Primary Kidney Cancer - now primary lung cancer


I am back from the stint in the hospital where they removed a lung nodule (I had the left kidney out in September).

They took the nodule from my lung out and it's also primary lung cancer - not kidney cancer spread to the lungs.

Is this survivable - the lung cancer is very small and it's stage 1. I have to have a right lower lobe lobectomy in the next few weeks.

also, was the chest tube difficult? That was probably the most painful thing I have experienced.

Can anyone give me similar experiences or any insight?

Thank you.


  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    What kind of lung cancer is

    What kind of lung cancer is it?  That is very important to know, just as the type of kidney cancer is.  I hope you are recovering well, and I'm really sorry you are going through all this.

  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    Sorry....duplicate post

    Sorry, duplicate post.

  • handpuppet64
    handpuppet64 Member Posts: 29
    TillieSOK said:

    What kind of lung cancer is

    What kind of lung cancer is it?  That is very important to know, just as the type of kidney cancer is.  I hope you are recovering well, and I'm really sorry you are going through all this.

    I don't know yet, the results

    I don't know yet, the results aren't back - it';s too soon.

    I just never heard of doctors finding 2 cancers almost at the same time, but I suppose it's due to medical technolology.

    The lung cancer is really small.

    Again, my late husband was a very heavy smoker. That stuff is toxic. It's affecting my life now, and he passed away in 2007.



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    words of wisdom

    I wish I had words of wisdom, to help you better understand what you are facing, but, I don't.  I can tell you though, how very sorry I am that you are going thru this.  You've had some tough blows in your life, girl!  I hope you find the answers you are seeking and I pray for your healing.

    Keep us posted. 

  • handpuppet64
    handpuppet64 Member Posts: 29

    words of wisdom

    I wish I had words of wisdom, to help you better understand what you are facing, but, I don't.  I can tell you though, how very sorry I am that you are going thru this.  You've had some tough blows in your life, girl!  I hope you find the answers you are seeking and I pray for your healing.

    Keep us posted. 

    The words of wisdom are -

    The words of wisdom are - avoid second hand smoke.

    The surgeon said I had the lungs of a 16 year old girl, pink.

    There is no reason why I should have lung cancer - see they thought it metazitized from the kidney - it didn't - I have 2 cancers.

    The surgeon says, both are curable and the lung cancer is caught very early. It's all technology. See, they wouldn't have caught this 20 years ago.

    I loved my late husband, but I told him INNUMERABLE times to quit smoking. Now, it has affected me and affected my kids.

    I KNOW why this happened, I don't need words of wisdom, I will give WORDS OF WISDOM - encourage everyone you know who smokes - TO QUIT.

    For God sakes, who needs this crap?


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    The words of wisdom are -

    The words of wisdom are - avoid second hand smoke.

    The surgeon said I had the lungs of a 16 year old girl, pink.

    There is no reason why I should have lung cancer - see they thought it metazitized from the kidney - it didn't - I have 2 cancers.

    The surgeon says, both are curable and the lung cancer is caught very early. It's all technology. See, they wouldn't have caught this 20 years ago.

    I loved my late husband, but I told him INNUMERABLE times to quit smoking. Now, it has affected me and affected my kids.

    I KNOW why this happened, I don't need words of wisdom, I will give WORDS OF WISDOM - encourage everyone you know who smokes - TO QUIT.

    For God sakes, who needs this crap?


    You are right

    You are right - Who needs this crap?

    But it sounds like they caught it very early and you have that working for you. One thing I have learned in the few weeks since I have joined this forum is that everything is "fightable". Things have progressed so much in the medical and technical field.

    Now I don't know your story...when they took out your kidney in September, was there anything showing in your lungs at that time? Or was it something that showed up in a follow-up check?

    Take care and keep your chin up! We got your back!


  • handpuppet64
    handpuppet64 Member Posts: 29
    Jojo61 said:

    You are right

    You are right - Who needs this crap?

    But it sounds like they caught it very early and you have that working for you. One thing I have learned in the few weeks since I have joined this forum is that everything is "fightable". Things have progressed so much in the medical and technical field.

    Now I don't know your story...when they took out your kidney in September, was there anything showing in your lungs at that time? Or was it something that showed up in a follow-up check?

    Take care and keep your chin up! We got your back!


    I had the kidney out on an

    I had the kidney out on an emergency basis, I was hemmoraging. The tumor was 2B and the grade was 4.

    It was all encapsulated in the kidney - it was on the verge of spreading, but had not invaded the vena cava. All the lymph nodes were clean.

    The tumor was huge - it was 15 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm.

    So they did a followup pet scan and found the lung nodule. The thinking was, it was from the kidney cancer.

    So they did a thoracotomy (due to the nodule's location). They had to wait a couple of days for the results and it showed a primary lung cancer.

    I never smoked but had ongoing battles with my late husband about his smoking. Now, I pay the price. . .

    I am sure this is from second hand smoke.

    I don't know yet what kind or type of lung cancer this is. From what I read about lung cancer, it is hard to get rid of - the nodule was 12 mm which I understand is very small.

    I also have no idea how aggressive lung cancer is - one benefit I supposed is -- I have forgotton about worrying about the kidney cancer.

    I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - keeping the doctors appts. etc.

    I now know, processing this information is a waste of time. I can go back and try to figure this out, I can't.

    The kidney surgery was easy. Lung surgery - what a ****.


