Hi guys update on mom

Sorry it has been so lond since I have posted.  My life has been anything but peaceful.  Mom got sick and started throwing up blood the first week in September.  After doing a chest xray they told her she had a mass in her lung that had been there for 2 1/2 years and after futher test the found spots in her liver.  The blood was coming from acid reflux burning her throat.  Mom went home and started physical therapy.  They told her the cancer was not real aggressive and she decided she did not want to do treatment.  Since then mom has been in the hospital 4 more times.  Currently she is very confused and aggressive to the point where she has physically hurt me.  She is also very verbally abusive to only me.  Hospice is not sure what is really causing this confusion.  She does not cough, not short of breath, and is not in any pain.  The are treating her for a very bad UTI.

Thank you so much for you thoughts and prayers.  I know in my heart it will not be long until she is with dad.  I truly believe that a broken heart can cause this.


Much Love,






  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    So sorry you and your mother are going through this.

    I assume Hospice has thoroughly evaluated her medications to discern if any of them are the cause. That is usually the first place to look.  Is she getting enough 02 to her brain?  Does she have any swelling or water on the brain?  That can cause confusion and aggression.  All of these may cause sudden behavior changes as well as prednisone use, pain medicines etc.  

    I hope you have someone to provide respite for you so you can get some rest and relief.  

    Take care,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    dear kathy, i'm so sorry u

    dear kathy, i'm so sorry u and ur mom r going thru this.  it has to take a toll on u.  i pray the docs and hospice can fine the cause.   i am keeping u both n my thots and prayers.  we're here 4 u when u need us.

    God bless you both.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Kathy


    My thought & prayers are there with you, it is hard to understand right now but someday you will. For now may God give you the strength you need to keep doing what your Mom needs even if she mind is not in the right state.


    God Bless you always

    Tim Hondo

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Kathy


    My thought & prayers are there with you, it is hard to understand right now but someday you will. For now may God give you the strength you need to keep doing what your Mom needs even if she mind is not in the right state.


    God Bless you always

    Tim Hondo


    I am sorry to hear the turn of events with your Mom. My Mom, 88 years old, is just home from a week in the hospital. It is not unusual for her to be confused while hospitalized and out of her normal surroundings. Now that she is back at home, the confusion has stopped. Her situation was caused by medications. Are you her primary caregiver? My older sister is my Mom's and sadly, that sister always seems to be the target of Mom's aggression.  I will keep you & your Mom in my prayers.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I am sorry for the way life is going for the both of you, it is difficult and sad.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Kathy, So sorry to hear about

    Kathy, So sorry to hear about your mother. Know that you and your mother are in my prayers. I pray your mothers confusion and aggretion towards you goes away and she can spend her last days in peace.
