Well said by so manytufi000 said:we are everyone
Cancer doesn't just pick perfect people to attack.
Whether I agree with someone or not, it's not a big deal because the big deal is why we are all here.
This will always be the place for me even though sometimes I have to take a break. It feels good to know its there and I don't find it necessary to love everyone and I am grateful for the friends I have made and the comfort received.
You are not the first to leave with their "group" and I wish you well.
i came here almost four years after my diagnosis and treatments. I wish to God I knew about it at the beginning. This site helps me every day. Everyone around me has moved past my breast cancer, but I have not. Friends and family think I am cured, but I only hope and pray that one of those nasty cells didn't get away. Only the men and women on this site understand. I have not met any of you, but I love you all because we are all in this together. I am a little confused as to why some have left the site, but to each his own. I will say that I sense (and I may be wrong) that some want the site to be more positive, but I personally get strength from straight answers. Every day I walk around trying to be Polly positive to those around me, but it's nice to know that there is a place that I can share my true feelings. Cancer is horrible! They may try to dress it up with pretty colored ribbons, but In the long run, only those who have it understand what it is all about. To those pink sisters who are leaving, I wish you a lifetime of NED, but for me I will always be here reading and sharing when I think I can help. Many people have lost very dear friends on this site recently, and I truly believe it is a time to pull together, not pull apart. We are all in this together!
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I am likeJosie21 said:Well said by so many
i came here almost four years after my diagnosis and treatments. I wish to God I knew about it at the beginning. This site helps me every day. Everyone around me has moved past my breast cancer, but I have not. Friends and family think I am cured, but I only hope and pray that one of those nasty cells didn't get away. Only the men and women on this site understand. I have not met any of you, but I love you all because we are all in this together. I am a little confused as to why some have left the site, but to each his own. I will say that I sense (and I may be wrong) that some want the site to be more positive, but I personally get strength from straight answers. Every day I walk around trying to be Polly positive to those around me, but it's nice to know that there is a place that I can share my true feelings. Cancer is horrible! They may try to dress it up with pretty colored ribbons, but In the long run, only those who have it understand what it is all about. To those pink sisters who are leaving, I wish you a lifetime of NED, but for me I will always be here reading and sharing when I think I can help. Many people have lost very dear friends on this site recently, and I truly believe it is a time to pull together, not pull apart. We are all in this together!
I am like Cypress Cynthia.I am clueless and don't know what happened.Ive been on the board a few years.I've learned alot.Im not as knowlegeable as some of our other Pink Sisters who've been through alot more than me.Chemo, radiation, recurrences etc.I've learned from them.This will help if I'm ever dx with a much more advanced cancer or my breast cancer returns,So if I seem a little dumb at times I didnt have chemo radiation and all that so many of you've been through but it hard living with cancer no matter what Stage.We go through alot of emotions.Like now for me,I have tears in my eyes.
I didn't see the post.In the past there have been other posts that some haven't liked.Still I didn't see those either.I guess they were deleted.I try my best to come on Board at least once a day but I do get busy.I've cried tears for those who've passed,It another loss to all of us.It hurts.Just like those who've chose to leave us.
I don't know who is leaving but we'll miss you.Wishing all of us stay cancer free and live long lives,
Cancer has changed my life forever,My life will never be the same.None of us will ever be the same
Lynn Smith
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Traci!TraciInLA said:A club that would have me as a member...
The posts here asking how to join the new online discussion group Kylez mentions make me sad, because they remind me of what's so great -- and yes, sometimes so frustrating -- about this board.
This board is open to everyone. You don't have to be invited, you don't have to be one of the cool kids, you don't have to know any super secret password. And we're easy to find, through the American Cancer Society site.
And that means we end up with spam, with occasional full-on imposters, and with cranky comments from fragile human beings who have cancer and who are making their way through hell as best they can.
Oh, and -- we have to put up with Stef, too...
And, because this board is open to everyone, we also end up with all of you: the warm welcomes, huge cyberhugs, crazy trips on the Pink Bus, laughing and crying together that has kept me going more times than I can count.
16th-century martyr Francis David is said to have written: We need not think alike to love alike. I don't think he had breast cancer, and I doubt he'd ever posted on a website...nonetheless, he knew what he was talking about.
