4 Years

Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

Today it is 4 years I was told I had cancer. Kenedy's assination seems like yesterday, being told I had cancer feels like hours ago. I can still remember sitting in the doctor's parking lot thinking how am I going to tell my wife and kids. With Thanksgiving a few days away will I see the next? Four years later I sit here living proof that it can be done. For all who are confronted with fighting cancer the reward for your efforts is tomorrow. Tomorrow is a fabulous thing that can never be replaced because each day is different. It may not seem different in the midst of your fight, each day seems to drag on with the same battle cry but trust me there is a rainbow at the end. I wake up every day as you will someday thinking wow, it was all worth it.

Fight on.............heal on............live on



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Turkey Day..

    So am I invited..., we can give thanks together....

    Congrats bro...., coming up on five years for me...


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Turkey Day..

    So am I invited..., we can give thanks together....

    Congrats bro...., coming up on five years for me...



    You bet your invited. I make some excellent potatoe filling the Pennsylvania Dutch way. Thanksgiving is my favvorite holiday. Family, beer, football, great food, and ya don't have to go broke buying presents. Your presence and of coarse Shelley's would be a gift my friend.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jeff, congrats on 4 years! 

    jeff, congrats on 4 years!  that is fantastic!  I get so happy when I read that people have survived for YEARS.  i can hardly wait to see 2 years (Feb. 2014), I can't imagine 4.  I get excited just thinking about it.  John, 5 years is GREAT too.  you guys remind the rest of us that we are survivors!!!!! I hope u both have a very Happy Thanksgiving.  I definitely plan to.

    God bless you.


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Way to GO

    Congrats!!!!!  It was 2 yrs in July that I was diagnosed, 2 yrs 12-31 that I am 2 yrs out of treatment ..


  • Ruben and Jude
    Ruben and Jude Member Posts: 155
    20 years!

    Congratulations on your 4 year mark.

    When Ruben was first diagnosed he met two men and a woman who all had this diagnosis over 20 years ago. That was such a big relief to hear.

    So I expect many more years for us all.

    Take care, God Bless. Happy Thanksgiving.... we have so much to be grateful for.

    (Ruben and) Jude

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    4 years and counting


    So, did you ever tell your wife?

    I might catch a ride with john to try out some of that Dutch potato thingy.  I mean how often can I get you to wait on me, plus I am a good guest, house broken and everything.

    I do certainly subscribe to your being thankful for more tomorrows.  Who knew the amount of emotions having (had) cancer would stir-up. 

    Congratulations on clearing the 4-year hurdle.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    free to run


    Congrats! You are out of the woods now so breath easy and know you are free and clear.  Time to pause and reflect on what we have this time of year. One positive of surviving cancer is we all have a deeper understanding and love of life than the taking for granted we had in our previous lives. Don

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    4 years and counting


    So, did you ever tell your wife?

    I might catch a ride with john to try out some of that Dutch potato thingy.  I mean how often can I get you to wait on me, plus I am a good guest, house broken and everything.

    I do certainly subscribe to your being thankful for more tomorrows.  Who knew the amount of emotions having (had) cancer would stir-up. 

    Congratulations on clearing the 4-year hurdle.


    Had to tell her

    Thanks Matt............and yes come on over I will make plenty of it. That house broken thing, even if you weren't we have plenty of newspapers to put under your chair in the event of an accident. We could finally do that ice cream thing.

    Dinner is at 5 I will tell the grandkids instead of turkey we're having buzzard that way there will be plenty of left overs.


  • Steve5
    Steve5 Member Posts: 147
    Wow and thanks

    Jeff, that is great news, WOW, and thanks for giving strength to us that are just starting out on this road!


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Love it!

    I'm approaching the one year mark of when the tumor was first found.  It was a week before Christmas.  It makes this time of year even more special, doesn't it?  A HUGE congrats to you, a HUGE thank you for always being so encouraging and now go celebrate to health and happiness! 

  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    That is wonderful!

    And so inspiring!

    As mentioned earler...Thanksgiving really does take on a brand new meaning after having gone through the 'C' word! I've always been thankful for my husband and family, but never in my life did I know just HOW thankful I could be in celebration of having my husband and daughter by my side for this upcoming Thanksgiving, and a forum full of wonderful, caring people who helped us make it through some of our darkest days ever!

    Love and continued health and healing to all!


  • catfish_58
    catfish_58 Member Posts: 138 Member
    4 Years

    Congrats on your four year mark,Gives me something to look forward to as I am only almost 7 mos.post,And I remember that day too Like you I was in the parking lot too wondering what to tell family and freinds.Any ways A BIG CONGRATULATION looking forward to the next year to make it 5 for ya.

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    4 years

    Woo Hoo  !!! congrats.....thanks for posting   Ann

  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Congrats to all of us and with great graditude!

    Hi five to one and all! On November 22nd I was blessed to celebrate my 22nd year of NED! For a very obvious reason it is an easy date to remember beyond it being the anniversary of my good forture. I pray that all of us continue to have good health. josh r.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    josh r. said:

    Congrats to all of us and with great graditude!

    Hi five to one and all! On November 22nd I was blessed to celebrate my 22nd year of NED! For a very obvious reason it is an easy date to remember beyond it being the anniversary of my good forture. I pray that all of us continue to have good health. josh r.

    22 years!  that's reason for

    22 years!  that's reason for a big celebration!!  congrats josn and heres to many many more!!

    God bless yo,
