F-C-R a real disorder

Hello everyone,

I was reading an article about this in the Cure magazine (Fall issue 2013 pg. 59. )  We call it scanxiety and realize it is a part of the process.  Learning to have a cancer survivorship care plan in place is a really good idea.  I wasn't given a specific one to follow...kinda fell through the cracks so to speak.  I intend on asking about this during my next appt. in Oct.  FCR is fear of cancer reoccurrance and now recognized as part of our healing progress by the medical proffessionals finally. 

It's also my granddaughters first birthday today.  Emily was my lifeline as I was a part of her birth.  What a truely amazing gift my daughter gave me that day !  I cried tears of joy and amazement at her first cry !  Looking back one year, I realize how wonderful life truely is.....even with the unknowns.  Hugs to all....have a great wk. end !   Katie 


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Not only a real disorder....

    but it has it's own acronym Laughing.  Thank gawd I only have the disorder for two weeks out of every 3 or 4 months....it seems to go away between scans.  I can see tho, that some people may carry that weight day in, day out...always fearful, always "feeling something"....that would be hell.

    Happy Birthday Emily!! 


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hi katie.  i'm glad its

    hi katie.  i'm glad its recognized as "real" b/c it sure is too us!  i think we all keep that thot n the back of our minds or we wouldn't always jump to conclusions and get nervous when we feel something new.  Congrats on your grandaughter!  and



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    It's like a fine wine scanxiety, it gets better with time. I have to drive 74 miles one way for the scan and for the results and my first almost drove me bonkers. The scans and the doctor visits are two weeks apart and the first time those two weeks were probably (well almost) as bad as when I was told I had cancer and the unknown future. When I went down to visit my surgeon after the first scan I asked him why I had to wait two weeks and he told me I didn't and I could call from now on a day or so after the scan and his nurse will give  me the results. This past summer was only the second time I called because of going on vacation for a week in between and I have been getting PET scans since June of 2010.

    Happy Birthday Emily..................Our birthdays and especially the grandkids truely have a different meaning after an ordeal with cancer. Two of mine are spending the weekend. We made ice cream last night and I wished Matt was here. Because he wasn't we were unable to finish the gallon I made. Matt where are ya when I need ya????


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Certainly FCR is real,  I experience it for  one week 4 times a year with a handful of days extra thrown in to make me aware.

    Not to take anything away from the caregivers (angels among us), but inspiration givers (granddaughters, family, friends, H&N, etc.) deserve a hug and a thank you too.

    Jeff,  I have been on an ice-cream quest for 18 months.  I have taken to buying small vanilla cones to gauge my improvement.  I am not quite there yet (ice-cream nirvana), but I am knocking on the door.  If you see a guy driving a Camry and eating a cone, give a honk.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    My thoughts on this one aren't any different then anyone eles.  I just find it amusing that how many yrs. later a study is being done now to link this.  We know because of our site here, and I thank heaven every day for it.  My cousin Beth who is a fighter from the word go has had many reoccurrances of hodgskins throughout 30 + yrs. and is still going strong.  She was very young when it hit her the first time.  Her acceptance is totally amazing and her strenghth of living life to it's fullest mind blowing.  She's a bit younger than I am and yet my hero to fight on !  Just my thoughts.   Katie