I agree. My ONLY problem with this board is the technology. I've been here for, like, 3 years and never had an unkind word sent my way. I joined after I did all the "fun stuff" (mast, chemo, rads) so I never called for the pink bus (and boy, am I glad! You guys are ROWDY! LOL!)
However, this board has been a treasure trove of information, and not all of it about breast cancer. Sometimes, it has made me step outside myself, and offer advice to someone who is hurting. Other times, it's just plain silly. But always, it's the place I go when I need to know something, again, cancer or other.
So, today, I had a PET scan. For 2 years, I've been kinda mad at my onc doc for not ordering an MRI or a PET scan...cos he can't promise me that the cancer was all gone (13 or so bad lymph nodes out of 15). So Weds., he orders a "bone scan". So I tell work I need today off. They think it's just a bone density test, and why would I need a whole day for that. I say no, it's the kind where they inject something in me and then subject me to an hour of torture in a machine (I can't stand repetitive motions...like jiggling, and repetitive noises, like that machine makes) So, my DIL tells me THAT'S a PET scan!!!!!!!! So, not mad at oncdoc anymore. Better explanation for work (what, do I need a note from my mom???).
And Traci, if you check on FaceBook, I bet Francis David has a website! LOL, just kidding.
I like this place. We really should do something about the wallpaper, tho. And I think the kitchen needs cleaning.....
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LIKE buttonJosie21 said:Well said by so many
i came here almost four years after my diagnosis and treatments. I wish to God I knew about it at the beginning. This site helps me every day. Everyone around me has moved past my breast cancer, but I have not. Friends and family think I am cured, but I only hope and pray that one of those nasty cells didn't get away. Only the men and women on this site understand. I have not met any of you, but I love you all because we are all in this together. I am a little confused as to why some have left the site, but to each his own. I will say that I sense (and I may be wrong) that some want the site to be more positive, but I personally get strength from straight answers. Every day I walk around trying to be Polly positive to those around me, but it's nice to know that there is a place that I can share my true feelings. Cancer is horrible! They may try to dress it up with pretty colored ribbons, but In the long run, only those who have it understand what it is all about. To those pink sisters who are leaving, I wish you a lifetime of NED, but for me I will always be here reading and sharing when I think I can help. Many people have lost very dear friends on this site recently, and I truly believe it is a time to pull together, not pull apart. We are all in this together!
I totally understand and feel the same way, Ginny. Waiting for the other foot to drop really takes a toll on one. I try to limit those feelings.
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I would just like to clarify
I would just like to clarify that when I asked to find out where they were going so I could go there too I did not intend to leave this site. I just wanted to see what kind of site they were going to have and if there would be anyone there who would also need help and support.
I have been on this site since I was first dx'd and received a lot of support, encouragement and information. I don't always post a lot but only when I think I have something useful to say.
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I think there may be many onladyg said:Sorry double post
I think there may be many on this board are on more than one site. I can see where some would like to be on both Kylez new site and this one. I don't know who left other than Kylez. And there may some that left and have returned or some that left here completely. I think as long as we are helping people wherever we are that it is all good. I am sure that all of us hope that we can reach out and touch someone and also that we get the support and assistance we need. It is a very give and take relationship and the more boards there are out there helping the better.
I feel that they are doing their part to help others in their journey and that is what is important.
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Agree with Stef...fauxma said:I think there may be many on
I think there may be many on this board are on more than one site. I can see where some would like to be on both Kylez new site and this one. I don't know who left other than Kylez. And there may some that left and have returned or some that left here completely. I think as long as we are helping people wherever we are that it is all good. I am sure that all of us hope that we can reach out and touch someone and also that we get the support and assistance we need. It is a very give and take relationship and the more boards there are out there helping the better.
I feel that they are doing their part to help others in their journey and that is what is important.
I read 3 other boards and sometimes reply on them. This is the one I do post the most. The two that I read are for those who have stage IV only and since that is my stage, I often learn from them. The other, I joined to learn more about them and in the process became friends with the members. They have a Facebook page that most go to, I never asked to join and no one has invited me. They have always been there to support me when I need them and in turn I give my advise from my experience with this disease.
One place recently had the same thing happen, people didn't like it and decided to move to a special close Facebook page. Some of the people have left that board and formed their own group. You can only be part of it, if the members agree to let you in. I don't belong to it and have no intentions on doing so.
