has anyone had an abnormal pap test?

emeralds Member Posts: 2

I am a breast cancer survivor. I was at stage 2 when diagnosed in 2006. I had a lumpectomy with 6 lymph nodes taken out and 3 were positive for cancer. I also had chemo and radiation and was on tamoxifen for 5 years then went off it for a year and have been back on it for a few months because of bad uterine fibroids. I recently had a pap test come back abnormal and I was sent to have a procedure called a colposcy. Has anyone had one of those? I just had this test yesterday and it was horribly painful and now I have to wait a week to find out the results. I am really scared and nervous of the possibility of it being cancer again. How do I cope with the fear and how do I handle results if they are bad? This really has me stressed out.Cry


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 121
    No answers, just sympathy

    Sorry, I don't know what you're going through from personal experience. Hopefully someone else will chime in. I'm sure you are terrified and upset that cancer might have come back. We're here to support you. Please keep in touch.

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    here goes

    Until last year, I had an abnormal pap since teatments began in 2003.  during that time, I have had 3 copolscopys and 1 LEAP procedure, which sucks more than the copolscopy.  All of these were negative.  The copolscopy removes tissue that appears questionable under that light thing and they test it. The LEAP removes the entire inner surface of  the cervix I think.

    I do not know what they will tell you, but one of the things they told me was that cancer treatments can alter your cells in a benign way and, after time, your body will correct this on its own. But they have to keep checking until I get a normal pap.  It took a long time, but all is ok now and none of these tests were positive for cancer.

    I hope that is your biggest issue too, even though the tests hurt, it provided a great peace of mind.

    All the best

  • 2ndxyvonne
    2ndxyvonne Member Posts: 41
    It happens sometimes

    My daughter (at 16), my sister and my daughter-in-law all have had abnormal paps.  They were asked to come back in for follow-up procedure, all was okay.  From what they tell me, their hormones had thrown them out of whack and that's what caused their abnormal paps.  But, none of them has ever had bc.  My daughter-in-law had the same procedure you had.  Hope and pray all turns out well for you.  Good luck!!  The waiting is the hardest.