Duggie Jeff & Skiffin John ~ ShowDown Tampa

Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
edited September 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Shelley and I had the pleasure to meet up with Jeff and his son this afternoon in Tampa and swap a few stories...., anyones ears burning around 2:00PM or so..., hmmmm.


We had a great time, and enjoyed some good cold frozen yogurt on a hot Saturday afternoon..  Next time, treat is on me Jeff...., Flounder time Gandy Bridge Style...






  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    that is an excellent pic of

    that is an excellent pic of both of you!!!  thx 4 sharing.  ps, where is shelley?


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    you guys

    Jeff & John,

    Breaking News source of ears burning nationwide traced to big bull session in Tampa.  Two jokers with frozen yogurt questioned.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    that is an excellent pic of

    that is an excellent pic of both of you!!!  thx 4 sharing.  ps, where is shelley?




  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    nice pic

    ahhhh, SWEET !!

    it's always so great to meet another warrior.  You both look super.

    But where or where is your lovely Shelley ??


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Great pic!!

    What a wonderful way to spend a day.....with someone from this site.  Sounds like you two had a great time.....and some laughs, no doubt.  My right ear was burning....hmmmmm....I wonder if that is a sign of anything (besides flies, I mean)...Laughing


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi John


    You have a great disposition that brings people together or maybe because you live in the right place. I enjoyed my time just can’t seam to get back to Tampa.




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    She was the photo taker.....

    She was about worn out today, LOL...

    Up early to head toward Tampa Covention Center Super Boat Show at Harbor Island.

    Cracker Barrel first for breakfast in Brandon...., Momma's Pancake Breakfast.

    Boat show, and drooling over this bad azz Hewes Redfisher RF18 with Yamaha's newest 150SHO motor hanging from the back, sitting on an AmeraTrail ZT trailer (all aluminum and SS);


    Awesome boat..., I have the RF16 & Yamaha F90, and the AmeraTrail, just one size down...

    Then headed a little north toward the University of South Florida and a meet and greet with Dugster and his son..., was to be at Starbucks, but finding a seat at a coffee shop next the University didn't work out... 

    So we sacrificed and opted for some frozen yogurt sundaes..., it was rough I know.

    Awesome meet...


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    What a great pic!  Sounds like y'all had a great time :)

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Oh the ornriness

    shines thru those grins..glad you got to meet


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    The pleasure was all mine

    I had a really good time with John and Shelly. We toastred Matt while we ate our yogurt. John I didn't buy my son did, remember I have always said I am spending the kid's inheritance money. So that means next time we meet I will buy again because you do so much for so many on here.

    My last night down here and I just found out my sone had this computer with a printer so I printed out the boarding passes and while I was on I had to come and visit my CSN family

    John thanks again for all you do.  I look  forward to meeting up again.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Duggie88 said:

    The pleasure was all mine

    I had a really good time with John and Shelly. We toastred Matt while we ate our yogurt. John I didn't buy my son did, remember I have always said I am spending the kid's inheritance money. So that means next time we meet I will buy again because you do so much for so many on here.

    My last night down here and I just found out my sone had this computer with a printer so I printed out the boarding passes and while I was on I had to come and visit my CSN family

    John thanks again for all you do.  I look  forward to meeting up again.


    Thanks Jeff...

    Hope you have/had a safe trip home... Always nice to get home...

    I like to travel, but pretty much everywhere I go, I'm about ready for home in a few days, LOL...


    I mean really, I live in Florida, where most be come to vacation, great house, awesome swimming pool, reliable boat, and tons of fishing spots...

    Annnnd, I have great people like Jeff, Tim, Pat and others that usually find their way here once in awhile...


    Topping all of that off with a beautiful wife, my best friend..., and two chocolate chip lab sisters... I have it all...


    Actually I finally get to meet Dawn (Sweetblood22) next month, she's finally breaking away from PA and heading down this way for a few days...


    Thoughts & Prayers,


  • Ron Silver
    Ron Silver Member Posts: 94
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thanks Jeff...

    Hope you have/had a safe trip home... Always nice to get home...

    I like to travel, but pretty much everywhere I go, I'm about ready for home in a few days, LOL...