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123

    I had the kidney out on an

    I had the kidney out on an emergency basis, I was hemmoraging. The tumor was 2B and the grade was 4.

    It was all encapsulated in the kidney - it was on the verge of spreading, but had not invaded the vena cava. All the lymph nodes were clean.

    The tumor was huge - it was 15 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm.

    So they did a followup pet scan and found the lung nodule. The thinking was, it was from the kidney cancer.

    So they did a thoracotomy (due to the nodule's location). They had to wait a couple of days for the results and it showed a primary lung cancer.

    I never smoked but had ongoing battles with my late husband about his smoking. Now, I pay the price. . .

    I am sure this is from second hand smoke.

    I don't know yet what kind or type of lung cancer this is. From what I read about lung cancer, it is hard to get rid of - the nodule was 12 mm which I understand is very small.

    I also have no idea how aggressive lung cancer is - one benefit I supposed is -- I have forgotton about worrying about the kidney cancer.

    I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - keeping the doctors appts. etc.

    I now know, processing this information is a waste of time. I can go back and try to figure this out, I can't.

    The kidney surgery was easy. Lung surgery - what a ****.


    wow! Such a huge tumor in the

    wow! Such a huge tumor in the kidney! Didn't they do scans before the nephrectomy? 

    Very much agree about the smoking but "words of wisdom", don't look back in anger, move forward with determination.

    so sorry you are going through this


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123

    I had the kidney out on an

    I had the kidney out on an emergency basis, I was hemmoraging. The tumor was 2B and the grade was 4.

    It was all encapsulated in the kidney - it was on the verge of spreading, but had not invaded the vena cava. All the lymph nodes were clean.

    The tumor was huge - it was 15 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm.

    So they did a followup pet scan and found the lung nodule. The thinking was, it was from the kidney cancer.

    So they did a thoracotomy (due to the nodule's location). They had to wait a couple of days for the results and it showed a primary lung cancer.

    I never smoked but had ongoing battles with my late husband about his smoking. Now, I pay the price. . .

    I am sure this is from second hand smoke.

    I don't know yet what kind or type of lung cancer this is. From what I read about lung cancer, it is hard to get rid of - the nodule was 12 mm which I understand is very small.

    I also have no idea how aggressive lung cancer is - one benefit I supposed is -- I have forgotton about worrying about the kidney cancer.

    I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - keeping the doctors appts. etc.

    I now know, processing this information is a waste of time. I can go back and try to figure this out, I can't.

    The kidney surgery was easy. Lung surgery - what a ****.


    wow! Such a huge tumor in the

    wow! Such a huge tumor in the kidney! Didn't they do scans before the nephrectomy? 

    Very much agree about the smoking but "words of wisdom", don't look back in anger, move forward with determination.

    so sorry you are going through this


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123

    I had the kidney out on an

    I had the kidney out on an emergency basis, I was hemmoraging. The tumor was 2B and the grade was 4.

    It was all encapsulated in the kidney - it was on the verge of spreading, but had not invaded the vena cava. All the lymph nodes were clean.

    The tumor was huge - it was 15 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm.

    So they did a followup pet scan and found the lung nodule. The thinking was, it was from the kidney cancer.

    So they did a thoracotomy (due to the nodule's location). They had to wait a couple of days for the results and it showed a primary lung cancer.

    I never smoked but had ongoing battles with my late husband about his smoking. Now, I pay the price. . .

    I am sure this is from second hand smoke.

    I don't know yet what kind or type of lung cancer this is. From what I read about lung cancer, it is hard to get rid of - the nodule was 12 mm which I understand is very small.

    I also have no idea how aggressive lung cancer is - one benefit I supposed is -- I have forgotton about worrying about the kidney cancer.

    I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing - keeping the doctors appts. etc.

    I now know, processing this information is a waste of time. I can go back and try to figure this out, I can't.

    The kidney surgery was easy. Lung surgery - what a ****.


    wow! Such a huge tumor in the

    wow! Such a huge tumor in the kidney! Didn't they do scans before the nephrectomy? 

    Very much agree about the smoking but "words of wisdom", don't look back in anger, move forward with determination.

    so sorry you are going through this


  • handpuppet64
    handpuppet64 Member Posts: 29
    srbelle1 said:

    wow! Such a huge tumor in the

    wow! Such a huge tumor in the kidney! Didn't they do scans before the nephrectomy? 

    Very much agree about the smoking but "words of wisdom", don't look back in anger, move forward with determination.

    so sorry you are going through this


    They did CT scans before the

    They did CT scans before the nephrectomy. They did the PET scan after the nephrectomy. I had trouble with the insurance company paying for the PET scan, but they did pay for itl. The tumor showed as probably benign, but it was not.

    I'm too numb to be angry. Maybe it's a blessing.



  • CommuterMom
    CommuterMom Member Posts: 120
    My father had TCC in the

    My father had TCC in the kidney, ureter, and bladder. A year later he had lung cancer. He was a heavy smoker for years. He has recovered from the surgery and doing well. His recovery took a while because his lungs were badly damaged due to the smoking, but now he is doing really well. 


    really well. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    First of all, I am sorry for

    First of all, I am sorry for ALL you are and have been going through. You can feel any emotion you need to as they are not right nor wrong. You already know that things change and as they do, you will too. You're a widow, have children and a home to care know how to be strong and survive!!

    Sounds hopeful that this lung cancer can be treated. In the meantime, we'll walk this journey along side you, if you like us to. I will be cheering you forward!

    Gentle hugs, from another widow
