Gearing up for round 1

faith4me777 Member Posts: 17

Gearing up for round 1.  Sitting here not being able to go to sleep wish it because I was going to Disneyland on Monday instead of round 1.  Port goes in Monday morning and then on to chemo/radiation.  Wish I could wake up from this nightmare but guess that would require being asleep first :).   Wanted to thank you all for sharing your experiences and advice.  You have really made it a lot easier to prepare and be prepared for this journey.  Thanks again!  Going to kick some cancer butt!!


  • Jo Joy
    Jo Joy Member Posts: 40
    You will get through this

    You are going to be fine. Remember to take ice or super cold ice water with you to eat or drink while the chemo is administered at the Dr office. This will prevent mouth sores. Everyone reacts differently to treatment. I worked a full-time job the entire time I was undergoing treatment.  There were days that I did just sleep and rest. Just listen to what your body will tell you it needs. 

    I will remember you in prayer today.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    The uncertainty of what lies ahead can be overwhelming--we all understand that very well.  However, the fact that all of us are here after going through this same treatment, thriving and living our lives normally, should help ease your fears and give you hope that you will beat this disease.  It won't be an easy few weeks, but once done and recovered, you will find life to be sweeter than ever.  Lean on us for advice and support when you need it and feel free to come here to vent when things get rough.  We are the part of your support system who have been there, done that.  Soon, you'll be able to say that too!  I wish you all the best--you can and will do this!  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Faith I am sitting in the

    Faith I am sitting in the waiting room at MDA listening for my name to be called for my 2 year checkup CT.  TWO FULL YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE I WAS WEARING YOUR SHOES!  I was scared, I didn't want to play the cancer game....  And now it's two years later.  Hard to believe!  My heart goes out to you and yours......    Lorikat

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    Just wanted to let you know we are all with you. Monday will soon come and go and you will already feel a kind of strength in that you have begun the fight!! Like all battles, there will be some challenges but you ARE ready. I am two and a half years post treatment and can truthfully say that what I have gained in these past couple years is far greater than what I have lost. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you too will be equally blessed.

  • OMG 1012
    OMG 1012 Member Posts: 61

    It will be one year ago on Nov 19th that I started my treatment, I remember very well feeling exactly as you do.  Once I got treatment started, it was actually a burden lifted. (the waiting was over and I was on my way to being cancer free).  I actually worked through my entire treatment as well.  I did have the week of Christmas off (I had planned that before I even knew I had cancer)  and thank goodness for that, It was the hardest week of my treatment. Take one day at a time and like Martha said, this is the best place to come for venting, advise, and comfort-- I wish you well in your journey and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you will be one of the lucky ones with minimal side effects.  Now get ready to Kick this in the butt!! XO

  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    the first day

    It's been 13 months since I finished treatment and I remember how glad I was when that first day came.  I'd waited what seemed like an eternity but was only about 6 weeks from my initial diagnosis, through another biopsy, consultations with various doctors, scans, plans, etc.  The 7 weeks of my treatment were hellish but doable.  I just planted one foot in front of the other each day and watched the calendar, marking off each passing day.  

    I had a friend with me that day in the infusion center and a year later we took a beautiful walk together along an oceanside path, listening to the waves, watching the pelicans fly, looking for otters and dolphins and marveling at the beauty and mystery of life.  

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you begin to kick cancer's butt.  Keep in touch.

  • Marynb
    Marynb Member Posts: 1,118
    You are in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. I pray that your body responds well to the treatment and that every cancer cell is destroyed! Tomorrow will be a long day for you, so try to rest. From here on in, always have a bottle of clean spring water with you. Staying hydrated will help you. I was one of the lucky ones who did not get sick from chemo at all. Rinse your mouth out 2 x daily with warm salt water and really swish. That will help keep mouth sores away.

    Stay positive and believe that you will beat this cancer! Sending you prayers and a big hug! You can do this!!!
  • faith4me777
    faith4me777 Member Posts: 17
    Thank you everyone for all

    Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and support.  I have now collected my squirt bottle, aquaphor, senkot, nausea meds, bed pads, bag balm, soft pj's, well you guys know the drill - boy this is a different kind of camp then the one I would like to be packing for Smile.   Off to bed for me tomorrow will soon be here and gone and one day marked off the calendar yippee!!!!   Hugs everyone!!!!

  • lowens
    lowens Member Posts: 37

    Thank you everyone for all

    Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and support.  I have now collected my squirt bottle, aquaphor, senkot, nausea meds, bed pads, bag balm, soft pj's, well you guys know the drill - boy this is a different kind of camp then the one I would like to be packing for Smile.   Off to bed for me tomorrow will soon be here and gone and one day marked off the calendar yippee!!!!   Hugs everyone!!!!

    Wishing You the Best!

    I have not read all of the replies so I apologize if I missed it, but where do you live/where are you receiving treatment? I wish you the VERY BEST! I will check in on you as you go through this journey. I made it through; you will make it through! Good night!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Thank you everyone for all

    Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and support.  I have now collected my squirt bottle, aquaphor, senkot, nausea meds, bed pads, bag balm, soft pj's, well you guys know the drill - boy this is a different kind of camp then the one I would like to be packing for Smile.   Off to bed for me tomorrow will soon be here and gone and one day marked off the calendar yippee!!!!   Hugs everyone!!!!


    I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you this morning and wishing you all the best today.  Please let us know how it goes.  Prayers for you, my dear.

  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member

    You are in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on some rough waters.  

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    cap630 said:


    You are in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on some rough waters.  


    Well, day one should be done by now & I  hope all went smoothly. My thoughts are with you as you progress on uour journey to kick cancer in the butt! One day nearer the end of treatment.
