my dad has stage4 colorectal cancer w/ liver met

Good day! im lou from the philippines. my dad was diagnosed with well differentiated (low grade) stage4 colorectal cancer. (still it is a cancer -lol) He underwent surgery last aug. 24, 2013 found 3.5cm tumor in the colon and a 2.2 cm tumor in the lower left lobe of the liver. both were removed surgically. Now he is receiving chemo treatment FOLFOX4 with targeted therapy AVASTIN . He is now on his 4th session, thank God he is doing well with his treatment. Got a little worried on his medical expenses - we were able to raised 1M for his first 3 cycles of the treatment and we still looking for his another 1M for the last 3cycles. But I know God will provide everything. Bottomline of this whole experience is indeed with GOD nothing is impossible. We should entrust everything to HIM. Praying for those who are experiencing the same situation. May God bless us all. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Welcome to the boards, but sorry that your father has a cancer diagnosis.  You will find a lot of knowledge here.  Wishing the best for your dad.  Come here if you have any questions.


  • erica01
    erica01 Member Posts: 5
    Stage 4

    Hi there. My name is Erica and I'm from Little Rock. Sorry to hear about your father. My prayers go out to you and your family. My mom has been battling colon cancer for about 3 years. It's stage 4. It's been a tough road. I wanted to see how others are coping and dealing with caring for their family while they under go chemo treatments as well. Of course, I'm worried about my health now too. I'm trying to eat better. But not sure if I'm choosing the right foods. Well may God Bless you all. Hopefully, I can hear back from someone soon.


  • erica01
    erica01 Member Posts: 5
    Stage 4

    Hi there. My name is Erica and I'm from Little Rock. Sorry to hear about your father. My prayers go out to you and your family. My mom has been battling colon cancer for about 3 years. It's stage 4. It's been a tough road. I wanted to see how others are coping and dealing with caring for their family while they under go chemo treatments as well. Of course, I'm worried about my health now too. I'm trying to eat better. But not sure if I'm choosing the right foods. Well may God Bless you all. Hopefully, I can hear back from someone soon.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    erica01 said:

    Stage 4

    Hi there. My name is Erica and I'm from Little Rock. Sorry to hear about your father. My prayers go out to you and your family. My mom has been battling colon cancer for about 3 years. It's stage 4. It's been a tough road. I wanted to see how others are coping and dealing with caring for their family while they under go chemo treatments as well. Of course, I'm worried about my health now too. I'm trying to eat better. But not sure if I'm choosing the right foods. Well may God Bless you all. Hopefully, I can hear back from someone soon.


    Hi Erica. I have been stage

    Hi Erica. I have been stage IV for 8 years. I radically changed my diet after diagnosis and have been tweaking it ever since. I eat mostly organic vegetables an meat and eggs. Virtually no carbs or dairy. Many on here have done just as well without changing thier diet so to each his/her own.

  • lou511
    lou511 Member Posts: 3

    Hi Erica. I have been stage

    Hi Erica. I have been stage IV for 8 years. I radically changed my diet after diagnosis and have been tweaking it ever since. I eat mostly organic vegetables an meat and eggs. Virtually no carbs or dairy. Many on here have done just as well without changing thier diet so to each his/her own.

    Hi Erica! I'll be praying for

    Hi Erica! I'll be praying for your mom. My dad is receiving well with the chemo. he's now on his 4th session. (Still have 8 sessions left) after the 6 sessions he'll have his CTScan. My dad doesn't want to complete the cycles , he only wants to have 3 cycles. Did ur mom finish the 12 rounds of chemo? God bless.

  • lou511
    lou511 Member Posts: 3
    Incomplete Chemo Cycles

    Can someone help me pls? My dad doesn't want to complete his 6 cycles of chemotherapy. Will 3 cycles be enough?? He is taking AVASTIN & FOLFOX4. Thank you & Good day! 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    lou511 said:

    Incomplete Chemo Cycles

    Can someone help me pls? My dad doesn't want to complete his 6 cycles of chemotherapy. Will 3 cycles be enough?? He is taking AVASTIN & FOLFOX4. Thank you & Good day! 

    Tough decision

    Your dad needs to sit down with his Oncologist and discuss what his concerns are. 

    His Oncologist will have worked out what is best for his cancer treatment, so it is important that he follow the regime. But if he is experiencing severe reactions and really feels that he can't go on, then he needs to address them with the Oncologist. 

    I was in SO MUCH pain when I had radiation that I sat down with my Radiation Oncologist and laid it out. He expressed his concern for my symptoms but strongly suggested I complete the course. He told me how they work out what is best to treat my cancer, so I bit my tongue and made it through the 30 treatments. It was SO VERY HARD, but now, if it comes back I can at least say I gave it my best shot.

    I will add your dad to my prayers and hope that he can tollerate his last three cycles. 


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    lou511 said:

    Incomplete Chemo Cycles

    Can someone help me pls? My dad doesn't want to complete his 6 cycles of chemotherapy. Will 3 cycles be enough?? He is taking AVASTIN & FOLFOX4. Thank you & Good day! 

    You have to work...

    With your oncologist. There is no such thing as ideal chemo treatment. You can get what's considered the ideal, but if it makes your life miserable and gives you permanent side effects. You and your doctor has to work out the best option for your dead. If the full cycle impossible you can reduce the dose or the number of cycles. But the main thing is to have a plan but make necessary adjustments as you go.

    Wish you the best of luck.
