Needing Prayers, Pockets, & Good Vibes

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

My friends,

Just wanted to give you an update on my daughter, Johnnybegood(Colon Forum). She had her long awaited CT & the results were as we feared. Since being off chemo for 2 mo. to promote healing of her Hand & Foot Syndorme, her largest lung mets have all grown. So she will be restarting the dreaded Irinotecan. It is effective in tumor control, but deadly to her as side effects go. She has been on it before, but had to stop because of the severity. As an unwelcome surprise, she has a new tumor on her liver. This will be addressed, possibly with RFA following the next CT in a couple of months. This will be her third liver surgery. She is so tired, short of breath with chest pain, & despondent with this news, but she remains strong in her faith that God will carry her through.

I am the same ol' me, dazed, confused, & saddened at what has happened to my wonderful family. Can write no more as I cry.





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good vibes


    I am sorry for your daughter’s condition.  I have read about the side effects of the drug and hope she tolerates it best she can on this go around.

    Good thoughts and prayers and pockets filled with hope.


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Sending prayers...

    Wolfen. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers, hoping your daughter stays strong and continues to fight hard.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh Karen....I am so sorry

    to hear this news.  Stupid stupid cancer!!!  Your daughter is so damned strong....and I know who she inherited it from....the apple doesn't fall from the tree.  As I've said so many times before, I wish we all lived closer to one another at times like this.  I'm praying that her Drs. figure out a balance for her.....a way to keep the tumors in check as well as the side effects.

    You've seen your share of tragedy this year, sweetie.....I'd give anything to take some of the load.  If you don't still have my phone numbers, tell me and I'll send them again....I'm pretty much always catchable.  You are now tucked deep into my pocket.



  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    I am so sorry to hear this.  You and your daughter are in my prayers.  God has a plan, and most of the time we can't understand it...but everything works together for His good.  I hate, hate, hate cancer.  

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    oh dear karen, my heart

    oh dear karen, my heart simply breaks for you when i think of all the sorrow you've had to face this year.  i wish so much that i was close to u so i could give u a hug when u need it or to b a shoulder to cry on so u didn't have 2 cry alone.  i always keep you and your family n my thots and prayers and there you will stay!!  i will send y a pm and include my phone number.  you can call me ANYTIME!!  unfortunately, i won't b home tomorrow until evening.  my sister is having brain surgery to fix an aneurism and i'll b at the hosp w/her.  i think i will b home by 5 tho.  her surgey is at 7:30 and expected 2 take 5 - 6 hrs.  karen, if there is anything i can do for u from here, u just name it and considerate it done.  God bless u and ur family.  i'll b thinking and praying 4 u all.

    (cyber hug) i hope u can feel


  • Sunshine60
    Sunshine60 Member Posts: 81

    Wolfen I am so very Sorry to hear this news.  I. So. Hate. This. Disease.....know that you and your daughter are in my prayers; and pocket.  I hope they find something with fewer side effects that help stop the tumor growth.  Keep us updated and continue to come to the site --- we're here for you!  <3

  • Hummingbird3
    Hummingbird3 Member Posts: 67

    oh dear karen, my heart

    oh dear karen, my heart simply breaks for you when i think of all the sorrow you've had to face this year.  i wish so much that i was close to u so i could give u a hug when u need it or to b a shoulder to cry on so u didn't have 2 cry alone.  i always keep you and your family n my thots and prayers and there you will stay!!  i will send y a pm and include my phone number.  you can call me ANYTIME!!  unfortunately, i won't b home tomorrow until evening.  my sister is having brain surgery to fix an aneurism and i'll b at the hosp w/her.  i think i will b home by 5 tho.  her surgey is at 7:30 and expected 2 take 5 - 6 hrs.  karen, if there is anything i can do for u from here, u just name it and considerate it done.  God bless u and ur family.  i'll b thinking and praying 4 u all.

    (cyber hug) i hope u can feel

    dj your post while your post while replying to Wolfen...I will be praying for your sister tomorrow.  Hope all goes well and she has full recovery for a very long and healthy happy life.  Lifting you up also!



  • Hummingbird3
    Hummingbird3 Member Posts: 67
    Wolfen,  know your being

    Wolfen,  know your being thought about and prayed for.  So much we don't understand about this life we are dealt.  But one thing I stand confident knowing is that God is so much bigger than all of this.  I pray you and your daughter cling to that Hope, feel sustained by His endless Grace and held my his outstretched arms so Big!  

    Praying the treatments treat your daughter kind and each day there someone in here life that passes that brings her that moment of peace with compassion and understanding.  Keep us posted...hope you can rest easy.


    phil 4:13 I am able to do all things through Him that gives me the strength to do so!

    I wanted to share this with you and your daughter..whether we find ourself On the other side, in the middle or just beginning a proud of these steps!!  Know you've got this this!  

    Wear that crown


  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Thinking of you and yours


    Our thoughts are with you and your family as are our p[rayers. josh r.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    josh r. said:

    Thinking of you and yours


    Our thoughts are with you and your family as are our p[rayers. josh r.


    Prayers for both Karen's daughter and DJ's sister.  My heart goes out to you.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Thoughts, Prayers, Hopes and Dreams...

    All coming your way....

    Have faith, believe and hang in there....

