family as I see your posts and challenges you face. My health is great, and I am greatful for that. Life keeps me busy with 5 grandkids~the newest is 4 mo. old, and a wedding in Dec. plus another grandbaby due in May. Part time work that gives me joy~ and appreciative of all I am blessed with. Enjoying that pretty little convertible that I get to drive everyday...even when the sun is not shining here in the gray NW. (it is sunny in my ♥ tho)



  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member


    Like many, I check in, but don't often post. But I am thinking of you all ~often. Praying for my sisters/brothers who are part of this family as I see your posts and challenges you face. My health is great, and I am greatful for that. Life keeps me busy with 5 grandkids~the newest is 4 mo. old, and a wedding in Dec. plus another grandbaby due in May. Part time work that gives me joy~ and appreciative of all I am blessed with. Enjoying that pretty little convertible that I get to drive everyday...even when the sun is not shining here in the gray NW. (it is sunny in my ♥ tho)



    Thanks for this thread, Olga

    I'm doing very well.  I've even made peace with my permanent hair loss from Taxotere.  It is what it is.  It has been 3 years since I completed treatments for breast cancer.  I also had endometrial cancer at the same time and that's doing great, too.  My follow up appointments are now at 6 months - I just have twice as many as most of you because of the 2 cancers.  Sigh.  My husband was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and will begin radiation after the first of the year.  I guess God likes to keep us on our toes.  But life is good here in Northern California.  Hope your holidays are filled with joy.


  • Grandma X 6
    Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135

    Thank you all for sharing your stories

    thank you for sharing, we smile and cry together, amazing power of human spirit.


    Doing Great

    I am in remission. Dignosed Sept 2009, Stage 2, Her2, one year of treatment .For the most part I am a quite reader. It has been a tough year with all of are wonderful Sisters who have passed, May thay all rest in peace. My Holiday candles will all burn for them and thier Family this Holiday Season. Cry


  • teresa41
    teresa41 Member Posts: 471

    Doing Great

    I am in remission. Dignosed Sept 2009, Stage 2, Her2, one year of treatment .For the most part I am a quite reader. It has been a tough year with all of are wonderful Sisters who have passed, May thay all rest in peace. My Holiday candles will all burn for them and thier Family this Holiday Season. Cry


    Doing good

    April 19,2014 will be 5 years since diagnosed the first time April 12 2014 will be 4 years since the second time ! I'm doing good I do check in here I   just don't post much! I wish everyone well and Happy Holidays !

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Life can be challenging....

    It's been a rough year with losing my father in the spring, my mother being diagnose with alzheimer's and then suffering a major stroke.  She now is 100% disable unable to do anything for herself and my sister who is there where my mother lives is is not well. She has heart disease and they found a mass in her thyroid.

    Faslodex failed in a February ct scan showed all kinds of activity in my left lung.  It was the last of the hormonal drug therapies I've been on for 18 years.

     I began Taxol in February once a week for 4 weeks, 2 weeks off.  My first ct scan showed regression in the left lung and everywhere else in the right lung, the middle and etc.  I had developed two bleeding stomach ulcers and low iron.  My 2nd ct scan in August showed stable.  They also reduced the amount of chemo 3 times.  My last scan on Friday again showed stable and also the fact that I had small stones in my gallbladder.  


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    I'm still here after my scare

    I have been in remission for 2 1/2 years now and had congrestive heart failure 1 year ago. I was on my death bed with my heart functioning at 10%. I had pneumonia with blood clots in both of my legs (now I have DVT), lungs and heart. The three in my heart, one of them was a size of a golf ball next to one of my valve. If it was to move and cover the valve I would have had a stroke, brain damage or died. The doctors said I was a miracle and a very strong warrior after learning about my breast cancer history. I was in the hospital for almost a month. When I got out I went stright to Card. rehab and now my heart is functioning at 45% (a normal heart is 75%) The heart cath. showed my heart was pumping good and strong and the veins looked good without any blockage. My Card. doctor does not think that my heart will get any stronger but that's okay cause I am still living. Please everyone, if you have any type of family medical history tell your doctor and make sure that any medication you are taking does not have any side effects that will make the problem worse or put your life in danger. Hope you all are doing great and getting ready for the holidays.

    Take care and Bless you all,


    P.S. What cause all this? The aggressive chemo treatment, I think they said radiation (I was heavy duty medicated) and anastrozole (arimidex)

    Deb, you have had a really

    Deb, you have had a really rough year and I hope you continue to be a tough warrior.  You are amazing.  Thank you so much for sharing your important story.

