mistletoe injections hopkins cancer center
Hmmm… excuse me?manwithnoname said:well..
"I really love the way some individuals dole out misinformation to satisfy their need to disprove anything they do not understand." LOL
You saw a post about Mistletoe and decided to try and disprove and ridicule it but at the same time 'promote' TCM!
The only thing you understand John is that TCM is better than everything else, you constantly berate chemo, radiation or anything not TCM, however YOU are the only person I have ever heard of that cured stage 4 cancer with TCM.
Even the TCM authority in China found no effect for stage 4 cancer!
Chinese herbs have been found full of toxic chemicals because they don't care John, plenty of evidence for that, if you read the article I posted you would also see 10 different ' Doctors' gave 10 different diagnosis and treatments, maybe that's why China is building 'western' hospitals.
Don't get me wrong, of couse there is some value in herbs but as you have admitted your self they act VERY slowly, if at all.
I posted:
“There are many other ways to fight cancer and perhaps mistletoe injections might be another viable option; only time will tell….”
And you find a problem with that?
You have a serious problem with –me-. It’s unfortunate, and there’s not much I can do about that. But you’re foolishly omitting a very viable science, if your omitting it due to your dislike of me.
Do some serious research my friend. Forget the industry’s hyperbole of “nothing is as good as chemicals and money generating radiation therapy”; there are indeed other very viable ways to fight cancer.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has survived nearly four thousand years, and it’s helped billions upon billions of humans (and animals) survive the worst of ailments. To disregard it’s history; it’s archived benefits, is humorous at best.
Find your own resolve for your maladies. If/when all else fails, think again about the science you mocked so foolishly.
I’m sure the science and practice will still be around for you to try………
Best hopes,
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Cherrypicking from your own answerJohn23 said:Hmmm… excuse me?
I posted:
“There are many other ways to fight cancer and perhaps mistletoe injections might be another viable option; only time will tell….”
And you find a problem with that?
You have a serious problem with –me-. It’s unfortunate, and there’s not much I can do about that. But you’re foolishly omitting a very viable science, if your omitting it due to your dislike of me.
Do some serious research my friend. Forget the industry’s hyperbole of “nothing is as good as chemicals and money generating radiation therapy”; there are indeed other very viable ways to fight cancer.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has survived nearly four thousand years, and it’s helped billions upon billions of humans (and animals) survive the worst of ailments. To disregard it’s history; it’s archived benefits, is humorous at best.
Find your own resolve for your maladies. If/when all else fails, think again about the science you mocked so foolishly.
I’m sure the science and practice will still be around for you to try………
Best hopes,
But you obviously went out of your way to paste a reply from JHU circa 2003! when someone reported the benefits they have had.
I will leave it upto others to see if you were posting an objective reply or not.
And TCM is not a science;
Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge"[1]) is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
"some of its methods, including the model of the body, or concept of disease, are not supported by modern evidence-based medicine."
For example, depending on tongue and pulse conditions, a TCM practitioner might diagnose bleeding from the mouth and nose as: "Liver fire rushes upwards and scorches the Lung, injuring the blood vessels and giving rise to reckless pouring of blood from the mouth and nose."
sounds like woo to me...
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Mistletoe Injections
To lighten the mood....
If a colon cancer patient is getting mistletoe injections, is the patient essentially saying cancer can kiss one's @$$?
Happy Tuesday!
Stacy<---called cured by her docs due to being clear from stage 4 for nearly 12 yrs.
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Just wanted to point out...manwithnoname said:well..
"I really love the way some individuals dole out misinformation to satisfy their need to disprove anything they do not understand." LOL
You saw a post about Mistletoe and decided to try and disprove and ridicule it but at the same time 'promote' TCM!
The only thing you understand John is that TCM is better than everything else, you constantly berate chemo, radiation or anything not TCM, however YOU are the only person I have ever heard of that cured stage 4 cancer with TCM.
Even the TCM authority in China found no effect for stage 4 cancer!
Chinese herbs have been found full of toxic chemicals because they don't care John, plenty of evidence for that, if you read the article I posted you would also see 10 different ' Doctors' gave 10 different diagnosis and treatments, maybe that's why China is building 'western' hospitals.
Don't get me wrong, of couse there is some value in herbs but as you have admitted your self they act VERY slowly, if at all.
John had surgery to remove his cancer (just like all of us stage 4s who have managed to survive for an extended period).
So I think his claim is not that it "cures" cancer but allegedly keeps one in remission?
If a cure is being claimed, well...hmm.
I don't think I've seen a single cure or long-term remission that didn't involve surgery, whether in the conventional or alternative realm (except for those few blood cancers that can be seemingly cured with chemo alone).
