Getting back to my pre-cancer life.

October 9th I got the offical N.E.D from my doctors. I have had thrush a couple of times, and I have to take Synthroid now, still have a slight phlegm situation and can only taste Teriakyi chicken all the way through a meal, but compared to the alternative, life is great! Will be competing in my first bicycle race in a couple of weeks, don't expect to win, but will feel fantastic to be able to just be out there doing it again. I hope everyone on here makes it back to where they want to be in life, or as close as possible.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good report


    I’ll pedal to that tune.

    Glad you are doing well.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Winging It...

    Cool deal BMX'r....

    Glad you are on the right track...


  • Bart T
    Bart T Member Posts: 62 Member

    Glad to hear you’re back on the bike. I finished rads last year and this was my first season back on the bike. I mainly used to race triathlon which I can’t do now (not because of cancer, but because I had a knee replaced). I was able to enjoy long rides this season, but my lack of saliva did detract from my enjoyment. I don’t know if you have that issue, but if you do, I found a water reservoir with a tube that is positioned right near my mouth was a big help. I was able to constantly sip liquid without changing  my riding position. A camelpak strapped on your back can work the same way. 

    I also had to play around with a variety of energy gels, as some of brands were very uncomfortable since my mouth remains very sensitive. Good luck and enjoy the ride. 


    By the way, you’d usually have to get into triple or quadruple digits to find my name on the Ironman finisher list, but I counted every name on that list as a winner. Sounds to me like you’re wining something more important than a bicycle race.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Great to hear all is well and you are feeling so fit. Must feel like a ray of sunshine. Thanks for the update.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    I love to hear stories like yours!  Congrats on NED and living your life :)