    I have long encouraged all on the MB to be proactive about their hearts.  Duke University proposed a "multiple hit hypothesis" some years ago.  Basically, their hypothesis states that women after breast cancer are at increased cardiovascular risk from all of the treatments.  See: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/563432_2

    Don't forget that breast cancer itself can increase risk!  In my case, in 2007, at age 54, I had a small heart attack.  At the time, I had undiagnosed bone and lung mets (long story) which had been going on for 2 years.  My cardiologist is convinced that my undiagnosed metastasis caused a hypercoagulable state.  Cancer can cause weird clotting issues and an unwanted clot can end up anywhere.  In my case the clot ended up lodged in a blood vessel in my heart. 

    The cardiologist believes this weird clotting caused by cancer was my problem because 1) I had no cardiovascular risks (no diabetes, not overweight, no family history, etc.) 2) during cardiac cath he found that all of my coronary vessels were clear except the blocked one 3) the blocked vessel was a distal (far away) and small one.  See: http://www.healthline.com/galecontent/hypercoagulation-disorders

    The day of my heart attack, I was very tired and short of breath.  I thought it was the heat.  Later that evening, I suddenly had every classic sign of a heart attack:  sudden crushing pain and pressure over the heart, pain radiating to the jaw and left arm, immediate nausea and vomiting, and denial.  Believe it or not, our daughter, a PA, had just told me that one of the symptoms of having a heart attack is denial and all I wanted to do was go to bed and forget about it!  I couldn't keep an aspirin down, but I chewed one and held it under my tongue hoping it would help (there are many blood vessels close to the skin under the tongue and many meds can be absorbed there).  I then made Danny call 911 and no one looking at me believed I was having a heart attack because of my age, my sex and my physical condition.  Everyone kept saying it was probably esophageal spasm and I kept saying, "that would be nice."  Anyway, the next morning, my cardiac enzymes shot up and I was told I had a heart attack and was going to cath.

    Deb, I relate my story from time to time, because often we focus only on the cancer.  Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in the US and we have to take care of our hearts too!

    Here are the symptoms of heart attack in women:

    "Heart Attack Signs in Women

    1. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.
    2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
    3. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
    4. Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
    5. As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

    If you have any of these signs, don’t wait more than five minutes before calling for help. Call 9-1-1 and get to a hospital right away."  http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/WarningSignsofaHeartAttack/Heart-Attack-Symptoms-in-Women_UCM_436448_Article.jsp


    "What Are the Symptoms of Heart Failure?

    You may not have any symptoms of heart failure, or the symptoms may be mild to severe. Symptoms can be constant or can come and go. The symptoms can include:

    • Congested lungs. Fluid backup in the lungs can cause shortness of breath with exercise or difficulty breathing at rest or when lying flat in bed. Lung congestion can also cause a dry, hacking cough or wheezing.
    • Fluid and water retention. Less blood to your kidneys causes fluid and water retention, resulting in swollen ankles, legs, abdomen (called edema), and weight gain. Symptoms may cause an increased need to urinate during the night. Bloating in your stomach may cause a loss of appetite or nausea.
    • Dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. Less blood to your major organs and muscles makes you feel tired and weak. Less blood to the brain can cause dizziness or confusion.
    • Rapid or irregular heartbeats. The heart beats faster to pump enough blood to the body. This can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat.

    If you have heart failure, you may have one or all of these symptoms or you may have none of them. They may or may not indicate a weakened heart."


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    SIROD said:

    Life can be challenging....

    It's been a rough year with losing my father in the spring, my mother being diagnose with alzheimer's and then suffering a major stroke.  She now is 100% disable unable to do anything for herself and my sister who is there where my mother lives is is not well. She has heart disease and they found a mass in her thyroid.

    Faslodex failed in a February ct scan showed all kinds of activity in my left lung.  It was the last of the hormonal drug therapies I've been on for 18 years.

     I began Taxol in February once a week for 4 weeks, 2 weeks off.  My first ct scan showed regression in the left lung and everywhere else in the right lung, the middle and etc.  I had developed two bleeding stomach ulcers and low iron.  My 2nd ct scan in August showed stable.  They also reduced the amount of chemo 3 times.  My last scan on Friday again showed stable and also the fact that I had small stones in my gallbladder.  


    Thank you all who responded

    I really appriciate you taking time to update us. Even the life is not always roses we are family and need to share our pain and joy.   I am really sorry for the loss of family members all new disease and hardships among our members. I very happy to see new babies, life is returning back to normal and survivors enjoying thier lives.

     I am currentelly undergoing lymphedema treatment with wrapping , balancing lymphedema session with work. I do need to order new glove and custom sleeve hoping to get partial reimbursment from insurance.

