Let's liven up the place! Sanjay Gupta MD says WEED is AOK

Hi all,
I have no dog and I don't fish so can not one-up the filler threads like JG posts. But I can surely give it a go on the topic of Weed for medicinal purposes.
Sunday evening there was a TV special with Dr Sanjay Gupta as he shared several real life examples of the miraculous ability of MMJ (Medical Marijuana) to relieve severe suffering in patients where all other therapies failed. He has formally changed his position on the use of MMJ as he is now convinced of the genuine ability of the drug to help suffering patients.
Inquiring CSN members are curious where the CSN family stands on this topic. A 420 (code for MJ) thread quite some time ago shed a bit of light on the community but fell short of determining the general of the majority of the members. Comments came mostly from those on the right and left of the issue but the center was pretty quiet. Some members totally saw no medical value for cancer patients, some members fully embraced the use as an alternative to powerful narcotics, some were on-the-fence still mulling through the concept that smoking pot can actually provide significant pain and nausea relief from cancer treatment and side effects, and some members were fully against it as it is still illegal or against their fundamental beliefs.
This thread's goal is to generate lots of healthy discussion, opinions, positions, comments, and share knowledge and experiences on the topic to offer better insight to all. Hopefully, the thread is informative and can aid those just starting treatment as well as those suffering both short and long term side effects post treatment.
Legal medical cannabis by state: 1 Alaska, ,2 Arizona, 3 Arkansas, 4 California, 5 Colorado, 6 Connecticut, 7 Delaware, 8 Hawaii, 9 Illinois, 10 Iowa, 11 Maine, 12 Maryland, 13 Massachusetts, 14 Michigan, 15 New Hampshire, 16 Montana, 17 Nevada, 18 New Jersey, 19 New Mexico, 20 New York, 21 Oregon, 22 Rhode Island, 23 Texas, 24 Vermont, 25 Washington, 26 Washington DC
Pending legislation: 1. Minnisota, 2. New York, 3. Ohio, 4. Pennsylvania
On-the-fence (early attempts): 1.Maryland, 2. Minnesota, 3. Oklahoma, 4. Texas
If possible, it would be great to reply with the state of your residence and your current position on using medical MJ to relieve the various pain, nausea, loss of appetite, and a host of other symtoms generated by treatment and side effects. And please don't feel like you are obligated to state you use if you'd rather not; your general position will suffice.
Let the games begin.
Montana here...
one of "legal" states. However, 2 years ago the Feds swooped down and nailed so many of the MMJ sellers (all doing hard time now)....I don't know where one would go to get MMJ (there used to be a shop every two blocks).
I'm all for it for HNC, if it doesn't have to be inhaled as smoke....vapor would be healthier. I didn't use it.....but certainly wouldn't be against anyone else using it.
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Minnesota here
We've been on the fence too long here ! Alot of talk about it...we'll see. I'm a very big advocate for medical use ! There are many ways other than smoking it to relieve symptoms. My greatest fear, and will always be is the big guns get in this issue to tax the hell out of people using it. If they can keep it natural (wonderful !) if not....I think I'd try to get a stamp and grow it myself !
I've seen many articles written on this one....I think my favorite one was MJ will cure cancer......well no it doesn't.....but they're doing studies not only on the anti-anxiety, and other medical uses....but something with the seeds. DNA-RNA....too deep to get into discussion here. But promising for tx's down the road to open up cells for better tx's. CANCER QUEST on FB throws out alot of good info.
Anyway Don....another interesting post ! Thank you again for your input and insight ! Hugs sent ! Katie
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What If....
Now if you had a dog, that fishes and tokes a little..., hmmmm that would be some dog. But more than likely, he'd get zoned out, kick-back, eat my fish, drink my Corona and want me to show him all of the best fishing spots....
I have no preference as for medical marijuana. I do believe it serves a purpose in some, especially the terminally ill, Glucoma and others....
I'm not so sure if it actually has any healing properties, but as a pain reliever I suppose it does.
Though like P, I'd think it would be better suited as vapor versus direct smoke.
Florida isn't on your list from above..., and I don't expect that to change any time soon.
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Smoking dope
Well yes I use to do it; and yes I did inhale.
There are a lot of other ways to take MJ besides smoking it; and the benefit of it is that it is a natural drug. People who I know that are using it all say it helps mainly with pain caused by nerve damage from radiation and chemo. I have asked some of the doctors I go to about it and they all say that they wish it was legal to proscribe but in Texas and Louisiana it is not. The other problem I have is drug testing every now and then so just to try it could get me fired as I hear it stays in your system for months after.
Hoping that someday Texas and Louisiana get on the ball with legalizing it for medical use.
