8 weeks on from surgery

jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

8 weeks on from op

a week after op



  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    The photo s are taken 8 weeks

    The photo s are taken 8 weeks apart I took the latest today.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    What a difference a couple of months

    can make.....You look wonderful!!  Laughing 


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    What a difference a couple of months

    can make.....You look wonderful!!  Laughing 


    thank you

    Thank you phrannie, I feel wonderful at present can eat solids, drink OK, have no pain. I have to get through the radiation therapy next. I dont feel I need it but for peace of mind I'll go through it. I'm usually a positive thinker I got myself back to normal. I will be positive about the rad, hopefully I wont need the chem, nothings been mentioned. I still have an app't with the head of my team to discuss all thats happened and why. Most important to me at the moment is why is my mouth so droopy I thought by now it would have some muscle reaction but I can only smile with half a mouth, when I talk I looked as if I've had a stroke it doesn't show too much in the photo and my daughter said I'm over sensitive about it, I used to have a huge smile but now I can only manage half. I guess thats petty to say this after all they've done to save my life. I was told about 6 months before it comes back and it will hardly be noticable.  After reading about rad I'm not looking forward to it. I've been trying to put the weight back on that I lost while I was on liquid food I've managed a few pounds by eating fresh cream belguim buns, chunky choc kitkats, fruit smoothies etc. I have a PEG tube fitted 24th. Thats my belt and braces. I feel if theres an easier way to keep my weight up I'll take it. If I start to lose weight again I'll up the complan replacement shakes. I was on Ensure from the hospital but once they had gone my doc said they are too expensive and prescribed complan. It's pretty much like ensure but you mix a powder with milk in a blender, I throw in some fresh fruit as well. I dont need them at present but have at least one a day to boost up the weight. I'm not skinny I'm 10st now was 11st  before op so could have done with the weight loss in normal circumstances. I put my pictures on the forum so any newbies awaiting 'the op' will see how quick you can recover. I was never in any pain even during the hospital treatment. Immediately after the op they gave me a bulb to press and I got a morphine shot but they stopped that the day after and gave me soluble paracetamol through the feeding tube. I was fine. So don't be scared anyone waiting for a neck dissection it looks worse in my photo than it is......

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    picture is worth a thousand words


    You looked a little under the weather, but now you look great.  I spent an unplanned 12 days in the hospital to start my journey (what a nightmare).  Looking back, the rads are just a part of the whole.

    You might want to check the must have list in the Super thread prior to starting your treatment sequence.

    Good luck girl, you will do fine.


  • Quark
    Quark Member Posts: 5

    Very impressive.  Good for you for sharing.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    It's amazing !

    The healing of our bodies after major surgery is simply amazing.  I wish I would have thought about pictures before and after....to show others the hope of healing after.  I was cut from ear to ear.  And 21 months out....the incision lines are barely noticable.  My ENT surgeon put in many, many tiny little stitches.  I remember looking at them the first few weeks wondering how the heck he did this.  I do needle point and sew alot.....so of coarse I notice dumb little things like this.  Lol !  Thanks for the positive post !  Katie

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    It's amazing !

    The healing of our bodies after major surgery is simply amazing.  I wish I would have thought about pictures before and after....to show others the hope of healing after.  I was cut from ear to ear.  And 21 months out....the incision lines are barely noticable.  My ENT surgeon put in many, many tiny little stitches.  I remember looking at them the first few weeks wondering how the heck he did this.  I do needle point and sew alot.....so of coarse I notice dumb little things like this.  Lol !  Thanks for the positive post !  Katie


    I think I could give my surgeon some sewing lessons, he stapled me together with what looked exactly like paper clips, The ridge was ugly and knarled but after spending everyday while watching TV I massage Bio oil in and before I went to bed I applied Aloe Vera. Something worked as most of my scar has flattened and is normal skin colour just the throat needs to fade down but its a fraction of what it was. When they took the staples out the tool looked just like a paper staple remover, there was a student watching and I said she could take them out if she was allowed she was thrilled to bits and didn't hurt me once. 

