Update Clinical Trial TRC 105

mukamom Member Posts: 402

Been away for awhile..you know, life stuff! So sorry, Craig, to learn of your recurrance, and that the chemo is making you so sick. Keeping you in my thoughts!  Robert still talks about your gift!  

Robert starts his 16th cycle tomorrow on his trial.  To date, he has had 29% shrinkage in the tumors they are tracking, and no new tumors.

His last scan was stable. Next scan in 4 weeks.

He has had a rough go of it over the summer. Neuropathy in his feet from diabetes, low blood pressure, the avastin and trial drug making his gums bleed, mouth sores, tooth pain, morning nausea, old injuries flaring up making day to day life difficult to navigate.  Finally his PCP found a combo of meds to help with his issues, and he is feeling so much better. 

We are going to Gulf Shores Cool next Thurs for our 9th anniversary. We went for our 5th, 9 months after he was dx, and, to be honest, I really didn't expect he would be here to celebrate our 6th, let alone our 9th. Laughing

Best to all





  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Diabetic Neuropathy

    Nice to see you Angela. Ron had diabetic neuropathy for many years & I actually heard a suggestion of Alpha Lipoic Acid pills for chemo neuropathy was helpful to some. He tried them & they did work well for him. They are inexpensive at Walmart.

    Hope you guys have a great anniversary.



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Have a great trip,

    and happy anniversary!  Your Robert sounds like a real trooper.

    Hugs to you both~Ann Alexandria