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Weed vs Marinol
As Hondo says, TX has not made progress...but is at least considering legalizing it. My doc told me, if you can get it, use it, but then he prescribed some Marinol. Smoke in any form is obviously a problem for most HNC patients, and it was for me. The Marinol, while not offering all the benefits of MJ, definitely helped provide some symptomatic relief, including making me hungry. For those trying to keep up weight, this might be a legit alternative.
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Great start!
Keep the comments coming!
Much easier topic than the PxG one that sure did some blood boiling. I assure you, this one is sure to have a much more "mellow" effect. lol
"P" - As you noticed back a few years ago, dispensaries were on nearly every corner and it got out of control. The program still seems tied up in the courts but it seems the programs is still alive. This link goes to the main industry group in the state. Lots of the details there. http://www.mtcia.org/faq-on-current-law.
Katie - I am very opposed to excess taxation but taxing the MJ industry is a good thing, similar to the pretty heavy taxes imposed on the alcohol industry. In NorCal, there is a city/county tax on the sales of MJ, then there is state sales tax on top of that. It is definately putting extra coins in the state and local coffers as well as reducing costs and resources in law enforcement and the court system for personal level usage.
I've not read MJ cures cancer but there does seem to be some stories, certainly not clinically proven, that speakf of MJ keeps cancers from growing. Hopefully, more scientific research and trials are done as well as earlier studies can get out of the closets and dark, after years of suppression.
Fish - Much preferable to narcs. That rings the big bells!! Nearly everyone here who requires pain management is prescribed narcotics, ranging from hydrocodone, oxycodone, to fentanyl. All are derived from opium, same as heroin. It really is beyond me why most folks, if they have a hard think, would not seriously consider at least trying MJ in lieu of the narcotics to help with pain, sleep, and appetite issues.
For those who have access to MJ, preferably in a MJ friendly state, are most cancer patients choosing not to try MJ or just not give it sufficient thought as a viable option?
Without question, thousands of people have died from misuse of opiate based drugs. There has never been a single death directly associated to consuming MJ. Of course, this excludes incidents where someone high runs into a freeway embankment, etc.
For those in states where the use is totally illegal, some percentage of patients are going to avoid getting involved unless they are already sold on the benefits. Someone with a new cancer diagnosis is probably not in the mood to risk getting arrested with a drug offense.
JG - How much dope you smoking these days? You have a pot smokiing dog that fishes and eat flounders; boy - must be some good sh...t lol
There is so much evidence of efficacy for certain conditions that this whole topic should really not even need any further discussion. If nothing else, the FDA should quickly help get MJ onto the correct DEA schedule. It is a Schedule 1 drug, same as heroin, LSD, MDMA(Estacy), pshcy mushrooms,etc.
Schedule I substances are those that have the following findings:
The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
You gotta take your hat off to those who take risks to help patients getting some relief, given the potentially draconian punishment if the authorities decide to act.
"Sentences for first-time, non-violent offenders convicted of trafficking in Schedule I drugs can easily turn into de facto life sentences when multiple sales are prosecuted in one proceeding.: from wikipedia
Hondo - I have read your story so I understand your openess to alternatives rather that what is peddled by the traditional medical establishment. You raise some great points though, In states where it is not legal, you could run the risk that any random blood test could find THC in your system and you could be in big trouble including losing your job and career. It is great to get this sort of perspective as it brings reality into the lights, the place where some of us get blinded by the lights and really need them dark shades. lol
Grandmax4 - humm.. any specific reason to "pass"; just nice to get more perspectives into the thread so folks can think and make informed decisions on using MJ as stated here.
dlygoblue - Marinol - WOW! not so many are prescribed this stuff. I learn so much by asking questions. It is amazing that Marinol which contains THC, same as cannabis, is classified as a Schedule 3 drug and considered to be non-narcotic with alow risk of dependence.
"Marinol has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the treatment of anorexia in AIDS patients, as well as for refractory nausea and vomiting of patients undergoing chemotherapy, which can remain in the body for up to 5 years, which has raised much controversy as to why natural THC is still a schedule I drug." wikipedia
This just shows how screwed up things really are. Well - the battle continues but at this point, it is really just a matter of time before it is decriminalzed across the country. Things are so messed up - it never dawned on me to ask my doctor to just prescribe Marinol.Any others out there used Marinol or even heard of it being prescribed or asked for it?
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Good topic - game on !
I live in FL where there is no legal source at this time. However, I have relatives in other states who are pleased that it has become legal in their states. Two things come to mind. First ... for H&N cancer patients ... brownies are probably the best way to consume. I am not familiar with vaporizing but I would think that vapors would still coat the oral passages. I wonder if there is a way to blend it into a smoothie. Second, in states where it has been legalized, the patients who have been growing their own will no longer be allowed to do so if a dispensary opens within 25 miles of their home. That will cause a hardship for many of those patients. If a patient chooses ingesting instead of smoking, would the amount allocated by a dispensary be enough to bake it into brownies? I found the following in a comment section of an article about a new dispensary recently approved to open in a small town in AZ.....