    Smiling Deb I am very sorry, i think Arimidex plaid role, please be careful

    SUzanne very sorry for your husband cancer. Carol I  will PM you about isurance I know it is sucks. Doris my deepest condolenses, you tought me that stable is goo, and stones are treatable.

    Please forgive me me if I  did not reply to you directely.

    I am too deeply missing my pink sisters whom we lost this year.

    Love you all


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Good and bad news

    Sooooo the pain has finally gone away. On palliative care only now.  Sure sucks, but better than having the pain AND palliative care...Eh?  Always look on the bright side of life.. J xxxxxxx

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    Hi All...

    Like many others, I check in to see how everyone is and cry with the sad news of some but don't post much anymore.  I'm always glad to see the "old" familiar faces and ache with the so many new ones and know the pain and fear so well.  I feel very blessed....next month will be the 4th anniversary of my last chemo and so far, fingers crossed, so good.  In these 4 1/2 years since dx, mastectomy and chemo my life has returned to normal (tho you think it never will) and I actuially go more than a day without thinking about it.  Even tho I see the signs of the surgery daily, I have gotten used to it and don't think about it...idsn't that odd?  I have kept my port cause I have no veins to speak of and this makes it so much easier to get blood draws or iv's.

    All of you were a lifeline and still are a wealth of information and support and love.  I always encourage "newbies" to take a peek at the site and hope it gives them the same things it gave me.  I'm very lucky I have a loving husband and great friends who through all of it were right there for me.  I wish you all great holidays, peace and comfort and most of all the best health that is possible.

    Hugs Judy :-) 


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Skeezie said:

    Hi All...

    Like many others, I check in to see how everyone is and cry with the sad news of some but don't post much anymore.  I'm always glad to see the "old" familiar faces and ache with the so many new ones and know the pain and fear so well.  I feel very blessed....next month will be the 4th anniversary of my last chemo and so far, fingers crossed, so good.  In these 4 1/2 years since dx, mastectomy and chemo my life has returned to normal (tho you think it never will) and I actuially go more than a day without thinking about it.  Even tho I see the signs of the surgery daily, I have gotten used to it and don't think about it...idsn't that odd?  I have kept my port cause I have no veins to speak of and this makes it so much easier to get blood draws or iv's.

    All of you were a lifeline and still are a wealth of information and support and love.  I always encourage "newbies" to take a peek at the site and hope it gives them the same things it gave me.  I'm very lucky I have a loving husband and great friends who through all of it were right there for me.  I wish you all great holidays, peace and comfort and most of all the best health that is possible.

    Hugs Judy :-) 


    Things are doing well

    Things are doing well here.

    13 years NED for Unterine Cancer   5 years NED for breast cancer   Was 11 years NED for bladder cancer but had 2 recurrences in 2011 so 2 years NED   3 years NED for skin cancer   Had a small precancerous polyp removed from my colon this year.  I do all my check ups yearly in mid March and early April so those are busy months.  I do a gyn-onc visit, a urology visit for a cystoscopy, a dermatology visit, an oncology visit for the breast cancer, a mammo, and a gastro visit for a yearly colonoscopy and endoscopy.  Then I can await results in a short period of time and then relax for another year.  I thought about spreadiing them out but then I would be going every other month and awaiting results all the time.  I am not inclined to worry over the tests but getting them out of the way as close together is much better. 

    My hubby has made good progress from his stroke in 2011 and his broken hip in 2012 and C Diff infection in 2012.  No hospitalization for over a year.  This news makes me the happiest.  He has always been my rock and there for me 100%.  I hated watching him go through all this.Worse for me than dealing with my issues.  I felt in control with my stuff but totally helpless with his.   I am sure that is how he felt watching me go through my stuff.  So we are actually each other's rocks.

    This might all sound like a lot but only because it's all written together.  Each incident was separate and we handled them one at a time. I was actually very fortunate that my cancers were caught early and all of them have responded well to treatment.  And I had genetic testing that determined I have Lynch Syndrome and Muir Torre Syndrome so I have preventative testing done for cancers that are common with them. 

    My kindest thoughts and prayers are with all on the board.  There are many that are having struggles with this disease and with other life issues and my heart goes out to them.   I also miss those that we have lost through the years.   Losing someone you care about is like a tear in a beautiful quilt, it can be mended but it never exactly the same but you treasure it all the more.

