Lump is "probably" scar tissue

sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

Hi Everyone.  As an update, my brother finished up his treatments on July 22, so he's almost 5 weeks out.  He is slowly but surely eating real foods by mouth and is gaining energy every day.  He told me that he can feel a lump on the side of his neck.  I am not certain if it is the same one he had before or a new one.  I do know it is smaller than the one I saw.  Anyway, when he saw his doctor this week he pointed out the lump.  The doctor said, "Don't worry about it, it's "probably" scar tissue".  I know that you are going tell me it's not cancer until they say it's cancer, and I appreciate that, but I have read enough on this board to know that doctors sometimes tell patients not to worry about things and it turns out to be not so good.  I just want to know if scar tissue on the side of the neck in the form of a lump is common.  My brother (again) chooses not to worry.  Apparently that is my job.  Cry



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    after my neck dissection and treatment there was a lump on the incision site, about the size of a nickle.  Because this was my second go around and it being in a strange location for mets for my primary, it got biopsied--scar tissue.  The doctors will really be watching.  Your brother will have many appointments in the next year. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    lump 101


    Your brother will be on a short, short leash for the next few years and his ENT and oncologists are most likely aware of any lumps.   This soon after surgery and treatments the chances of the lump being scar tissue is most probable.  If there are changes and an increase in size it would generate greater concern, but for now, relax and trust his team.

    It doesn’t hurt to be wary of cancer, it is tricky stuff.


  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    I too have a small ,firm lump on the site where my incision is and my ENT said it is scar tissue . I too am a worrier . Try not to worry so much, like Matt said they will watch him close . Wish I had a sister like you ! Laughing


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Thank you, K.T., Matt and Peggy.  I do find comfort in knowing that he will be watched closely, it just kind of scared me when my brother told me about the lump.  As a point of clarification, he has not had a neck dissection.  That kind of surprised me since the cancer was in two known nodes.  Does this info change anyone's opinion on the lump?

    Peggy, you are too kind.  I love my brother a lot, but if you asked him, he would tell you that I was a loving sister, albeit, a pain in the butt one! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Since his doctor said it is scar tissue, I would think it is the remainder of the original lump.  Finding a new lump is something which generally throws the ENT into overdrive.

    Without knowing exactly what was felt, where it was felt and what the doctor said, I am just guessing.  BUT, as long as the doctor knows about it, I feel safe for your brother.

    Slightly confused,


  • NoDuck
    NoDuck Member Posts: 134
    sin9775 said:


    Thank you, K.T., Matt and Peggy.  I do find comfort in knowing that he will be watched closely, it just kind of scared me when my brother told me about the lump.  As a point of clarification, he has not had a neck dissection.  That kind of surprised me since the cancer was in two known nodes.  Does this info change anyone's opinion on the lump?

    Peggy, you are too kind.  I love my brother a lot, but if you asked him, he would tell you that I was a loving sister, albeit, a pain in the butt one! 

    Lump with no neck dissection

    Hubby had radiation for stage 3 left tonsil cancer.  About 9 months post tx he felt a lump in the same general area.  ENT said probably scar tissue too.  Apparently radiation can cause some scarringland changes in the tissue in the radiation area.  ENT felt it too and ordered a ct scan. All clear.  

    Your brother will get thru this with a loving sis like you.  A year ago, I was afraid I would be planning a funeral.  Today I right this while on vacation with hubby in Scotland and England -- a fair trip from Oklahoma.  Prayers to you and your family.


    Ps. I know it's write and not right in next to last sentence but for some reason I can't go back to correct.  I think I'll just have another spot of tea!

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    sin9775 said:


    Thank you, K.T., Matt and Peggy.  I do find comfort in knowing that he will be watched closely, it just kind of scared me when my brother told me about the lump.  As a point of clarification, he has not had a neck dissection.  That kind of surprised me since the cancer was in two known nodes.  Does this info change anyone's opinion on the lump?