"I will be both thankful and mad when our local dispensary opens. I understand that there are people that need a place to get meds. My problem is that for the last 2+ years the only "legal" way was to grow my own. That over time has been a real investment.. Now when this dispensary goes in and I renew my card, I will not be allowed to grow any more. This is the case for thousands of patients. Over 70% of MMJ patients are facing this now. If now, the state is going to force me to get my meds from a dispensary are they going to repay me my investment. I know they are not, so when this happens I will become a criminal and not a patient."
I personally think that patients who qualify for legalized MMJ should have the option to grow it themselves.
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Hey Don, great idea. I'm from Florida, and believe that marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes; it would alleviate the unnecessary suffering for many folks. I will also go a tadd further and say that, for a variety of reasons, I believe that it should also be legalized for recreational use.
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Good points!
Hi Alligator,
Thanks for joining the session. Sorry to hear about being weed-less in FL.You will just going to have to wait until it goes nationwide; it will happen, just going to take some time. Each state writes its own legislation and all the related rules on creating and administering and enforcing the law that is passed in that state. It seems AZ has this 25 mile rule. From reading the details of a few other states including California, there is no such distance rule.
The common, key aspect of legislation is possession limits - how much ready to consume product can you possess and how much can you have growing - number of plants flowering vs non-flowering. Even within one state, say California, counties and cities can and do pass local ordinaces that can further restrict/expand the default state limits. Many have passed local laws that prohibit outdoor growing and specify limits on indoor area and such.
You raise some very good questions about consuming cannabis. You can smoke it, inhale vapors, ingest it orally, and topically with lotions and creams. Some oral cancer patients smoke it but not the preferred method. Smoking does get the medicine in your system right away. You can smoke the naturally grown leaves and flowers. You can also smoke concentrated cannabis in the form of hash and hash oils. Concentrated medicine produce stronger and faster action. Others use a vaporizer which carefully heats and extracts the active chemicals into a bag from which you breath the collected vapor.
You can ingest the medicine in various ways. Baking weed into cookies, brownies, chocolates, butter, etc are all common ways to package the medicine. Concentrated oils can be sprayed or dripped under the tongue. This method takes effect fairly quickly vs ingesting which takes more time for the medicine to get going. An hour is not uncommon to wait and the time varies depending on your status (morning, evening, tired, hungry, full, etc.) when you take it. It can take an hour or two for it to take effect. The effect lasts longer than smoking.
Lastly, there are lotions and creams and sprays which report to be effective ways to deliver the medicine. I have no idea how well these work.Next topic will be a more detailed guide on the specifics of the popular medicines. Stay tuned and keep on posting!
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more floridians?
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for joining in. What is up with all the Florida folks here? Humans and animals enjoy a puff or two - John even has a pot smoking dog that eats haibut when he high and gets the munchies! LOL
I'm glad others can offer their insights to what is going on in their own regions as it sure does seem to cover a wide range. At the very least, cannabis for bonafide medical use is the right thing to do. I really hope many of Sanjay Gupta's followers may softten and even convert over to being supporters after seeing how dramatic the improvements were in those sickly kids, youth, and adults.
NORML http://norml.org/ is a main focus point for those advocating for getting medical cannabis legalized as well as decriminalizing it altogether. You can find out the status and where efforts are underway to influence legislation and related topics.
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I never tried medical marijuana but did fancy every other variety. I even smoked government grown with government agents. Not Bill Clinton, he wouldn’t have been any fun he never inhaled. Marijuana never cured me of anything but it did help me get over my high school sweetheart deciding it was time to date others after we were engaged. I can truthfully say I came up with some of my best ideas when I was high, I just can’t remember any of them.
I am OK with it being used medicinally however, it throws a monkey wrench into the system with mandatory drug tests for CDL drivers. The book I am writing about my experiences of being a Vice President of the Teamsters has some of the excuses I have heard from people who could not pass drug tests and medical houch just ain’t gonna help sell my book.
As Lyle George from Little Feat once said, “Don’t bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me”.
Enjoy the day
Anonymous (to protect the innocent)
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Dope Dog...
LOL, I never said I "had" the dog, I was just referring, it would be my luck to have one that would do all of those things, LOL....
Similar to Jeff, I grew up in Central Ohio, where it was cows and corn, so naturally we participated in other recreational activities.... As a matter of fact, I grew up and was in my teens during the Kent State shootings... Four Dead in Ohio...CSN&Y....
Florida is where all of us end up eventually....., LOL.