     Love to all   Stef

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    Thanks for this thread, Olga

    I'm doing very well.  I've even made peace with my permanent hair loss from Taxotere.  It is what it is.  It has been 3 years since I completed treatments for breast cancer.  I also had endometrial cancer at the same time and that's doing great, too.  My follow up appointments are now at 6 months - I just have twice as many as most of you because of the 2 cancers.  Sigh.  My husband was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and will begin radiation after the first of the year.  I guess God likes to keep us on our toes.  But life is good here in Northern California.  Hope your holidays are filled with joy.


    Suzanne...was wondering about you!

    Suzanne, I was just thinking about you, and realizing it had been awhile since we'd heard from you.  I wish it was because you were just enjoying life and fall in Northern California....I'm so sorry to hear that you and your husband are dealing with a new diagnosis now.


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Thanks for this thread, Olga

    I'm doing very well.  I've even made peace with my permanent hair loss from Taxotere.  It is what it is.  It has been 3 years since I completed treatments for breast cancer.  I also had endometrial cancer at the same time and that's doing great, too.  My follow up appointments are now at 6 months - I just have twice as many as most of you because of the 2 cancers.  Sigh.  My husband was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and will begin radiation after the first of the year.  I guess God likes to keep us on our toes.  But life is good here in Northern California.  Hope your holidays are filled with joy.


    For Suzanne

    Wishing your husband the best going through radiation.  You have had your plate full.



    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    camul said:

    This has been a tough year.
    I am thankful to be here. This has been a rough year. All treatment was stopped which makes it harder tonstay hopeful. Had a big mixup with medicare when my insurance through work went from primary to secondary. Extremely stressful to get one bill for 38k, then find out that my primary stopped covering herceptin, knowing that it was slowing the progression and wanting 17 months worth of treatments, chemo and scans, back, as I was her2 undetermined and they thought I was her2+. Then put on Adriamycin until Inended up with 3 embolisms in my lungs and I spent 5 nights in the hospital. This was when all treatment stopped, my body can not tolerate chemo, and Xgeva was stopped because of necrosis to the jaw.
    Now I am on thyroid meds, Coumaden and pain meds. I still take vitamin d and b12 shots and potassium. I guess it was purely coincidental that all treatment stopped at the same time as medicare staryed. I wondered for a while when they even stoped Evista (the hormone blocker). I finished 10 days of radiation on my right knee and upper femu, then started 12 days of radiation to my thrasic spine, to try and stop the tumors from putting pressure on my spinal column which was causing weakness in my legs (so I dont end up paralyzed from the waist down).
    I have a hard time with all of it at times and tire pretty easy, but I am so happy to be able to say that my medical team was wrong in their prognosis as far as a timeline.:)) Some days are better than others, but I am very happy to take as many as God is willing to give me!

    For Carol

    I hope God gives you a lot of pain free days.



  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member
    fauxma said:

    Things are doing well

    Things are doing well here.

    13 years NED for Unterine Cancer   5 years NED for breast cancer   Was 11 years NED for bladder cancer but had 2 recurrences in 2011 so 2 years NED   3 years NED for skin cancer   Had a small precancerous polyp removed from my colon this year.  I do all my check ups yearly in mid March and early April so those are busy months.  I do a gyn-onc visit, a urology visit for a cystoscopy, a dermatology visit, an oncology visit for the breast cancer, a mammo, and a gastro visit for a yearly colonoscopy and endoscopy.  Then I can await results in a short period of time and then relax for another year.  I thought about spreadiing them out but then I would be going every other month and awaiting results all the time.  I am not inclined to worry over the tests but getting them out of the way as close together is much better. 

    My hubby has made good progress from his stroke in 2011 and his broken hip in 2012 and C Diff infection in 2012.  No hospitalization for over a year.  This news makes me the happiest.  He has always been my rock and there for me 100%.  I hated watching him go through all this.Worse for me than dealing with my issues.  I felt in control with my stuff but totally helpless with his.   I am sure that is how he felt watching me go through my stuff.  So we are actually each other's rocks.

    This might all sound like a lot but only because it's all written together.  Each incident was separate and we handled them one at a time. I was actually very fortunate that my cancers were caught early and all of them have responded well to treatment.  And I had genetic testing that determined I have Lynch Syndrome and Muir Torre Syndrome so I have preventative testing done for cancers that are common with them. 

    My kindest thoughts and prayers are with all on the board.  There are many that are having struggles with this disease and with other life issues and my heart goes out to them.   I also miss those that we have lost through the years.   Losing someone you care about is like a tear in a beautiful quilt, it can be mended but it never exactly the same but you treasure it all the more.

     Love to all   Stef

    This is nice!