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912


    I think I could give my surgeon some sewing lessons, he stapled me together with what looked exactly like paper clips, The ridge was ugly and knarled but after spending everyday while watching TV I massage Bio oil in and before I went to bed I applied Aloe Vera. Something worked as most of my scar has flattened and is normal skin colour just the throat needs to fade down but its a fraction of what it was. When they took the staples out the tool looked just like a paper staple remover, there was a student watching and I said she could take them out if she was allowed she was thrilled to bits and didn't hurt me once. 

    Yeap stitches...lol !

    I had alot of inside stitches also....and stitches in my mouth as they extracted all my teeth at the same time.  I was very surprised they didn't use the staples....most others have had them.  I kinda looked like a voodoo doll for a few months.  My surgeons technique was precise....and I was very blessed he did such an amazing job.  I remember looking in the mirror in hospital, of coarse I was on a IV drip of morphine at the time......but I just marvled at the tiny stitches....and of coarse giggled at the drain tubes coming out of my neck on both sides.  These dissolved on their own....and I could take showers with them in.  I think the worst for me was the stitches in the gums top and bottom.  I felt like I was constantly pulling thick string out forever as they healed and came loose.  Ick ! 

    I'm very impressed with how well you've healed.  All my best to you !  Katie

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    Oh Man! That gave me the heebie jeebies! That brings back the memory of seeing myself for the first time after surgery. I freaked out! The tubes, staples etc. I was sure I'd never perform publicly again. But like your after pic, unless I said I had surgery, no one would ever know. 

    You look great! it's amazing what our bodies can do. 


  • robswife87
    robswife87 Member Posts: 209
    fishmanpa said:


    Oh Man! That gave me the heebie jeebies! That brings back the memory of seeing myself for the first time after surgery. I freaked out! The tubes, staples etc. I was sure I'd never perform publicly again. But like your after pic, unless I said I had surgery, no one would ever know. 

    You look great! it's amazing what our bodies can do. 


    Wish I looked that good

    and I am not the one with cancer. Rob had no disection so not sure about the muscle and nerves but I work in a doctors office and it will take a little more time for them to recouperate. Nerves and muscles heal in a longer peiod of time than skin. 

    give it more time but know that you look amazing now

    Also remember these are scars of battle and your are winning.

    I was always bothered by my c-section scar and horrible stretch marks, but hubby says you body went to battle to give us our kids and he doesn't even notice them. I am really lucky in this world to be married to the almost perfect man.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    For phrannie

    Phrannie this is the most recent pic post neck dissection. These pics are about 8 weeks apart amazing how quickly you recover from the op it's the rads that do most side affects

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Phrannie this is

    the most recent pic I posted on the 6 th sept 2013 the one you see on my post was taken two years before my op

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    Phrannie this is

    the most recent pic I posted on the 6 th sept 2013 the one you see on my post was taken two years before my op


    I've been trying to erase these pics as they are so gruesome but try as I might I can't I don't want to put anyone off but it looks worse than it really is. I had very little discomfort can't remember having any pain as I was numb.

  • Shell_7801
    Shell_7801 Member Posts: 71


    I've been trying to erase these pics as they are so gruesome but try as I might I can't I don't want to put anyone off but it looks worse than it really is. I had very little discomfort can't remember having any pain as I was numb.


    My surgery was 9/4/2014.  Radical tonsillectomy and modified radical neck dissection (included submandibal gland...spit gland).  The tube down the nose was by far the most horrific in the hospital although the drain tube was pretty gnarly when they pullled it out.  My point, I have similar picture.  Yes, how amazing our bodies are to heal so quickly!!!! 

    I too have nerve deficits.  My ear down to my breastbone is still numb.  My smile is crooked, tongue is crooked and my arm will only go up halfway.  I cannot pull the car door shut when driving and have a hard time doing my hair.  Doctor said we'll know in a year IF it is going to subside.  I can live with it.  I just worry about tasting food.  Still can't taste and am now doing radiation that will kill off taste buds and spit buds (I'm sure there's a technical term...idk).  I don't want to eat.  I force the ensure daily.

    People do want to see your picture.  Thank you for sharing, it takes courage. 

    You look fabulous!  I hope your smile comes fully back soon and you'll let us know when it does, okay?



  • Kritter
    Kritter Member Posts: 147
    What a difference..