Breast cancer has a lot of stages and reaching out and touching someone as Stef said is the goal in helping other in their journey with this awful disease is what is important. We all have different needs.
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I am staying. Sorry havent
I am staying. Sorry havent seen much conflict over las three years. We can't all agree about everything, that's life. If I have offended anyone please tell me so. I don't think I have as dont post too frequently. I need this site and used it a great deal for support and will be looking in for a long time to come. I am not religious but totally am respectful of the many who are, that is the only difference between myself and some of our friends here. So, unsure of problems but the more sites the better. I wouldn't care for a board where I have to ask to be friended though sometimes I wonder if unwanted eyes read our comments. Nothing is perfect right.......
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Kylez, I have seen what youRozHopkins said:I am staying. Sorry havent
I am staying. Sorry havent seen much conflict over las three years. We can't all agree about everything, that's life. If I have offended anyone please tell me so. I don't think I have as dont post too frequently. I need this site and used it a great deal for support and will be looking in for a long time to come. I am not religious but totally am respectful of the many who are, that is the only difference between myself and some of our friends here. So, unsure of problems but the more sites the better. I wouldn't care for a board where I have to ask to be friended though sometimes I wonder if unwanted eyes read our comments. Nothing is perfect right.......
Kylez, I have seen what you referred to and it really made me sad. I don't believe that any of us should ever write/speak to another pink sister in any verbally abusive manner, no matter what.
If you can, would you please let me know your site? Thank you!
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New here. Thought I found a good sitePink Rose said:Kylez, I have seen what you
Kylez, I have seen what you referred to and it really made me sad. I don't believe that any of us should ever write/speak to another pink sister in any verbally abusive manner, no matter what.
If you can, would you please let me know your site? Thank you!
Please include me in on your new site you are starting. I am 34 and just lost my mom (best friend) Cheryl to 4th stage Cervical Cancer. I was diagnosed while she was sick with 1st stage and had a LEEP. Why don't all Cancer survivors stick together. I have done lots of research I want to share and would love to get feedback from other survivors.
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By the way I have not limitedViking51 said:New here. Thought I found a good site
Please include me in on your new site you are starting. I am 34 and just lost my mom (best friend) Cheryl to 4th stage Cervical Cancer. I was diagnosed while she was sick with 1st stage and had a LEEP. Why don't all Cancer survivors stick together. I have done lots of research I want to share and would love to get feedback from other survivors.
By the way I have not limited myself to just cervical cancer. I want to cure all cancer. The pic is my mom is the middle with her friend Dawn who had breast cancer and her other friend.
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Thanks Kylez for letting usDouble Whammy said:And what does that make the rest of us?
I am furious about your post, Kylez. I've been here for over 3 years and there have often been ups and downs and disagreements. Breast cancer is an emotional experience. I sorely miss many of the older members and the comraderie that we once had. Members come and go and some members die. But there will always be new members finding this site who will come hre for kindness, hope, and information and I hope some of us will not jump ship when the waters get rough from time to time so we can be here for them.
And now I suppose I'm being mean spiritied . . . and starting another attack, but I feel really insulted and abandoned.
Thanks Kylez for letting us know and I wish you and the other members all the best. I would like to join your new forum also and I hope you can let me know how to join. I have sent you my email address if you prefer to contact me there. Hope to hear from you soon. I miss you on here.
Hugs, June
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I believe in usViking51 said:By the way I have not limited
By the way I have not limited myself to just cervical cancer. I want to cure all cancer. The pic is my mom is the middle with her friend Dawn who had breast cancer and her other friend.
And the value of this group of women who come and go for whatever reason. Viking 51 I believe you did find a good group and we can only continue that if we continue.
Maybe it's time to move on from this topic and keep to the agenda of helping each other in spite of our differences.
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I did see what you'reDouble Whammy said:I believe in us
And the value of this group of women who come and go for whatever reason. Viking 51 I believe you did find a good group and we can only continue that if we continue.
Maybe it's time to move on from this topic and keep to the agenda of helping each other in spite of our differences.
I did see what you're referring too Kylez and at the time, it really upset me. I did find a lot of good support here and hated to see the anger that some wrote with and even still are. I would like to become a member of your new site and to get help and support there and hopefully return it to others too. You can message me on here.
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