(I know, I know...spontaneous remission, guy I read about who never had surgery and got cured by eating 12 pineapples a day*, etc etc, but I mean an actual tx that has been proven to cure without surgery)
*I got an article posted to my FB wall by a friend that basically made this claim. She sends me stuff like this about once a week.
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Hey Anna…annalexandria said:Just wanted to point out...
John had surgery to remove his cancer (just like all of us stage 4s who have managed to survive for an extended period).
So I think his claim is not that it "cures" cancer but allegedly keeps one in remission?
If a cure is being claimed, well...hmm.
I don't think I've seen a single cure or long-term remission that didn't involve surgery, whether in the conventional or alternative realm (except for those few blood cancers that can be seemingly cured with chemo alone).
(I know, I know...spontaneous remission, guy I read about who never had surgery and got cured by eating 12 pineapples a day*, etc etc, but I mean an actual tx that has been proven to cure without surgery)
*I got an article posted to my FB wall by a friend that basically made this claim. She sends me stuff like this about once a week.
Thanks for the support!
I posted this to your comment, but I’m addressing it to any/all readers……
You’re correct about not making any “cure” claims when it’s about cancer; to date, there is no known cure.
It should also be kept in mind (of the readers), that any valid “statistics” take more than ten years to validate.
It also takes a cancer cell between two to three years to grow large enough to be identified as “cancer”. Any efforts of individuals to devalue “old statistics” with claims that the last three to five years worth of “new advances in medicine” provides new statistics for survival, is disingenuous at best.
Traditional Chinese Medicine can cure other maladies, however. My Atrial Fibrillation was cured back in 2003 through the use of an herbal decoction designed to energize the liver. The liver regulates serotonin and melatonin, and it is the proper balance of both that regulates the heart rhythm. Western medicine has no “cure” for AF, only drugs (that damage the liver) and/or a surgical procedure that scores the inside of the artery to “dispel the electrical energy”. The surgery can cause eventual blood clots and/or an aneurysm at the surgical site. My neighbor died of renal failure after a few years of taking the western medicine AF medications. They took him off the heart transplant list due to a weakened liver, and a liver transplant was not possible due to his AF and weakened heart…… (TCM is just a load of woo, or so I hear from someone with no name….)
I have met dozens of patients that have explained how their diabetes was cured via TCM; they no longer need to diet or take insulin and have not for years since their last TCM treatments to resolve it. (Just more “woo”…?)
My kidney stone problem was resolved via TCM herbal decoctions…. (more woo !)
And my problem of DVTs due to the PICC line has been totally resolved through TCM herbal treatments. My GP is still amazed…. She does not classify it as “woo” however, but amazed still to this day.
I would never make a claim that it’s “cured my cancer”. I’m not that foolish, and even if I were, I would be afraid to “spook” the luck I’ve had. I’m certain that I will eventually die of cancer, but between then and now, I have not had to suffer the consequences of chemicals and radiation. I do suffer the consequences of poor surgical techniques, and with only ¼ of my total intestines remaining, I’m fortunate to still be here.
Since taking herbal treatments to help my remaining stomach and small amount of small intestine absorb more, my blood tests have returned extremely good results. My gastro doc is as amazed as my GP that my CBC continues to indicate a better condition than their own. Not too bad for ¼ of one’s intestinal tract. There is absolutely nothing in western medicine that can provide such extraordinary results.
As someone without a name might say: “WOW, what a bunch of woo.”
TCM can do what western medicine can not do, and it may be a very good choice for anyone who finds that western medicine is failing them with their fight against cancer.
Oh, by the way….. Although a TCM doc may or may not be “expensive”, the herbs can be purchased for less than a fast-food meal. The herbs I used were between $5 and $15 per pound. The most expensive ones will last a few months per pound (at least), while the least expensive will last 1.5 months per pound. For under $100 per month for herbs, where’s the expense? My co-pays were more than that for useless western medications…..
If one wants to survive this ordeal, one has to keep an open, objective mind, and ignore the doomsayers that continually repeat the industry’s hype that only chemo and radiation will save your life.
If one wants “woo”, the industry will provide more than enough of it; beware of men with no name.
Best of health to all,
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Interesting anecdotesJohn23 said:Hey Anna…
Thanks for the support!
I posted this to your comment, but I’m addressing it to any/all readers……
You’re correct about not making any “cure” claims when it’s about cancer; to date, there is no known cure.
It should also be kept in mind (of the readers), that any valid “statistics” take more than ten years to validate.
It also takes a cancer cell between two to three years to grow large enough to be identified as “cancer”. Any efforts of individuals to devalue “old statistics” with claims that the last three to five years worth of “new advances in medicine” provides new statistics for survival, is disingenuous at best.