    I mean really, I live in Florida, where most be come to vacation, great house, awesome swimming pool, reliable boat, and tons of fishing spots...

    Annnnd, I have great people like Jeff, Tim, Pat and others that usually find their way here once in awhile...


    Topping all of that off with a beautiful wife, my best friend..., and two chocolate chip lab sisters... I have it all...


    Actually I finally get to meet Dawn (Sweetblood22) next month, she's finally breaking away from PA and heading down this way for a few days...


    Thoughts & Prayers,


    Radiation Fishing

    During my radiation treatments, I often visualized fishing in the gulf, Tampa Bay, off Joe Island, up to my chest in the water, bait bucket full of small mullet, shrimp, or pinfish, sun shining, water the temperature of bath water, waiting for that foot long torpedo redfish or trout to hit (more than likely a black tip foot long shark or a catfish).  Or doing the same off Alligator Point north of Tampa close to the panhandle.  John you live in paradise.    



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Where's the dang fish?

    So you two goofing off and not out there reeling in the flounders? Oh well, good day to grab some ice creams! Pic looks great.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    Where's the dang fish?

    So you two goofing off and not out there reeling in the flounders? Oh well, good day to grab some ice creams! Pic looks great.


    There was an offer made, LOL....

    But Jeff figured it might not go over so well with his limited time to see the grandbabby, then out fishing with me....

    But then again, he could have brought fresh fish home for dinner...


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    As John stated, he did make the offer to do some fishing but then we would be obligated to tell a few fish stories. Instead we decided to just flounder around.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    As John stated, he did make the offer to do some fishing but then we would be obligated to tell a few fish stories. Instead we decided to just flounder around.



    I was really waiting for that fresh box of flounder to show up so it could keep company with the biggest flounderer of them all.. LOL 

    Really feel like a lot of flapping and floundering around here lately. The old engine is having some difficulty staying running and sputtering on a few down cylinders.

    I was hoping that box of flounder would flush the system. Oh well next time. :-)

  • Ron Silver
    Ron Silver Member Posts: 94
    Skiffin16 said:


    She was the photo taker.....

    She was about worn out today, LOL...

    Up early to head toward Tampa Covention Center Super Boat Show at Harbor Island.

    Cracker Barrel first for breakfast in Brandon...., Momma's Pancake Breakfast.

    Boat show, and drooling over this bad azz Hewes Redfisher RF18 with Yamaha's newest 150SHO motor hanging from the back, sitting on an AmeraTrail ZT trailer (all aluminum and SS);


    Awesome boat..., I have the RF16 & Yamaha F90, and the AmeraTrail, just one size down...

    Then headed a little north toward the University of South Florida and a meet and greet with Dugster and his son..., was to be at Starbucks, but finding a seat at a coffee shop next the University didn't work out... 

    So we sacrificed and opted for some frozen yogurt sundaes..., it was rough I know.

    Awesome meet...


    "I have the RF16 & Yamaha

    "I have the RF16 & Yamaha F90, and the AmeraTrail, just one size down..."


    Ever take it out to Egmont Key?  

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    "I have the RF16 & Yamaha

    "I have the RF16 & Yamaha F90, and the AmeraTrail, just one size down..."


    Ever take it out to Egmont Key?  


    There's a 90' hole out by Egmont...

    Which is kind of weird as most people don't realize that the average depth of Tampa Bay is only around 12'... Of course it does have several channels that have been dredged to around 45' for the large ships that come in.


  • alligatorpointer
    alligatorpointer Member Posts: 131
    Hard-Heat Catfish - good eatin'? Who knew?

    John, stumbled across an article this mornin' that claims hard-head catfish are good to eat.  I have always considered them a useless nuisance and waste of bait.  Just wondering if you had ever tried eating the dang things.  Here is a link to the article ...  


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    Hard-Heat Catfish - good eatin'? Who knew?

    John, stumbled across an article this mornin' that claims hard-head catfish are good to eat.  I have always considered them a useless nuisance and waste of bait.  Just wondering if you had ever tried eating the dang things.  Here is a link to the article ...  


    Catfish rules!

    Catfish, especially farm raised is wonderful! Beer battered and fried it's unbeatable! Add some hush puppies to it and you have a true Southern delicacy.
