
thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
edited November 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Unremarkable - What great words to hear when one has cancer.   Usually not good words to hear, or read.


My tumors and mets got rated unremarkable!  Wooo Hooo  Laurie and I rose up and hugged each other while Dr. Lenz was speaking to us.  He actually stopped, let us have a moment, and then repeated himself. What a great Doctor! We are so fortunate to have!


So, Dr, Lenz walked in to the room.  We told him he looked lke a TV Star.  (He is in the various USC Norris Cancer Center TV Commercials and Radio ads.) He laughed and said he needed a second income.  He then told us that I was unremarkable.  I told him Laurie thought I was pretty special. lol We all laughed and then he told us, that I should have started chemo the week after my surgery. (About now, I would be near the end of the chemo treatment and he would review my progress.)  He said, If you were on Chemo, we would call this a win for chemo."  Then he told us since you have not been on chemo, and still have great results, I would recommend that you continue your diet and exercise, and keep enjoying life the way it is. Let's follow up in 3 months, and have nice holidays.  We jumped up and hugged again in tears we shoook his hand and he left the room.  (A lot of presure off of our minds.  Did the surgery do well?  is our diet helping us? did the move help us? etc....)  


I have a couple of tests to do.  I have a small growth just past the rectum. It is very small, but why not test to see if it is cancer.  A colonoscopy is being scheduled for me when we get home.


I feel good!  We are seeing a lot of freinds. I am walking and enjoying life with a lot of friends.  Laurie is working for B of A. lol (She is an Analyst and we are in Cali for her to help roll out new software for B of A.) The trip was a littlle rough on the dogs. They love the beach and we are walking a lot.


Sorry to all about not being on.  I do read a lot of posts.  I needed to clear my head for a while, and did not know how much I could add.  I will be more active.  Thanks Again to all for so much help, prayers, and mentoring.  I have grown as a person here.


Best Always,  mike 


  • So Worried
    So Worried Member Posts: 111 Member
    I am so happy for you!!!

    That's awesome news!!!!  So if I am understanding correctly, you did not do chemo?  

  • Dxed
    Dxed Member Posts: 79



    How wonderful! Wish you more unremarkables!!


    Happy for you


    Best of luck and health.



  • rls67
    rls67 Member Posts: 127
    Congrats Mike,


    What great news to hear. I hope you get some more great news after your exam. Enjoy the holidays and your early christmas present.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    but I am so happy to know that unremarkable to the cancer. 

    Please keep us posted. I love your reports on diet and exercise. 

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Trubrit said:

    but I am so happy to know that unremarkable to the cancer. 

    Please keep us posted. I love your reports on diet and exercise. 


    Mike that is the MOST heart-warming story.....thank you so very much.

    well done.....could not be happier for you


  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    Enjoy those daily walks and good health


    prayers for your continued good health.  Enjoy the healing effects of the sun, exercing waliking your dogs, and eating those wonderful CA fruits and vegetables . 


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Awesome news Mike. You are

    Awesome news Mike. You are right "unremarkable" is a great word in the cancer world.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    Mike, your healthy life style and positive attitude pays off. Even in the most ideal circumstances life is not worth living without these.

    Redarding your doctors. These are the true professionals. They have remarkable knowledge, but kept their humanity. They are cold professionals when they have to be, but they let you close when that is what the patient needs. My surgeon gives me a genuine hug each time we meet so I know he is on my side on every level. He helped the nurse to fix my bed sheet when I was in the hospital. That's how I know he is a caring person. It's also true that I caught him checking out my wife's butt on the way out of his office and that's how I know he is a man lol. I don't blame him.

    All the best Mike and to your amazing wife.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Unremarkable in this case,

    is excellent news!


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    That is such wonderful news.  You should go out and celebrate.  Take a deep breath now.


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member

    Unremarkable turns out to be quite remarkable.  Love it enjoy it!!

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Great news Mike. So happy
    Great news Mike. So happy for you and Laurie.