Traditional Chinese Medicine can cure other maladies, however. My Atrial Fibrillation was cured back in 2003 through the use of an herbal decoction designed to energize the liver. The liver regulates serotonin and melatonin, and it is the proper balance of both that regulates the heart rhythm. Western medicine has no “cure” for AF, only drugs (that damage the liver) and/or a surgical procedure that scores the inside of the artery to “dispel the electrical energy”. The surgery can cause eventual blood clots and/or an aneurysm at the surgical site. My neighbor died of renal failure after a few years of taking the western medicine AF medications. They took him off the heart transplant list due to a weakened liver, and a liver transplant was not possible due to his AF and weakened heart…… (TCM is just a load of woo, or so I hear from someone with no name….)
I have met dozens of patients that have explained how their diabetes was cured via TCM; they no longer need to diet or take insulin and have not for years since their last TCM treatments to resolve it. (Just more “woo”…?)
My kidney stone problem was resolved via TCM herbal decoctions…. (more woo !)
And my problem of DVTs due to the PICC line has been totally resolved through TCM herbal treatments. My GP is still amazed…. She does not classify it as “woo” however, but amazed still to this day.
I would never make a claim that it’s “cured my cancer”. I’m not that foolish, and even if I were, I would be afraid to “spook” the luck I’ve had. I’m certain that I will eventually die of cancer, but between then and now, I have not had to suffer the consequences of chemicals and radiation. I do suffer the consequences of poor surgical techniques, and with only ¼ of my total intestines remaining, I’m fortunate to still be here.
Since taking herbal treatments to help my remaining stomach and small amount of small intestine absorb more, my blood tests have returned extremely good results. My gastro doc is as amazed as my GP that my CBC continues to indicate a better condition than their own. Not too bad for ¼ of one’s intestinal tract. There is absolutely nothing in western medicine that can provide such extraordinary results.
As someone without a name might say: “WOW, what a bunch of woo.”
TCM can do what western medicine can not do, and it may be a very good choice for anyone who finds that western medicine is failing them with their fight against cancer.
Oh, by the way….. Although a TCM doc may or may not be “expensive”, the herbs can be purchased for less than a fast-food meal. The herbs I used were between $5 and $15 per pound. The most expensive ones will last a few months per pound (at least), while the least expensive will last 1.5 months per pound. For under $100 per month for herbs, where’s the expense? My co-pays were more than that for useless western medications…..
If one wants to survive this ordeal, one has to keep an open, objective mind, and ignore the doomsayers that continually repeat the industry’s hype that only chemo and radiation will save your life.
If one wants “woo”, the industry will provide more than enough of it; beware of men with no name.
Best of health to all,
But it's not proof of anything is it? why aren't oncologists prescribing these herbs John?
Not just Woo...barbaric!
Some animal parts used as medicinals can be considered rather strange such as cows' gallstones.[144] Some can include the parts of endangered species, including tiger bones[145] and rhinoceros horn.[146] The black market in rhinoceros horn reduced the world's rhino population by more than 90 percent over the past 40 years.[147] Concerns have also arisen over the use of turtle plastron,[148] seahorses,[149] and the gill plates of mobula and manta rays.[150]
Since TCM recognizes bear bile as a medicinal, more than 12,000 asiatic black bears are held in "bear farms".[151] The bile is extracted through a permanent hole in the abdomen leading to the gall bladder, which can cause severe pain.[151]
Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes some human parts: the classic Materia medica (Bencao Gangmu) describes the use of 35 human body parts and excreta in medicines, including bones, fingernail, hairs, dandruff, earwax, impurities on the teeth, feces, urine, sweat.
sounds like something from the European dark ages that the light of the renaissance bannished.
Yes beware of men with no name, they might shine a light as well.
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Well Annaannalexandria said:Just wanted to point out...
John had surgery to remove his cancer (just like all of us stage 4s who have managed to survive for an extended period).
So I think his claim is not that it "cures" cancer but allegedly keeps one in remission?
If a cure is being claimed, well...hmm.
I don't think I've seen a single cure or long-term remission that didn't involve surgery, whether in the conventional or alternative realm (except for those few blood cancers that can be seemingly cured with chemo alone).
(I know, I know...spontaneous remission, guy I read about who never had surgery and got cured by eating 12 pineapples a day*, etc etc, but I mean an actual tx that has been proven to cure without surgery)
*I got an article posted to my FB wall by a friend that basically made this claim. She sends me stuff like this about once a week.
John on his blog says he had disease to his lungs and nodes and had no surgery for them, so he is claiming he got rid of metatastic cancer with herbs...and kept it from returning for years! a spectacular result I'm sure you would agree.. that I have never seen replicated anywhere by anyone else, and believe me I have looked.
So I would suggest it's a fluke and not the 'norm'.
