Time flies! Can you believe...

I finished rads 2 months ago???  It seems like yesterday that I was so sick and didn't think I'd make it those last 6 treatments.  Thanks to PEGgy, y'all supporting me and urging me to fight, The Lord for giving me strength and my family and friends showing me all kinds of love...I did it.  I am now PEG-free, eating well, exercising, working, homeschooling my youngest and getting back to life.  I thank God each day for bringing me through this and I pray for each of you.  Thank you all for being the most amazing support system, for understanding my complaints, sharing in my accomplishments and for always being so encouraging and inspiring.  


Taste is coming back slowly. Sweets taste AWFUL!  (not really such a bad thing!)  I am craving salads, tomatoes, bbq, green beans, bananas and corn.  Very weird, but those things seems to get along well with my taste buds :) 


Wishing you all the absolute BEST and nothing but clean scans and healthy, happy lives!!!!


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tracy, time sure does fly! 

    tracy, time sure does fly!  it is fantastic to hear u r do'n so well.  glad u r peg free.  that's always a happy occassion.  it will take time for all your taste to come back but it sounds like u have quite a bit of taste already.  you r back 2 living life and that's great.  continue to enjoy each day and live life to the fullest.  if u r do'n this good when u just finished rads 2 months ago, imagine how good u will continue to feel!!


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    I have a theory


    I remember you wanting to give up. I'm glad you didn't! Sounds like things are going well and improving week by week. As down as you were, there was only one way to go and that was up!

    I have a theory about why time seems to fly by. 

    When we're very young, a year of our lives is a large part. For example, at 1 year of age, a year of our life is our entire life. As were grow older, a year of our life becomes an increasingly smaller fraction and thus it "seems" to go by much faster. 

    I remember as a child, a Summer day lasted forever! We would head out in the morning to play and the day was filled with adventure after adventure until it was time to go home for dinner and bed. Now? Sheesh! It seems I no sooner get up in the morning and it's going on 9pm and I'm ready to settle in and get some sleep. 

    The older we get, the smaller a year becomes and the faster time "seems" to go by.




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    I've gotta say, too....how glad I am you battled through the wanting to miss those last 5 rads....and here you are, on this side....getting back into life....doing a LOT  (if you ask me!!)....and loving it.  I'm so happy for you!

    I've got a theory about why time flies as get older, too.  T....your word "adventure" is the key of childhood.  EVERYTHING we do is brand spanking new...we're learning many new things every single day.....the older we get, the less truly new things pop in front of us...not saying we don't learn new things, just not at the same clip we do when we're young. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Time & Taste


    You are the opposite of the Tracy with 6 rads  left, what a time you had.

    It is funny what does come through on the taste bud front, I can barely taste sweet treats, yet sweet corn is great.

    Keep doing what you are doing, it is working great!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Great recovery


    You done great! We remember the low point along with you and played tough to get you to finish treatment. Now you are doing so well. It is stories like this that give encouragement and hope and confidence that the journey through cancer treatment is tough yet we come out the other end, banged and bruised but feeling good about life.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    donfoo said:

    Great recovery


    You done great! We remember the low point along with you and played tough to get you to finish treatment. Now you are doing so well. It is stories like this that give encouragement and hope and confidence that the journey through cancer treatment is tough yet we come out the other end, banged and bruised but feeling good about life.


    Hi TL72,


    Glad to hear things are progressing well.  I got my taste buds back fairly quick and that surprised me.  Lost all my wiskers on my right side where the tumor and lymph nodes were but now most of it has grown back.  Go figure.


    Didn't you say you also had Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the hard palate?  I had a tumor on the base of my tongue and infected lymph nodes on my right side.  How are you healing?  Did the surgery change your face a whole lot?  Mine is minor but I sure see it in the mirror everyday.


    A weird thing with me was that I smelled a scent for a long time that I couldn't put my finger on.  Finally, after two years, I once again told my H&N surgeon about it and he took the scope and went up instead of down and saw a very large infection.  My last three PET scans said something was there but everyone ignored it.  What I was smelling was the infection in my sinus cavity.  I had already had four doses of antibiotics to get rid of the pain that it caused.  He gave me something very very strong I suppose and it got rid of it.  So now I'm free of infections for the first time in a long time.


    Sorry for talking about me so much.  Yes, time flies and I can't remember what day it is anymore.  Why does it go faster when you are older and feel good?  



  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Time flies when you're having fun.

    I just know time was not flying for you while you were in treatments!  It only flies during good times, that's for sure.

    Thank you so much for posting today.  I just love reading happy posts.  It gives me so much hope for my brother!  I pray for continued success and healing for you, Tracy.


    I am always wishing I would lose my tastes for sweets, but there has got to be a better way!!  Wink

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hey Tracy !

    I am so happy to hear your doing so well !  Makes me smile for you !  Yes time flies.....but now your seeing through warriors eyes....and knowing how to let others know your journey, and to encourage others to climb that mountain and make it through to the other side !  In my book your tops girl !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Thanking God for your speedy

    Thanking God for your speedy recovery. Praying for continued healing.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Peg-Less in the Carolinas.....

    Glad we pulled you along for the ride, LOL...

    Have you tried Burger King Double Cheeseburgers..., mmmm, my fav.

    Sweet will come, just takes a long time...

    Keep on keepin on...

