change of plan...too much radiation



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,804 Member
    maglets said:


    got called in today to do the MRI and it was not nearly as bad as i thought.  Asked for a facecloth to cover my eyes.....could not have the music earphones because the tech gave me almost constant breathing instructions...Yes it is loud but I just did my yoga breathing.....took about 25 minutes I think....and then you know that wonderful feeling after a fast of going out for brekkies???Kiss DH took me out to a park that has a nice restaurant all surrounded by trees....our leaves are right at their peak of colour change.....soooo lovely...toast eggs and coffee......ahhhh the very best!

    thanks are the week for results



    So glad to hear that you have had your MRI and that it wasn't so bad. 

    Now to relax this week and not fret over resuilts. 

    We'll be here waiting to find out with you.