Baby steps!

As you may know,  I've been so overwhelmed lately with everything!   Each day after work and school ive been trying to help with getting last minute things ready and prepared for my parents so move soon.  They hope in a few weeks!  I can't wait.  As I wrote previously,  dad tried jello and pudding but he couldn't really eat it d/t burning throat.   Yesterday I stopped by after work., I had a horrible headache so I laid down on moms couch for a hour n half. .. when I woke up my dad was eating some tender chicken dumplings my mom made in the crock pot and was drinking unsweet tea.  Said he could taste it some.  I know he was having a lil trouble and I left to give dad his space,  as I don't want him to feel uncomfortable as I watched him.  Just told him how proud I am that he's trying...Thank God, I hope he continues this or at least trying.  Me and the family were worried.  I'm just thrilled.  Although I know I can't expect a quick turn around,  I will gladly GLADLY be grateful with baby steps!

Thinking and praying for you all! 



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    That's right Cherie....

    it is baby steps, but even baby steps take a person to their destination.  It won't be long and you'll see he's turned a corner.


    Edit:  I got to thinking....if his mouth is still burning....when my mouth was still a mess, I sipped on L-glutamine powder mixed with water....the only type of glass I could use against my lips was styrofoam....but L-glutamine did not sting (where water alone stung like crazy).  It's a way of keeping the swallower moving, without pain....

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    you did the

    right thing by giving Dad some privacy. I would sit at the kitchen table alone, and work on getting some food down..concentrating on every bite and the swallowing technique...coughing , chocking,spitting,not something I wanted company for. My meal starting out, was 1 teaspoon yogurt, and 1 tablespoon squash soup with ritz cracker (yep, only 1 ) crushed very fine, water on the side.

    Your Dad is making progress, it'll take a while, but, pretty soon, he'll be back to abi-normal..has he been tested for thrush?

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Grandmax4 said:

    you did the

    right thing by giving Dad some privacy. I would sit at the kitchen table alone, and work on getting some food down..concentrating on every bite and the swallowing technique...coughing , chocking,spitting,not something I wanted company for. My meal starting out, was 1 teaspoon yogurt, and 1 tablespoon squash soup with ritz cracker (yep, only 1 ) crushed very fine, water on the side.

    Your Dad is making progress, it'll take a while, but, pretty soon, he'll be back to abi-normal..has he been tested for thrush?

    Step in right direction

    Also have to ask if thrush has been ruled out? 

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Moving forward

    Cherie.......moving forward is great and we all do it at our own pace. Smile.................he is doing good.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Cherie

    So right little by little we move forward sometimes a step backward but that is the way it is. I am glad to hear your dad is starting to eat and tasting, all good signs of healing.

    When I first got my PEG tube my Wife was always feeding me like I was a baby, finial I had to take the syringe away from her and tell her I am a big boy now and can do it myself.

    God Bless


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    baby food grinder


    At this early stage, I found a baby food grinder worked very well to mash up food in a consistency that works. It and plenty of protein shakes kept a damn PEG from dangling off me. It is just a tube with a hand crank and a grate in it. Very simple to use and clean. don

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472

    That's right Cherie....

    it is baby steps, but even baby steps take a person to their destination.  It won't be long and you'll see he's turned a corner.


    Edit:  I got to thinking....if his mouth is still burning....when my mouth was still a mess, I sipped on L-glutamine powder mixed with water....the only type of glass I could use against my lips was styrofoam....but L-glutamine did not sting (where water alone stung like crazy).  It's a way of keeping the swallower moving, without pain....

    Thanks Phrannie!! I'll

    Thanks Phrannie!! I'll mention that to him

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Grandmax4 said:

    you did the

    right thing by giving Dad some privacy. I would sit at the kitchen table alone, and work on getting some food down..concentrating on every bite and the swallowing technique...coughing , chocking,spitting,not something I wanted company for. My meal starting out, was 1 teaspoon yogurt, and 1 tablespoon squash soup with ritz cracker (yep, only 1 ) crushed very fine, water on the side.

    Your Dad is making progress, it'll take a while, but, pretty soon, he'll be back to abi-normal..has he been tested for thrush?

    I hope I did the right thing.

    I hope I did the right thing.   No, don't think he's been tested for thrush.   

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Duggie88 said:

    Moving forward

    Cherie.......moving forward is great and we all do it at our own pace. Smile.................he is doing good.



    Thx Jeff! I was so proud of

    Thx Jeff! I was so proud of him for just trying!  I know it's not easy

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Hondo said:

    Hi Cherie

    So right little by little we move forward sometimes a step backward but that is the way it is. I am glad to hear your dad is starting to eat and tasting, all good signs of healing.

    When I first got my PEG tube my Wife was always feeding me like I was a baby, finial I had to take the syringe away from her and tell her I am a big boy now and can do it myself.

    God Bless


    Thx hondo,  he's mostly done

    Thx hondo,  he's mostly done the peg on his own.  

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    donfoo said:

    baby food grinder


    At this early stage, I found a baby food grinder worked very well to mash up food in a consistency that works. It and plenty of protein shakes kept a damn PEG from dangling off me. It is just a tube with a hand crank and a grate in it. Very simple to use and clean. don


    Do ask about thrush. It's very painful, not uncommon and can be remedied in a couple of days with the right meds. I had it 3 or 4 times.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    baby steps


    I am from  the Grandmax4 camp.  Many  times I would have whatever everyone else was eating, but less.  It was typical to fill my plate with one bite of fried chicken, one French fry and a teaspoon of potato salad, that is it.

    His palate is not like it was, it is now more refined, not what you would call picky, just mysterious.  It is almost like you have to erase what you once knew and start over again.

    Chow nibbling,


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    YAY for dad!!  I'm glad he's eating a little bit :)  If he can "taste it some" then maybe his buds are starting to cooperate a little.  He'll start eating and wanting to taste more bit by bit.  I'm so glad to hear a good report!!  Been missing you around here lately!!

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    good report !


    Wonderful news on your Dad.  Yeap, baby steps at first.  Will be keeping you all in my thoughts !  Hugs sent !  Katie