Moving!! Wrapping up a crazy year :)

We are officially moving!  Our house sold in 21 days, and we found one that we just LOVE!  It's ON the lake (you can have a dock, small boat, but no swimming), so it's not a party lake, but a relaxing lake.  Our date is January 3rd.  2013 was I feel excited and BLESSED to start 2014 off in a new home.  

For those of you who are new, I just finished rads June 21, 2013 after two major surgeries to remove 1/4 of my jaw and a 4cm tumor that had decided to live there.  The surgeries I did ok with...the rads, not so much.  I had a rough time.  Be encouraged that things WILL turn around for you.  I'm 5 months out and am working part time and packing up my house. Things get better....a little each day. You've found the best group of people in the world on this site!

For those of you who supported and encouraged me-THANK YOU!  I'm forever grateful and want to pay it all forward. Y'all are the best and are greatly appreciated! 


  • Sunshine60
    Sunshine60 Member Posts: 81

    So excited for you!  What a neat way to begin a New year (and well deserved).  It's crazy what time does for us, we do what we have to do day by day to get through treatment, then slowly start to recover.  Here's to a NEW YOU and  NEW start!   :)


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    congratulations!!  how

    congratulations!!  how exciting and you have to pack fast as Jan. 2014 will be here b4 u know  i'm so glad your life is returning to normal and you are moving forward.  i pray that 2014 and on holds only happiness for you and ur family.  you'll have to post your big catch once fishing season starts to show us what you've been up to.  good luck with the move.  can't wait to see pics of the new house.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    got any boxes?


    It has been quite a year for you, I am happy for you to be so upbeat.  In the midst of all this life changing events you hung in there for the entire treatment ride.

    Take this move in your stride (moving can be terribly stressful).  If you get overwhelmed, I am sure there is a website like (H&N) to help out.

    Enjoy your lake life moving forward; it only gets better from this past year.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    got any boxes?


    It has been quite a year for you, I am happy for you to be so upbeat.  In the midst of all this life changing events you hung in there for the entire treatment ride.

    Take this move in your stride (moving can be terribly stressful).  If you get overwhelmed, I am sure there is a website like (H&N) to help out.

    Enjoy your lake life moving forward; it only gets better from this past year.


    New beginnings!

    Happy for you...may blessings abound in your new home.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy for you.  I pray you

    So happy for you.  I pray you have a smooth transition and you continue to remain cancer free.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    How totally exciting!!!

    out with the old, and in with the new....and sometimes that includes houses!!  I don't envy the packing up and moving the "stuff".....I do remember that the excitment of getting to put it all into a new enviroment took a lot of the stress out of that part.

    Congratualtions on a new year, a new life.....and a new home....


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    So ummmm, I can bring my boat when I visit huh...., cool..., LOL.



  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Time to start a new chapter

    Congrats on the new home, and a good move forward. I too moved from St.Louis to Austin this past May. It was pretty stressfull as I had to come off the trial I was on 3 weeks before the move date due to progression if disease, and start a new trial just 4 days after I got to Austin. The change has really been good for me.

    All the best, and enjoy your new adventure.


  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    New House

    Congrats on the new housel...In four years I can retire and get a house on a lake....I am of course believing I will still be alive and NED in 4 years.  Hang in there!  It keeps getting better.   Ann

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    Crazymom said:

    New House

    Congrats on the new housel...In four years I can retire and get a house on a lake....I am of course believing I will still be alive and NED in 4 years.  Hang in there!  It keeps getting better.   Ann

    Join the club

    Moving is a great way to get some good exercise, I moved into a new home on October 4th, still unpacking, I have a 2 car garage but find it hard to park a bike in there with all of our stuff. I see a big yard sale in my future. Denis

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    May have been a crazy year but a successfull one also. Sounds like a great start for the new year.

    Heal on and enjoy.