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Dope Dog....or CatSkiffin16 said:Dope Dog...
LOL, I never said I "had" the dog, I was just referring, it would be my luck to have one that would do all of those things, LOL....
Similar to Jeff, I grew up in Central Ohio, where it was cows and corn, so naturally we participated in other recreational activities.... As a matter of fact, I grew up and was in my teens during the Kent State shootings... Four Dead in Ohio...CSN&Y....
Florida is where all of us end up eventually....., LOL.
Ever wonder what they eat when they take off in the woods for a while? The way our pets behave sometimes really makes me wonder! Cat Nip bears a striking resemblance to MJ and has a similar effect on Socrates ~lol~
"T"0 -
kitty weedfishmanpa said:Dope Dog....or Cat
Ever wonder what they eat when they take off in the woods for a while? The way our pets behave sometimes really makes me wonder! Cat Nip bears a striking resemblance to MJ and has a similar effect on Socrates ~lol~
"T""T" this link is for you ... made me laugh after reading your post and I searched out this discussion about 'kitty weed'. The last comment by someone named "Born2Blo" at the bottom of the thread in the link has some good info about THC needing to be 'cooked' for it to have any effect.
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Cooking....alligatorpointer said:kitty weed
"T" this link is for you ... made me laugh after reading your post and I searched out this discussion about 'kitty weed'. The last comment by someone named "Born2Blo" at the bottom of the thread in the link has some good info about THC needing to be 'cooked' for it to have any effect.
Speaking of which.....
You doing any fishing....?
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cooking & fishing via vicarious experience - TY JGSkiffin16 said:Cooking....
Speaking of which.....
You doing any fishing....?
Please keep posting the fishin pics, John...I am enjoying the vicarious experience. What is cookin (along with being eatin by bugs) is me when trying to fish from shore with the miserable heat and thunderstorms the past few weeks. During the few breaks between thunderstorms, we have been treated to islands of seaweed, rough surf, and thick muddy water near shore. The few times I tried recently, mostly caught small (baby) shark, hardheads, sailcats, stingrays ... nothing worth cooking. I have a neighbor with a boat who told me a few days ago that he is not even catching grouper when he goes several miles offshore and he usually catches his limit. I wish there were a way to fast-forward to October.
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Teamsters - testing?Duggie88 said:Pennsylvania
I never tried medical marijuana but did fancy every other variety. I even smoked government grown with government agents. Not Bill Clinton, he wouldn’t have been any fun he never inhaled. Marijuana never cured me of anything but it did help me get over my high school sweetheart deciding it was time to date others after we were engaged. I can truthfully say I came up with some of my best ideas when I was high, I just can’t remember any of them.
I am OK with it being used medicinally however, it throws a monkey wrench into the system with mandatory drug tests for CDL drivers. The book I am writing about my experiences of being a Vice President of the Teamsters has some of the excuses I have heard from people who could not pass drug tests and medical houch just ain’t gonna help sell my book.
As Lyle George from Little Feat once said, “Don’t bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me”.
Enjoy the day
Anonymous (to protect the innocent)
Just curious where Teamster stands on medical MJ? I've heard if you are in transportation then there are Fed rules which control mandatory drug testing for drivers and such which makes sense as this is clearly a public safety issue. But what about other professions not regulated by the feds?
As to testing in general, I think most states are trying to catch up on driving while high on cannabis. Something I am learning a lot about now is the key compoenents in weed: THC and CBD. The THC offers the high while the CBD offers the relief as shown in the Sanja Gupta special. There are some newer strains that are high CBD and very low THC, offering very little "high" effect. The current drug testing looks for THC. Hopefully, they continue down this path and leave CBD out of the test. This would be wonderful for MMJ patients since the CBD can offer the necessary relief while not restricting driving.
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I Hear You...alligatorpointer said:cooking & fishing via vicarious experience - TY JG
Please keep posting the fishin pics, John...I am enjoying the vicarious experience. What is cookin (along with being eatin by bugs) is me when trying to fish from shore with the miserable heat and thunderstorms the past few weeks. During the few breaks between thunderstorms, we have been treated to islands of seaweed, rough surf, and thick muddy water near shore. The few times I tried recently, mostly caught small (baby) shark, hardheads, sailcats, stingrays ... nothing worth cooking. I have a neighbor with a boat who told me a few days ago that he is not even catching grouper when he goes several miles offshore and he usually catches his limit. I wish there were a way to fast-forward to October.
Only been grouper fishing under the Slyway once since it opened.... way too hot for them right now.
The one that I did get, I had to fight a porpoise for and he nearly pulled me from my boat...
I managed to get the grouper, with 8" of dolphin teeth marks along its side. Then the pissed off dolphin kept surfacing near my boat... He wanted to shank me, I know it...
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