An Annoying day

Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member

so I was scheduled for my 6 month PET, at 9:30 this morning managed to get there with not too much scanxiety and about halfway to the appointment I get a call saying there meds were screwed up and rescheduled me for 2:45 instead, which would have been fine, excepth that you cant eat, so by 2:45 I was hungry cranky, tired, and probably not too pleasant, After seeing doctors, nurses or technicians of some sort almost every day for the last year, made it almost unbearable to be nice, thought I was going to pass out from low blood sugar (86) which they said is low normal, but when you are used to eating carbs every 2 hours, it felt low. Luckily there is a DQ just down the road fron the clinic, so I didn't even wait for results just made a bee line for DQ, now I have the scanxiety but should know something tomorrow.

Just another day in new normal land......



  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    I hear you loud and clear


    I know what you mean about being hungry and edgy. A few years back, I was scheduled for a PET Scan at 11AM. Well, things were running behind, so it was roughly 1PM before I got in there for them to set me up to get the solution injected. But the new procedure was to use some kind of new machine to inject the solution from this rolling cart that protected everyone from the radioactive isotope.

    I asked why they stopped using the needle type injection from the metal box and the reply was that they were concerned that over a period of time, those injecting it may be harmed by the exposure. It made sense to me, but I asked how do you know that the machine actually did it's job. The nurse then told me that they haven't had a problem with it. So off to sit in a recliner for 45 minutes I went.

    Time for the Pet Scan, on the table, etc. another 45 minutes go by. I'm told, don't leave yet until we check the scan to make sure it is clear. OOPs, it appears that the Radioactive Isotope was not injected into you, this never happened before....You will have to reschedule....Well, I can't repeat what I was thinking, but I told them that I wasn't leaving until I had the scan. I wanted the radioactive isotope injected the old fashioned way. I also asked if they had a Geiger Counter, and the answer was "yes". Why do you ask? I want you to check my ankles when you inject me, to make sure the solution has traveled thru my body.... Retested and all was good.   Yes, I tried to be nice, but they knew I was a bit grumpy to say the least. Especially when I'm hungry....Luckily there are allot of food places outside the Hospital and I made a bee line to the nearest one....

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Jim, sounds like a very frustrating day, especially when it is highlighted by scanxiety.  I'm glad that the DQ was around the corner, so you were able to treat yourself to some fan food after the day of hurry up and waiting.  I'm sending out posiltive energy for a NEDS report from the scan.  Yeah, the new normal, as Rosanna Rosanna used to say, "it's always something."


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    so what did we learn?

    Book the earliest appt for your PET so you can definately be on your way to a late breakfast or early lunch. Too many grumps around here. LOL don

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    thank you DQ


    Good luck on good scan results.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    so what did we learn?

    Book the earliest appt for your PET so you can definately be on your way to a late breakfast or early lunch. Too many grumps around here. LOL don


    LOL, He did have it early...9:30AM, they messed up.....

    But actually it was a test, they were seeing how his ability to adapt under "abi-normal" conditions were approached... Obviously he needs a bit more abi-normalness in his life... It will come...

    As for 89 being low normal on the blood sugar, they are considering making 90 the new high range for normal.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    The waiting seems to be the norm for most medical facilities anymore. Recently had a doctors appt and the appt was for 2:00. Sat in the lobby until 2:50 when they called me to the room. Sat another 35 min (now 3:25) before the doctor appeared. Then a nurse came in during our appt and asked for the doctor to step out. Waited another 15 min (now 3:40). Doctor came back in and spent 5-8 min with me. Then stood in line at the check out to pay and it was then 2 hrs and $80 (for 5-8 min)later, I was on my way back to work. This happens all to frequently. I've mentioned to the receptionist and the doctors that they shouldn't try to cram so many appts in one much time are they really giving to their patients?... have every right to be crabby! I hope you treated yourself to an EXTRA LARGE Banana SPLIT... after your meal, of course! Wink


    Praying for a NED today!
