No more treatment!!!

No more treatment

We were about to start my husband treatment at university of Chicago from this coming Sunday and we just got news from them today…that my husband doesn’t need any more treatment!!!

They finally reviewed pathology form my husband neck dissection form last month after insurance approval and they have different outcome vs. northwest community hospital.

They found only one node had live cancer out of 19 nodes and they strongly feel that they do not need to give him anymore treatment and just need to watch him very closely for next few years.

I finally have great news to share with all wonderful people here.

Thanks to all of you for prayers and positive thoughts.

God bless you all.




My husband story below


Different protocol from different doctor at University of Chicago.

We just got back from doctor at university of Chicago.

He is not happy that my husband has to do second round of radiation and chemo.

Per him my husband will have following treatment.

One week twice a day radiation and chemo with 3 different medications all week and then one week off completely from everything. So he will have one will on and One week off kind treatment. He told us that my husband has only 40% of chance of survivor and radiation side effect can be dangerous since his body doesn’t had chance to fully recover from last treatment(last treatment was done on march 22 2013). And also grater chance to paralysis his right had since 1 in 10 people lose their hand in second round of treatment.

My husband story:

Diagnosed with stage 4 hpv originate head and neck cancer

36 radiation treatments done/ high does for Chemo done and after 3 months PAT/CAT neck dissection done and they found active cancer cells in there.

Now both radiologist and oncologist are suggestion to see someone at university for any qualify clinical trials.

Any suggestion would be helpful

I am looking as usual any suggestions or help.






  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo Hetal!!

    I am so glad you tried a different cancer center.....second opinions are worth the wait.  Congratulations to both you and hubby.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good report


    Knowing what you do not have to go through and the second opinion results.  Wow, all is good.

    With your team keeping a close eye on things this should all work out fine.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    What a difference!

    A 2nd look and opinion makes! That is good news for sure! 

    Continued positive thoughts and prayers!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    They found only one node had

    They found only one node had live cancer out of 19 nodes and they strongly feel that they do not need to give him anymore treatment and just need to watch him very closely for next few years.

    Hi Hetal,

    Maybe I read this incorrectly; are you saying that there is active cancer in a lymph node and they suggest no further treatment at this point? From my time here, it seems treatment is always pursued if any active cancer exists. Hopefully, we get a few others to weigh in. Maybe I just read this incorrectly or have my facts messed up in which case CONGRATULATIONS! don

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hetal, that is

    hetal, that is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Cool  couldn't ask for better news than that.


  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    great news


    What wonderful news. Move foreward with "light feet". josh r.

  • Hummingbird3
    Hummingbird3 Member Posts: 67
    Very grateful

    This must bring you great peace.  I pray your husband continues to heal and recover beautifully.  blessngs to both of you,


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Great news...................all it takes sometimes is another doc with stronger lenses. Time to kick back.

    Enjoy the day


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I like Donfoo do not

    I like Donfoo do not understand why no treatment if live cancer was found. Maybe you should ask for an explanation. Don't want to burst your bubble but I would be concerned.



  • hsnmp1978
    hsnmp1978 Member Posts: 44
    jim and i said:

    I like Donfoo do not

    I like Donfoo do not understand why no treatment if live cancer was found. Maybe you should ask for an explanation. Don't want to burst your bubble but I would be concerned.



    I will defiantly ask that question


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Just say No to C

    Great news he might end up being like me, I have live cancer cells but they don’t grow and that just puzzles the doctors because it is something they can’t understand. Make sure you keep him on a good diet and let his body’s immune system take over and keep the cancer from doing anything.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • hsnmp1978
    hsnmp1978 Member Posts: 44
    Hondo said:

    Just say No to C

    Great news he might end up being like me, I have live cancer cells but they don’t grow and that just puzzles the doctors because it is something they can’t understand. Make sure you keep him on a good diet and let his body’s immune system take over and keep the cancer from doing anything.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    yes I will

    Yes Hondo I am on it and he is getting fresh juice  8 times a day and healthy food and also B17...and God has showed is LIGHT of approval in my path.

