
Hey everyone,

Well I'm up and running with my old cancer center.  Not much has changed with tx's or plan of attack on anything.  Which in itself has given me a break on thinking or reacting to any negativity.  (more scans and tests in Nov)  I do sleep more now than before.  And the pain in the lungs is increasing.  But I have been able to get through most days with one oxy.  I'm on medicare now, and have had nothing but positives with questions and concerns that pop into my head.  They have been wonderful.   We hear so much bad, in the news. 

I still have the RN coming every couple of months, and I can call them anytime I need anything.  I feel under the circumstances, that I am truely blessed.  My husband Rolie's health has been really good.  Which I am so grateful for !  He is able to get out and about without worrying about me because of the Lifelines we had installed.

I also have the opportunity to go to an ACS get together in Moorehead here in Minnesota.  (In Dec.)  My girls will drive us to this.  I have tried my best to continue to support this wonderful org.  And the kids are doing all the cooking this yr. for Thanksgiving !  The grandkids still want Grandma Kate's pies though.  Which makes me feel pretty good.  I also booked the bowling alley early Dec. for our family Christmas party.  I will be mainly taking pictures, and hugging the children close ! 

It's so nice to keep a positive outlook, and no matter what plan events with my beautiful family.   Oh yeah we're expecting our 12th grandchild early next yr also !  I get to go with my son and his lady for the first ultrasound this Friday. 

Well life truely keeps clocking forward even through out our struggles.  Hugs sent to all !  Katie 


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    back to you!  Thank you for all of the updates.  I'm so sorry that you're in pain and tired, but you sound VERY upbeat and inspiring!  That's very exciting about the 12th grandbaby coming along!  Sounds like you have Thanksgiving and Christmas all mapped out and ready to enjoy.  Prayers continuing for you each day! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good thoughts


    You  have described a few silver-linings, I hope you have many more.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Gawd Katie....I LOVE YOU!!!

    From the beginning of my time on here, you have lifted my spirits every time you post....even when my spirits don't need lifting, I still go higher when I hear you talk! 

    I'm sorry that your lungs are hurting, but holy moly, only one pain pill a day?  That is good!! 

    It sounds like you've got the next couple of months well planned for family time....the holidays are almost upon us (gawd, already???...LOL).  A new baby on the way is wonderful news!  Glad to hear that Rollies health has been really good, too.  Oh, and a trip!!  Yes!!  The ACS get-together will be fun.

    Hugs to you, sweet lady.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Kate

    Wow what a plan you have for the rest of the year, and having 12 grandkids you are truly blessed. My daughter blessed us with Ava last year and my daughter in-law gave me Emmalina this year, I am so thankful to be here and a part of their life. My Wife babysits them and so when I come home from work Ava looks and say papa and holds her arms up to me to pick her up. Yep they have papa wrapped around there fingers. I pray that God will continue to bring blessing into your life and continue to bless you through your treatments. Remember Hebrew 11.1 we may not see it but by faith we know it is there.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • ljoy
    ljoy Member Posts: 94

    Nice to hear you are staying very active. Please let me know when you are coming back to Coborn's. I sent you a CNN email a few days ago.

    Hope see you in November.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    katie, u r simply awesome!! 

    katie, u r simply awesome!!  no matter what life throws at u, u always find a silver lining somewhere.  i pray for God to ease ur pain.  congrats on the 12th grandchild!  wow, what fun.  glad to hear rollie is do'n well.  that's a blessing.  u're go'n 2 b quite busy thru the holidays.  you may need to take naps...lol.  katie, i'm so glad u're do'n well overall.  as always, i will keep u and ur family n my prayers.

    God bless you.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    katie, u r simply awesome!! 

    katie, u r simply awesome!!  no matter what life throws at u, u always find a silver lining somewhere.  i pray for God to ease ur pain.  congrats on the 12th grandchild!  wow, what fun.  glad to hear rollie is do'n well.  that's a blessing.  u're go'n 2 b quite busy thru the holidays.  you may need to take naps...lol.  katie, i'm so glad u're do'n well overall.  as always, i will keep u and ur family n my prayers.

    God bless you.



    Always an inspiration. Yesterday, my 20 yr old nephew had surgery on his ACL that he severed while wake boarding, then got my husband to therapy, doctor switched him to Crestor and it made leg muscle weak. Next, it was on to sit several hours with my 88 year old Mom in the hospital. The day took it's toll on me and then I woke to see your post. Now I am ready to tackle what today holds for me. You certainly know how to inspire others. And those grandbabies, keep them coming, children are such a joy.

    Glad to read your post and thanks for the nudge in my own attitude.




  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad for you

    Hi Katie,

    I'm pleased to hear you are settled into the new routines and happy with your providers and looking forward to the holidays. You are my inspiration. don

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Only One Oxy...

    Dang, you're doing better than me..., got any extra..., LOL.

    Just teasing..., I have my own..., OK, OK..again just teasing...

    Glad you are in a good place..., stay there as long as you can, attitude is huge as you know.




  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    You are so positive. I love

    You are so positive. I love reading your posts. Congratulations on the new grandchild. Sounds like you have really got a full holiday schedule. Enjoy! Blessings going out for you and your family.

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    Keepin' on...


    I have always been truly amazed by your great attitude.

    No one is going to keep our Katie down for long.

    I pray for your continued strength.  You are an inspiration to so many.

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Good luck on the new


    Good luck on the new grandbaby coming soon! It's so inspiring that you can remain so positive while going through all of this.  Praying for you and wishing you the best of luck.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Always look forward to hearing from you. And a new grandchild!!!! Congradulations!!! They are so much fun to spoil. My wife (Katie) has become an expert at spoiling  ours. Thanksgiivng in my adult life has become my favorite holiday. Family, good food, and football (yes in that order my Katie may monitor this) and you don't go broke having to buy gifts.

    Enjoy all the family experiences, nothing can ever replace them.
