one week post op- still in hospital

mom2two Member Posts: 48

I am still in the hospital after having an open partial nephreectomy. Pain has been intense, but surgerons have been stingy the first three days, which I think let to a difficult post op. I spiked temps 101 first post op night and every night since....some days I was as high as 200.6, I had a Chest CT because fever, wheeze, and unable to get off oxygen. I have pulmonary edmea and three areas of peumonia. I also have some areas of surgical atelectusus...seems surgical induced.


I am trying desperately to get off narcs now...but I can only go about 8 ours, and it is honestly difficult to move.


Does anyone have any suggestions of good non narcartic pain meds? I don't want a lot of NSAID or Tylenol. I dont want to mask the fevers.


Any input? I want iout of here so bad..I am considering eloping! lol


  • NanoSecond
    NanoSecond Member Posts: 653


    Now is not the time for you skimp on your pain medications.  Get your pain under control as best you can with whatever resources you have at your disposal. 

    Always keep in mind that all the opiates will cause intense constipation.  That is also something you don't want to let run wild.

    You are fighting one or more infections.  So you likely are on heavy antibiotics as well.  The best way to overcome all these various obstacles will be to be as pain free as possible. Then let your body rest and heal itself.

    You will be out of there soon enough.


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123
    Tramadol for pain

    my husband has found tramadol to help with the pain. In the hospital, he was given dilaudid and tramadol.

    at home, on day 3 he was on tramadol.

    an infection, however, is nothing to mess around with so staying put with antibiotics sounds like the best thing. Sorry that you want out badly but get that infection under control. You don't want to go home and have to be readmitted.

    ask about tramadol; it is strong but not a narcotic.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    srbelle1 said:

    Tramadol for pain

    my husband has found tramadol to help with the pain. In the hospital, he was given dilaudid and tramadol.

    at home, on day 3 he was on tramadol.

    an infection, however, is nothing to mess around with so staying put with antibiotics sounds like the best thing. Sorry that you want out badly but get that infection under control. You don't want to go home and have to be readmitted.

    ask about tramadol; it is strong but not a narcotic.


    What Nano said.

    Use your medication. IIt's not forever, and you won't become a junkie. Your infection will clear but it does suck. Be patient. It will be ok.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    srbelle1 said:

    Tramadol for pain

    my husband has found tramadol to help with the pain. In the hospital, he was given dilaudid and tramadol.

    at home, on day 3 he was on tramadol.

    an infection, however, is nothing to mess around with so staying put with antibiotics sounds like the best thing. Sorry that you want out badly but get that infection under control. You don't want to go home and have to be readmitted.

    ask about tramadol; it is strong but not a narcotic.


    What Nano said.

    Use your medication. IIt's not forever, and you won't become a junkie. Your infection will clear but it does suck. Be patient. It will be ok.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    foxhd said:

    What Nano said.

    Use your medication. IIt's not forever, and you won't become a junkie. Your infection will clear but it does suck. Be patient. It will be ok.

    The fox is back

    Hi fella, hope the last round went as well as you look in your photo.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    donna_lee said:

    The fox is back

    Hi fella, hope the last round went as well as you look in your photo.


    Hi Donna.

    I was showing off my Harley shirt today to some guys who thought they had cool black t-shirts. Losers! I've recovered amazing well after last weeks treatment. Considering that after a couple days I didn't know the month or year.  I go back in monday and then we will see. I was able to go for a hundred mile foliage ride yesterday. What more can I ask for? Everyone who sees me is blown away that I appear so good. I'll stick to whatever it is that I'm doing. Forget this being a rollercoaster ride. It is more like choosing the right door or not getting gonged. What a trip. Thanks. Fox.

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    It will get better!


        It will get better.  But you really do need to get that infection gone! Hopefully that will be under control soon and you can get outta there! Wishing you a speedy recovery, and home soon with your babies!

                                                   Love and prayers for good health!


  • JoanneNH
    JoanneNH Member Posts: 115
    I must be a whimp.  When I

    I must be a whimp.  When I had my surgery, I took the max amount allowed when the time interval was up between doses.  That allowed me to get up and walking.  Must say that when my epidural was removed, I was not prepared for the pain that came, but managed it with dilaudid.   Sent home with dilaudid, I weaned myself off in about a week and a half.


    I told the surgeon I wanted to be on top of the pain and not behind the pain so took the max dose.  He agreed.


    I understand that you don't want to mask your fever, but you don't need to be in so much pain.



  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123
    JoanneNH said:

    I must be a whimp.  When I

    I must be a whimp.  When I had my surgery, I took the max amount allowed when the time interval was up between doses.  That allowed me to get up and walking.  Must say that when my epidural was removed, I was not prepared for the pain that came, but managed it with dilaudid.   Sent home with dilaudid, I weaned myself off in about a week and a half.


    I told the surgeon I wanted to be on top of the pain and not behind the pain so took the max dose.  He agreed.


    I understand that you don't want to mask your fever, but you don't need to be in so much pain.



