
jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

Has anyone suffered with anemia post treatment. I,m at the start off second week after radiotherpy. I,ve been getting more breathless and tired by the day. At clinic this morning I had to do blood tests for anemia, I only have to stand up for a short time before I feel weak and out of breathe. on a trip to the shop I had to sit on a chair while my daughter finished the shopping.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    2 weeks

    I was never dx with anemia but what you describe is exactly how I felt after treatment.  I couldn't push myself.  When I needed to rest, I rested.  I have had many setbacks this last year.  I am finally beginning to feel normal (abi-normal!).  Starting to take walks and not needing to nap in the middle of the day.  Each day, week things will get better.  Are you eating ok?

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I was like that, too

    I had shortness of breath a little, dizzy spells and times of pure exhaustion.  Just make sure you are resting enough.  I'm 4 months out and still have to nap about every other day.  Just a half hour power nap, but I can tell when I have overdone it.  Make sure you are getting rest and lots of hydration. 

  • hrowe
    hrowe Member Posts: 57
    I had anemia during and post

    I had anemia during and post tx. Your blood counts will be back to normal before you know it Smile

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm still anemic

    a year out from treatment, but I had chemo.  Maybe check with your primary care doc, and see about taking supplements.....maybe just a one a day vitamin will do the trick.  My blood got better with a months worth of those.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    lots of sleep about now


    You are in the middle of the zone where your body is just beat up and needs as much rest as you give it. Don't fight any urge to lay down and don't fight any urge to get up either. Just turn the shades down and find that quiet and comfy spot where you can let your body and mind relax and ride it out for a bit.

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    A few things going on at the moment

    Right now you are in the Stage we call "Cooking". You are feeling the full effects of the radiation as we "Cook" for about 4-8 weeks after the final treatment.

    Two things came into play when I was done radiation, I was told by my R/O to keep an eye on my Iron levels and also to have my TSH checked every time I had blood work done. He told me that it wasn't a matter of if my Thyroid would fail, but a matter of when it would fail. It took nearly 5 years before my Thyroid gave out, but it did and I take med's for it now. When the Thyroid acts up, so does your energy levels.

    My Iron level was a bit low right after treatments, so I started taking a one a day vitamin and that helped. But as Don stated, take a nap when you need to, sometimes all you need is a 20-30 minute power nap to get you going again.

    Also, my R/O stated that we might feel the effects of the radiation playing havic on our energy levels for at least one year, good days and slow days.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Are they giving you anything for your blood counts...?

    Myself and others had injections of Neulasta the week following big doses of chemo... I know my worse week during chemo and rads, my blood counts which started in the upper 4, low 5 range dropped to less than 2.

    With the injections, by the next session they'd be back up.