    My prayers,


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Very sorry to hear

    I am so sorry to hear the bad news. Your faith in God offers the strength necessary to see you through the coming days. Wishing the most comfort to your family during these hardest of times. don

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member your post while your post while replying to Wolfen...I will be praying for your sister tomorrow.  Hope all goes well and she has full recovery for a very long and healthy happy life.  Lifting you up also!



    christie, thank you soooooooo

    christie, thank you soooooooo much!!  i greatly appreciate all prayers. 

    God bless,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hwt said:


    Prayers for both Karen's daughter and DJ's sister.  My heart goes out to you.


    candi, thank you very much. 

    candi, thank you very much.  your prayers are greatly appreciated!

    God bless.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    I really want

    to stomp my feet and yell "not fair", instead, I simply say your family is in my prayers.


    Debb, I'm prayin g for your sister too


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    thank u to those who prayed 4

    thank u to those who prayed 4 my sister!  GOD ANSWERED the prayers!!!  pam's surgery went great!  took 2.5 hrs (less time than expected) and she did fine.  the aneurism had leaked some so it was more complicated than planned and its a good thing they did the surgery now.  she's n a lot of pain but they're trying to get it under control.  she will only b n the hosp 2-3 days depending on how well/quick she recovers.  I've been praising and thanking God all day!!  God is GREAT!!!  He really does listen AND answer!  again, thank you for praying!

    God bless,


  • nick770
    nick770 Member Posts: 195
    so sorry to hear the news  

    so sorry to hear the news Frown  Do you know if she might qualify for a clinical trial? I'm using Rigosertib for lung mets

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    nick770 said:

    so sorry to hear the news  

    so sorry to hear the news Frown  Do you know if she might qualify for a clinical trial? I'm using Rigosertib for lung mets

    Thank You All So Much

    You don't know how much it means to me to have each of you "in my corner", especially since this corner is so very lonely now.

    DJ, I'm so glad your sister's aneurism was caught in time & repaired successfully. I know they can burst anytime with devastating results. My dad died with an abdominal aneurism way back in '77. He used to joke about feeling hs heart beating in his stomach, but never sought medical help for it. I got your PM with TN, but don't want to intrude until your sister is feeling better. Dang! A thousand times, I've wished we all lived nearer.

    Phrannie, I remember having your TN in my wallet when Ron was so sick, but have mispalced it, so will PM you with mine, also.

    Nick, I don't think she has ever broached the subject of a clinical trial with her onc. I'm so glad the Rogosertib is having very little side effects & appears to be working. It's so hard to know how these drugs will affect difeerent people.

    I know each of you has been there, but I sometimes feel I'm in this deep, dark pit & no matter how hard I try to climb out, the dirt just keeps falling back on me. Don't let "them" kid you when "they" say losing your spouse gets easier with time. I actually feel a little worse than I did a few months ago. It gets to where I just don't want to climb anymore. I have always tried to be a positive person(despite what you read in some of my posts) & have refused meds for depression & anxiety before(for all these years while my family has been ill), but am seriously thinking of talking to my once a year doc. I am exhausted most of the time from lack of sleep. Sometimes the ol' ticker beats so hard, I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack, & no one here to help me. Sounding like a paranoid ol' lady, now. Just need some kind of hope to cling to so I can climb out.




  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    wolfen said:

    Thank You All So Much

    You don't know how much it means to me to have each of you "in my corner", especially since this corner is so very lonely now.

    DJ, I'm so glad your sister's aneurism was caught in time & repaired successfully. I know they can burst anytime with devastating results. My dad died with an abdominal aneurism way back in '77. He used to joke about feeling hs heart beating in his stomach, but never sought medical help for it. I got your PM with TN, but don't want to intrude until your sister is feeling better. Dang! A thousand times, I've wished we all lived nearer.

    Phrannie, I remember having your TN in my wallet when Ron was so sick, but have mispalced it, so will PM you with mine, also.

    Nick, I don't think she has ever broached the subject of a clinical trial with her onc. I'm so glad the Rogosertib is having very little side effects & appears to be working. It's so hard to know how these drugs will affect difeerent people.

    I know each of you has been there, but I sometimes feel I'm in this deep, dark pit & no matter how hard I try to climb out, the dirt just keeps falling back on me. Don't let "them" kid you when "they" say losing your spouse gets easier with time. I actually feel a little worse than I did a few months ago. It gets to where I just don't want to climb anymore. I have always tried to be a positive person(despite what you read in some of my posts) & have refused meds for depression & anxiety before(for all these years while my family has been ill), but am seriously thinking of talking to my once a year doc. I am exhausted most of the time from lack of sleep. Sometimes the ol' ticker beats so hard, I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack, & no one here to help me. Sounding like a paranoid ol' lady, now. Just need some kind of hope to cling to so I can climb out.




    hold tight !

    Being strong for so long for so many takes it's toll Karen.  Never ever feel like you have to be brave 24/7.  I hear alot of the same words coming from my Father about Mom.  It's been almost 3 yrs., and he feels the same way.  So no time doesn't necessarily heal all wounds.  But my friend you have to take care of you now.  Take some time to breathe if just for a few moments at a time.  I'm glad to hear you will address some of this with your primary.....never makes you weak !  You are an amazing woman with whom I feel in awe of.  Many warm felt thoughts and hugs being sent your direction my friend !  Katie