    Love this thread, thank you New Flower!  I rarely post but do check in every week or so to check in on everyone.  This group was a life saver for me when I was diagnosed in 2011.  Thankfully, today I'm still dancing with NED.  Smile

    I went to the Hershey reunion this year and was honored to meet the ladies. We had tons of fun and memories I'll always treasure.  I was also lucky enough to meet a few of the California ladies last December (New Flower was one of them). 

    My thoughts, prayers, love are with those struggling.   Stef, I absolutely love your quilt analogy!

    Hugs and love to all!





  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    debi.18 said:

    This is nice!

    Love this thread, thank you New Flower!  I rarely post but do check in every week or so to check in on everyone.  This group was a life saver for me when I was diagnosed in 2011.  Thankfully, today I'm still dancing with NED.  Smile

    I went to the Hershey reunion this year and was honored to meet the ladies. We had tons of fun and memories I'll always treasure.  I was also lucky enough to meet a few of the California ladies last December (New Flower was one of them). 

    My thoughts, prayers, love are with those struggling.   Stef, I absolutely love your quilt analogy!

    Hugs and love to all!





    I pop in from time to time,

    I pop in from time to time, but when I find a question I can answer, someone has beat me to it. i am back to life it took me two years to recover, and then I had an accident at work in July. It was a pretty freak accident, where I fell and IV pumps fell on my head (about 40 pounds worth) I had hematomas and lacerations, a concussion and neck injuries, I was out of work for 3 months. I did go on a previouesly scheduled vacation and it was wonderful althogh I had to struggle through it a bit. But we are all used to working through things. I still am dealing with headaches, and memory issues like chemo brain wasnt enough haha, and have heard it can take at least  year. I find myself discouraged at times, and depressed but have heard that is part of it too.

       i went to Hershey and had a great time. I am sure with a group of survivors no one noticed my word finding issues bit of course that could have been the chocolate martini.

       It has been such a year of losing so many so special, but glad to hear that many are still fighting the good fight.  Oh yes i am on my 3rd year of tamoxifen.


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Great idea.....

    This was a nice thing to do, thank you! I only post occasionally, but read often. I am 1.5 years post treatment (double mastectomy) for a rare secretory carcinoma which was only found on a 1yr follow-up PET scan for Stage3b anal cancer. As of today I am doing well and have routine scans coming up next month. I went back to college last spring at 54yrs old. I am filled with encouragement and inspiration from the amazing people here, and my life is full of love and support from my family which joyfully includes 6 grandsons between 2 and 5 all within 1/2 hr from my home........I am truely blessed!

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    About me

    I'm still in remission and doing well I post from time to time but am very busy these days. I do read and try to  keep up with everyone as best I can. Looking forward to the Holidays and glad to be here for them.

    Best wishes to all

    Your all in my prayers everyday


  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    Doing Well

    Hi All

    Thanks New Flower, this is a lovely thread :)

    I'm doing well following my bilateral mastectomy & DIEP reconstruction on 12 October following dx with DCIS.  I'm healing really well, have nice pert boobies, flat tummy (no more mid-line hysterectomy scar) and am back at work.   Thankfully I don't need any further treatment following this surgery.

    From an ovca perspective I have been NED since I finished chemo for stage 11c on Dec 8 2010 - wooohooo.

    So all in all life is gooooooood.

    Wishing all my 'over the pond' sisters a happy Thanksgiving and roll on Christmas :)

    Hugs (())


  • Barb A
    Barb A Member Posts: 123
    Checking in

    Hello, thank you New Flower for asking! I check in here weekly to see how everyone is doing. I'm doing alright. Have had a couple of biopsies and an MRI which came out well. Although I still have a couple of areas I keep watch on. I joke with my onc that I should have a punch card for all the biopsies I've had to have. I get one more and the next one should be free!

    The last year at work has been stressful, but I'm thankful I have my job. My step-son has been battling a drug problem, so that has added to the stress. I do my best to keep these situations in perspective and try to reduce the stress as much as I can. I was on committees for local Relay for Life and Making Strides Against Breast
    Cancer, which were both fun and did very well. My step-daughter will be getting married in February, so I will gain a nine year old granddaughter! I'm very excited about that. My grandson will be eight next week and the two get along great.

    For those new to the board, welcome. I wish we didn't have to "meet" this way, but this is a great place to be. Everyone has helped me through tough times, made me laugh and have made me feel important and loved. For those going through treatments, I wish you all the best.

    My thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone one of you.

    Barb A

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Checking in

    Hello everyone. Wow what a great post. I haven't been on here much lately. 

    It's been over 4 years since my last chemo. I have since had full hysterectomy, polyps removed, 3 more biopsies. Radial scar removed from"good" side.  Just had my visit with the oncologist, still NED. My mammogram apt is Dec. 30. Doing well.