    Joanne, I have been calling

    Joanne, I have been calling my husband a wimp because I keep comparing his small scar to my c-sections. Of course, I was in my early 20's while he is 66. I will be much more sympathetic after reading these posts.

    he has been through a hellish summer; spine surgery, home then 15 days of intestinal obstruction, cyber knife radiation and a nephrectomy. 

    He saw the surgeon for follow up and he still needs to gain the weight he lost with the obstruction.


  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    srbelle1 said:

    Tramadol for pain

    my husband has found tramadol to help with the pain. In the hospital, he was given dilaudid and tramadol.

    at home, on day 3 he was on tramadol.

    an infection, however, is nothing to mess around with so staying put with antibiotics sounds like the best thing. Sorry that you want out badly but get that infection under control. You don't want to go home and have to be readmitted.

    ask about tramadol; it is strong but not a narcotic.


    Yes!  Tramadol!  It is a

    Yes!  Tramadol!  It is a miracle drug!  Do NOT let the pain get ahead of you!  You will never, ever, ever catch up with it!  Drink prune juice and take whatever pain meds they give you.  Let your body rest and recuperate.  Drink lots of water, too.

  • rainsandpours
    rainsandpours Member Posts: 136
    srbelle1 said:

    Joanne, I have been calling

    Joanne, I have been calling my husband a wimp because I keep comparing his small scar to my c-sections. Of course, I was in my early 20's while he is 66. I will be much more sympathetic after reading these posts.

    he has been through a hellish summer; spine surgery, home then 15 days of intestinal obstruction, cyber knife radiation and a nephrectomy. 

    He saw the surgeon for follow up and he still needs to gain the weight he lost with the obstruction.


    Pulling for you!  I'm keeping

    Pulling for you!  I'm keeping updated on you via FB, and hoping you recover quickly and they turf you this weekend.


    Take your pain meds!  to hell with toughing it out.  You'll be off them soon enough when your body no longer needs them- once your pain levels becomes simply bothersome, but ignorable, you're healing.

  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 48

    Pulling for you!  I'm keeping

    Pulling for you!  I'm keeping updated on you via FB, and hoping you recover quickly and they turf you this weekend.


    Take your pain meds!  to hell with toughing it out.  You'll be off them soon enough when your body no longer needs them- once your pain levels becomes simply bothersome, but ignorable, you're healing.

    Thank you all! I am still in

    Thank you all! I am still in the hospital...feeling a little better today. I was diagnosed with ARDS ...quite scarey, but I am hoping to be outa here by Monday.

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    mom2two said:

    Thank you all! I am still in

    Thank you all! I am still in the hospital...feeling a little better today. I was diagnosed with ARDS ...quite scarey, but I am hoping to be outa here by Monday.


    Hi Mom, I am sorry to hear your news, as if trying to get over the op isn't enough for you to contend with! What sort of treatment are you on for ARDS? I hope this all settles down quickly and you can return home soon! 

    Djinnie x

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    foxhd said:

    Hi Donna.

    I was showing off my Harley shirt today to some guys who thought they had cool black t-shirts. Losers! I've recovered amazing well after last weeks treatment. Considering that after a couple days I didn't know the month or year.  I go back in monday and then we will see. I was able to go for a hundred mile foliage ride yesterday. What more can I ask for? Everyone who sees me is blown away that I appear so good. I'll stick to whatever it is that I'm doing. Forget this being a rollercoaster ride. It is more like choosing the right door or not getting gonged. What a trip. Thanks. Fox.

    Fearless Fox!

    I don't know what your made of Fox but you need to bottle it! You sound like you are on top of your game! I'm so glad you are doing so well, will be thinking of you next week, keep at it!

    Djinnie x

  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 48
    Djinnie said:


    Hi Mom, I am sorry to hear your news, as if trying to get over the op isn't enough for you to contend with! What sort of treatment are you on for ARDS? I hope this all settles down quickly and you can return home soon! 

    Djinnie x

    I am on oxygen, bipap prn,

    I am on oxygen, bipap prn, multiple antibiotics, and steriods. I also have bilateral pneumonia. I finally came home (reluctantly by the doctors tonight) on home Oxygen. My room air saturation for oxygen was 85%. My open flank incision is still really sore. I have a hard time getting to a standing position, but overall that is healing..

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    mom2two said:

    I am on oxygen, bipap prn,

    I am on oxygen, bipap prn, multiple antibiotics, and steriods. I also have bilateral pneumonia. I finally came home (reluctantly by the doctors tonight) on home Oxygen. My room air saturation for oxygen was 85%. My open flank incision is still really sore. I have a hard time getting to a standing position, but overall that is healing..

    On Oxygen!

    I am so sorry you are having to go through all this! I expect you are glad to be home though, are you receiving home visits now to monitor your oxygen levels? I know, getting to a standing position is hard!  In the first couple of weeks after the op, you are almost in need of a winch to raise yourself from a bed or chair! Take good care of yourself! Please keep us updated on your progress:)

    All the best


    Djinnie x