Baking soda/salt...

Hi everyone! Today, and for the past few days, Pat is starting to deal with the 'thick' saliva. I know I read somewhere the combination of baking soda and salt solution...BUT, can't find the 'recipe' anywhere. I checked the Superthread, and it doesn't seem to want to load for me...Would someone be so kind as to tell me the correct combination of the two ingredients and how much water?



  • Ruben and Jude
    Ruben and Jude Member Posts: 155
    In a 16.9 oz water bottle, I

    In a 16.9 oz water bottle, I mixed 2 teaspoons of salt to 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Ruben used it for mouth sores, but it didn't help much.

    What helps with the thick secretions is hydration/fluid/water. Make sure he gets a minimum of 1000 ml of WATER in him, whether it be by tube or mouth. The water thins out the secretions and helps him to expectorate it. (This amount of water may be adverse if he has a previous diagnosis of CHF and is on a water restriction.)Ruben's issue with the secretions lasted about 2 - 3 weeks. It's hell, but it will pass.

    Take care, God Bless.

    Jude (and Ruben)

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I used a

    heaping teaspoon of each for a liter of water....tho I was using it to heal my mouth rather than breaking up the thick saliva (I didn't have a problem with thick saliva due to the Amifostine infusion every day).  There really isn't a set recipie for it....I've heard people making it really strong.....some using more salt than soda, etc etc.

    I've also heard that club soda or ginger ale can bust that stuff up.  So many on here suffered through that stage of things, I'm sure you'll get more's nasty stuff, that's for sure.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    make mine a double


    Phrannie is correct; there are recipes aplenty out there.

    I kept a ½ gallon at the ready and was using it to clean my mouth all day long.  Never went without so, I cannot tell you it works or not, but it feels good and gives a moment of relief.

    I would generally follow the soda, salt water mixture with magic mouth wash (my go to juice).

    He is heading into a tough time, even if he doesn’t feel like swishing his mouth out, do it.  Keep drinking lots of water, stay hydrated, take meds for pain, give your body every ounce of help you can.



  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Thank you all!

    That should do to go whip up some mix! Cool


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    swish not drink


    Not sure about others but my version was swish and spit. I put about a teaspoon of each, BS and salt into a drinking glass with warm water to dissolve. Swish a couple times for a minute or so then spit it out. 

    I also did the hydrogen peroxide like John but I just used it straight out of the bottle. Swished around and spit it out.

    Many times other things did not work and the ulcers and sores were really painful - I always came back to plain soda and salt which helped ease the pain. This did not make the ulcers disappear like magic, so it was not a miracle fix in my case.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

    That was mine.....

    But you guys/gals must be weenies, LOL....

    I used about 1/2 teaspoon BS, and a teaspoon of H2O2 in about 6oz glass of water, rinsed and spit several times a day...

    If you do a Google search, you'll see several references that you can actually use equal parts of H2O2 and water...



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    swish not drink


    Not sure about others but my version was swish and spit. I put about a teaspoon of each, BS and salt into a drinking glass with warm water to dissolve. Swish a couple times for a minute or so then spit it out. 

    I also did the hydrogen peroxide like John but I just used it straight out of the bottle. Swished around and spit it out.

    Many times other things did not work and the ulcers and sores were really painful - I always came back to plain soda and salt which helped ease the pain. This did not make the ulcers disappear like magic, so it was not a miracle fix in my case.

    Ulcers & Mouth Sores...

    Also, just to say... I didn't have any ulcers or mouth sores.

    I used the mixture as a preventitive, and also just to rinse the pasty glue that should have been saliva...


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'll add to the mix....


    My Nurses told me to use the combination of 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda and 1 teaspoon of Salt in 1 Quart of room temperature water. They said to sip, gargle, rise and spit as often as needed. It would take the edge off of the discomfort I felt in my mouth. I started to leave a small amount of it in my mouth when I spit, so I could let some go down my throat and it seemed to help.

    Later on in week 4 or 5, I increased the amounts of each to 1 Tablespoon in the 1 quart of water. It helped me as I mentioned, I still had the mucus, but probably not as bad as some here. I was unaware of the Magic Mouthwash at that time.

    On another note, I use 1/2 teaspoon of Baking soda in about 5-6 ozs water as an Antacid when my stomach really acts up, settles my stomach in about 20 minutes.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here