update with ron

Ron is doing good.

He is back to work full time, was extremely exhausted at first but seems to be adjusted to it now.

He has lost 50 pounds, (I have gained 15)

hearing is back to normal.

taste is almost back, says sweet is wicked sweet now.

still gets dry mouth and uses a lot of fluid to eat.

had a regular ct scan and showed no evidence of tumor. Is getting his pet scan on monday.

Life has been full and very busy.

our oldest son is getting married, and we will be grandparents in june.

I "well" up at the thoughts of everything we have been thru this year.

Thank God for all of you and your advice.

most of you know that rons aunt died of cancer in the middle of rons treatments, so now we are closer to his uncle and

help him get thru things. holidays are tough but one day at a tme for him. every sunday he is out, dinner and football, at least we both like the dallas cowboys, most of the time. lol


Hope everyone is doing good and will try to read up on all of you.


God Bless




  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    So glad to hear y'all are doing so well!  Congrats on all of the good news you have right now...you deserve it!  Keep healing and enjoy the wedding and grandbaby coming this summer.  


    Sweet is still AWFUL to me and my mouth is like the desert at night :)


    Keep checking in and let us know how you two are doing! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Ron is doing good


    Ron’s report is good.  Sweet is hit and miss for me, I wonder what wicked sweet is like.

    Ron’s 50 pound loss is right on (H&N) par and yours I will call the  “Freshman 15” (first year and all).

    I would join you for football tomorrow, but I have a standing reservation with my Dad (food, drink and all).

    It is also very nice that you spend family time with the Uncle.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hey You..

    Glad to hear things are working out as planned....



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Glad to hear Ron is doing good. Sorry to hear you both are Cowboy fans. I am an Eagles fan and spent one less Sunday than you yelling at the TV. Tell Ron the sweet thing will come back and he should keep practicing. Enjoy your son's wedding and and spoiling the new addition to your family.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy to hear yhe CT came

    So happy to hear yhe CT came back NED, poraying the PET is the same


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    great report

    Glad to hear all is well. Lots to be be thankful as holiday season 2013 is upon us. Love to hear that 50 lb weight loss, lots more leeway to go for it during the holidays! I'm in the same place but lost nearly 40 and feeling really fit. Don

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    donfoo said:

    great report

    Glad to hear all is well. Lots to be be thankful as holiday season 2013 is upon us. Love to hear that 50 lb weight loss, lots more leeway to go for it during the holidays! I'm in the same place but lost nearly 40 and feeling really fit. Don

    Janet and Ron

    All good news! Prayers for the clean PET scan as well. I lost 65 pounds and have been holding for more than a year and a half now. From the weight loss, I feel healthier and have far more energy than I did b4 cancer. Keep the good news coming...... 

  • janetluvsron
    janetluvsron Member Posts: 116
    thankyou all for the

    thankyou all for the comments,

    we are doing good.

    I will keep all of you in our prayers, (even the eagles fans) lol


    we go this am for the pet scan results, I am a nurse in rons primary dr's group so I got the results the morning he had it done, and he is




    long year but finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel



    thankyou all for the support and advise.

    you are all great people and survivors.

    god bless you all,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    thankyou all for the

    thankyou all for the comments,

    we are doing good.

    I will keep all of you in our prayers, (even the eagles fans) lol


    we go this am for the pet scan results, I am a nurse in rons primary dr's group so I got the results the morning he had it done, and he is




    long year but finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel



    thankyou all for the support and advise.

    you are all great people and survivors.

    god bless you all,



    Awesome news! Take a much needed breath and enjoy the holidays.
