2 year aniversary

hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member

Hello all.  I have been monitoring the site but only as a spectator.  On October 1 2011 I learned I had PC and on Noveber 11th 2011 had an RP.  My Gleason went from a 3+4 to a 4+3.  No posative margins or extraporstatic extension but was in both lobes.  My psa post op was <01 and moved around to .04 when I had a lymphoceal then back down to .01 and most recent .021. My urologist and my friend at Hopkins advised to stop with ultra sensative since they can vary so easily.  In short all is good and feel great.  Oh and yes I always us the same lab.  So I guess I have reasons to feel good.  Hope all are well.