Also "Atrial Fibrillation" "kidney stone problem " "DVT" "Pneumonia" and “congestive heart failure” all 'resolved' where are the rest of us going wrong!
For full disclosure acupunture helped my shoulder once...
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Stacy, love it!StacyGleaso said:Mistletoe Injections
To lighten the mood....
If a colon cancer patient is getting mistletoe injections, is the patient essentially saying cancer can kiss one's @$$?
Happy Tuesday!
Stacy<---called cured by her docs due to being clear from stage 4 for nearly 12 yrs.
Too funny
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There is someone on this sitetraci43 said:Stacy, love it!
Too funny
There is someone on this site that has used it ...... cannot recall their name (frig) I remember the profile pic with a white/grey horse ...... ugggh, this is gonna bug me now...... I.V. vitamin C and iscadore......
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I Checked out the Chris beat
I Checked out the Chris beat cancer website , there is more imformation on mistletoe
and interesting interview with ivelisse who did mistletoe for stage 4 cancer.
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Yes, unfortunately most people with good resultsmanwithnoname said:Well Anna
John on his blog says he had disease to his lungs and nodes and had no surgery for them, so he is claiming he got rid of metatastic cancer with herbs...and kept it from returning for years! a spectacular result I'm sure you would agree.. that I have never seen replicated anywhere by anyone else, and believe me I have looked.
So I would suggest it's a fluke and not the 'norm'.
Also "Atrial Fibrillation" "kidney stone problem " "DVT" "Pneumonia" and “congestive heart failure” all 'resolved' where are the rest of us going wrong!
For full disclosure acupunture helped my shoulder once...
from alt therapies seem to be pretty singular. In which case, it's impossible to say that it was the alt therapy that actually did the trick (at least from a scientific perspective). As an individual, one can believe what one likes, I guess.
When it comes to purchasing anything from China, I would also be very concerned about contamination. The Chinese would be the first to admit they have a huge problem with this (remember the melamine in the milk thing?), so I don't think the herbs they produce should be assumed to be pure.
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The herbs aren't pureannalexandria said:Yes, unfortunately most people with good results
from alt therapies seem to be pretty singular. In which case, it's impossible to say that it was the alt therapy that actually did the trick (at least from a scientific perspective). As an individual, one can believe what one likes, I guess.
When it comes to purchasing anything from China, I would also be very concerned about contamination. The Chinese would be the first to admit they have a huge problem with this (remember the melamine in the milk thing?), so I don't think the herbs they produce should be assumed to be pure.
"One analysis of 2,600 samples of Chinese herbal remedies in Taiwan showed that 24% were adulterated with at least one synthetic medicine. In a series produced in the USA, the analysis showed 7% adulteration with at least one synthetic medicine. The case reports showed that two or more adulterants were present in 14 of 15 Chinese herbal medicines.
At least one death and 6 potentially life-threatening complications were found in this review. Some of the contaminants found were in the following categories of drugs: steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, hypoglycemic agents and drugs used for treating erectile dysfunction, aminopyrine, caffeine, chlorzoxazone, clobetasol proprionate, diazepam, diclofenac, dexamethasone, ethoxybenzamide, fluoconolone acetonide, glibenclamide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydrocortisone, indomethacin, mefenamic acid, methylsalicylate, paracetamol (acetaminophen), phenacetin, phenytoin and prednisolone.
The contaminants may be responsible not only for adverse effects, but also for some of the reported benefits from Chinese herbal products."
and this doesn't even address the toxic soil and banned pesticides they are frequently grown with.
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yes these you do at home (Dyanclark said:Mistletoe
Who can give these injections?
yes these you do at home ( after a few lessons) similar to diabetic needle.
it would be interesting to find out how many are doing these.
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Mistletoeemma_s said:Thank you very much for your post!
I'm currently searching for more info on this topic.
My husband's ND in Toronto plans to do mistletoe intravenuosly with aggressive doses starting first with small doses of injections, gradually increasing them and switching later to IVs.
My husband is on chemo now and I'm not sure if it makes sense to start mistletoe now or its better wait until it's finished.
I know that Pete and Ren tried it for a few months.
Hi Emma,
I too am in Ontario (Durham region) and although I know this post is a couple of years old, I would like to know if and when your husband started using Mistletoe.
I have just recently begun using it along with a variety of other naturopathic medicines. Which kind did he use and how was his treatment?
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StacyGleaso said:
Mistletoe Injections
To lighten the mood....
If a colon cancer patient is getting mistletoe injections, is the patient essentially saying cancer can kiss one's @$$?
Happy Tuesday!
Stacy<---called cured by her docs due to being clear from stage 4 for nearly 12 yrs.
So happy to hear that you have been clear for 12 years! I hope this still finds you well.
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