    What a difference a little time and healing can do for our bodies. You are still a very beautiful woman . I am so happy to read you can now eat again. 

    I learned at an early age that scars do not define who we are. And I thank my Mama for that, and with you posting your images it gives me hope that if they have to open up my face ( if this tumor doesn't shrink ) that I will get through it and feel mone the less worrried about what people think. 

    We all on here have our battle scars and it only proves.. WE WON ! 

    I hope to read more about your feeling better and loving eating again. 

    Prayers and Hugs ! 


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Jackie,

    Those are great photos showing just how quickly and well you recovered from your surgery, which as you wish, will serve to encourage others just going into the process.  Congratulations on your successful surgery and regaining your ability to swallow again, that's awesome!!  So now, you won't be pegged to your PEG for a terribly extended period of time.  The radiation treatment, while not a walk in the park, will hopefully go quickly, just buckle up.  Keep It Mov'in Forward!


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    patricke said:


    Hey Jackie,

    Those are great photos showing just how quickly and well you recovered from your surgery, which as you wish, will serve to encourage others just going into the process.  Congratulations on your successful surgery and regaining your ability to swallow again, that's awesome!!  So now, you won't be pegged to your PEG for a terribly extended period of time.  The radiation treatment, while not a walk in the park, will hopefully go quickly, just buckle up.  Keep It Mov'in Forward!



    haven't got my swallow yet but I'm down for surgery to try to open my throat but haven't yet got a date.

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    thank you

    Thank you phrannie, I feel wonderful at present can eat solids, drink OK, have no pain. I have to get through the radiation therapy next. I dont feel I need it but for peace of mind I'll go through it. I'm usually a positive thinker I got myself back to normal. I will be positive about the rad, hopefully I wont need the chem, nothings been mentioned. I still have an app't with the head of my team to discuss all thats happened and why. Most important to me at the moment is why is my mouth so droopy I thought by now it would have some muscle reaction but I can only smile with half a mouth, when I talk I looked as if I've had a stroke it doesn't show too much in the photo and my daughter said I'm over sensitive about it, I used to have a huge smile but now I can only manage half. I guess thats petty to say this after all they've done to save my life. I was told about 6 months before it comes back and it will hardly be noticable.  After reading about rad I'm not looking forward to it. I've been trying to put the weight back on that I lost while I was on liquid food I've managed a few pounds by eating fresh cream belguim buns, chunky choc kitkats, fruit smoothies etc. I have a PEG tube fitted 24th. Thats my belt and braces. I feel if theres an easier way to keep my weight up I'll take it. If I start to lose weight again I'll up the complan replacement shakes. I was on Ensure from the hospital but once they had gone my doc said they are too expensive and prescribed complan. It's pretty much like ensure but you mix a powder with milk in a blender, I throw in some fresh fruit as well. I dont need them at present but have at least one a day to boost up the weight. I'm not skinny I'm 10st now was 11st  before op so could have done with the weight loss in normal circumstances. I put my pictures on the forum so any newbies awaiting 'the op' will see how quick you can recover. I was never in any pain even during the hospital treatment. Immediately after the op they gave me a bulb to press and I got a morphine shot but they stopped that the day after and gave me soluble paracetamol through the feeding tube. I was fine. So don't be scared anyone waiting for a neck dissection it looks worse in my photo than it is......

    this posting is over a year

    this posting is over a year ago and after the surgery I could eat but after the rads my throat sealed but not long now and I hope to eat again After surgery, no date yet. 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    I've been trying to erase these pics as they are so gruesome but try as I might I can't I don't want to put anyone off but it looks worse than it really is. I had very little discomfort can't remember having any pain as I was numb.

    nice update

    It's great to see the improvements. I think those original pictures are fine. It shows the reality of treatment and even though it may be shake folks up a bit, it better prepares one for what is a pretty tough patch of road. Glad to see you smiling!

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member


    haven't got my swallow yet but I'm down for surgery to try to open my throat but haven't yet got a date.



    I needed to pay closer attention to the dates of the photos, I noticed the September, but missed the 2013, so the swallow comment was a lot belated.  Hopefully your throat will be successfully opened, and the pegged comment will still be apropos.