    Peggy, you are too kind.  I love my brother a lot, but if you asked him, he would tell you that I was a loving sister, albeit, a pain in the butt one! 

    five weeks is really close to completion of treatment

    Any cancerous mass that was present is still resolving.  He may still be feeling the original lump, but as others have said, that's what the follow up is for.  Nothing unusual about the situation as it curretly stands.



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Shawn !

    I can't tell you not to worry, but I can tell you your brother is a very lucky soul.  You obviously love and cherish him very much !

    If the lump isn't new....and it is smaller, the tx is still working its job.  Try to not to over think it.  Yes scar tissue does develop....and is a pain to deal with.  They will watch this area.  Hugs sent !  Katie 

  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    NoDuck said:

    Lump with no neck dissection

    Hubby had radiation for stage 3 left tonsil cancer.  About 9 months post tx he felt a lump in the same general area.  ENT said probably scar tissue too.  Apparently radiation can cause some scarringland changes in the tissue in the radiation area.  ENT felt it too and ordered a ct scan. All clear.  

    Your brother will get thru this with a loving sis like you.  A year ago, I was afraid I would be planning a funeral.  Today I right this while on vacation with hubby in Scotland and England -- a fair trip from Oklahoma.  Prayers to you and your family.


    Ps. I know it's write and not right in next to last sentence but for some reason I can't go back to correct.  I think I'll just have another spot of tea!

    It is so good to know


    It is so good to know that others know what I am feeling.  Perhaps it is that "misery loves company" mentality.  I'm not sure.  But I have calmed somewhat.  Thank you.

    I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Scotland.  Are you doing a castle tour by chance?  I think I have read too many Nora Roberts romance novels, ha!  Have a great time on your vacation!  Thanks so much for your inmput.


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    CivilMatt said:



    Since his doctor said it is scar tissue, I would think it is the remainder of the original lump.  Finding a new lump is something which generally throws the ENT into overdrive.

    Without knowing exactly what was felt, where it was felt and what the doctor said, I am just guessing.  BUT, as long as the doctor knows about it, I feel safe for your brother.

    Slightly confused,


    Matt, I hope I'm not

    Matt, I hope I'm not confusing you.  I have that affect on people a lot of times.  Undecided Thanks for always responding.


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Hello Shawn !

    I can't tell you not to worry, but I can tell you your brother is a very lucky soul.  You obviously love and cherish him very much !

    If the lump isn't new....and it is smaller, the tx is still working its job.  Try to not to over think it.  Yes scar tissue does develop....and is a pain to deal with.  They will watch this area.  Hugs sent !  Katie 

    Thank you, Katie, for your

    Thank you, Katie, for your kind words.  I guess it is just ignorance on my part.  I was under the delusion that "things" would be ALL gone after treatment, especially after a month after tx.  This is why I appreciate this site so much.


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    five weeks is really close to completion of treatment

    Any cancerous mass that was present is still resolving.  He may still be feeling the original lump, but as others have said, that's what the follow up is for.  Nothing unusual about the situation as it curretly stands.



    Pat, thank you for your

    Pat, thank you for your response.  I trust you and everyone on this site to calm me down.  It has helped!  I will stop worrying until the next "crisis" comes along and then give you all another opportunity to do what you do best.  I appreciate every one of you.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    peggylulu said:


    I too have a small ,firm lump on the site where my incision is and my ENT said it is scar tissue . I too am a worrier . Try not to worry so much, like Matt said they will watch him close . Wish I had a sister like you ! Laughing


    scar tissue

    Me too, I have a small lump at the end of my scar tissue in the thyroid area, I've also got a tickly tongue where I had it repaired after tongue base cancer. It starts to tickle and prick and I cant stop coughing until it ends in a sneeze. My throat is starting to feel rough. It could be soluble stitches but i would have thought after 7 weeks they would have dissolved by now. Your brother has a scar tissue lump by the sound of it.