Where I am now.

camul Member Posts: 2,537
edited August 2013 in Breast Cancer #1

It has been a little over 2 months since all treatment was stopped. When the doctor was pushing hospice and said my mobility would be going fast, I was determined, no way. He told me to travel asap if there were any trips I wanted to take. Then I got vertigo, some meds and went to CA for 5 days, other than being dizzy it wasnt too bad. Figured I would go to Sacramento when the temp dropped some. Fast track 2 months this week from the trip to CA. I decided on a hospice. I am walking with a cane. Still going but any walking is quite painful. It is the right leg from the calf to the hip on to the spine, and the left ribs, mainly in the back. I saw endocrinologist last monday, even 50k iu of vit d, not absorbing. Vit B12 is non existant, and I am once again hypothyroid. I have been on meds for the thyroid for almost 6 yrs. It was removed in 2009 with tumors with abnormal cells. So now upping synthroid. I am taking the 50k iu of vit D 1x a week and 5k daily, magnesium, and I am back on weekly shots of vit b12. My body is not absorbing. I am now using a cane as my right leg goes out.n I have been spending time with my brother and his wife, my ex and my boys. We have been fishing. It takes a bit to get to my spot, but I get there. and my ex has been grocery shopping with me, running errands, etc, and my boys are doing almost too much for me, even putting the worm on my hook! lol I am still going strong, just at a slower pace, and less often. But still not willing to stop. I cant tell you all how much I hate cancer. I feel like it is taking more of me every day. Hugs, Carol


  • coco2008
    coco2008 Member Posts: 418
    I am so sorry that you are

    I am so sorry that you are going through this, but your spirit is inspiring.  Despite all that CA is throwing at you, you don't give up.  You push on with what you have and make the most of life.

    You seem to be surrounded with loving and supporting family.  May God bless them for their beautiful hearts.

    Know you are in my heart and in my prayers.



  • Faith_In_God
    Faith_In_God Member Posts: 76

    Dear Carol, we all hate cancer very very much. I hope the researchers would do better and find better ways to combat the beast.

    I love your spirit and courage, I will have you in my prayers and thought.

    God bless you, take care.


  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    You are such a fighter, Carol


    I wish I had 1/2 the drive you've shown us.  I'm loving your family and wonderful support system.  Enjoy the fishing and having the worms put on the hook, too!  Big hug, Linda 

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Carol we are with you


    i am very sorry. I am glad you have help from your loving family. I wish I could take your pain away or invented pain medication, which will control your pain. Please keep doing what you love. We are with you, I hope you feel positive thoughts coming your wway hugs 

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Carol we are with you


    i am very sorry. I am glad you have help from your loving family. I wish I could take your pain away or invented pain medication, which will control your pain. Please keep doing what you love. We are with you, I hope you feel positive thoughts coming your wway hugs 

    The amazing Carol . .

    Wish I could make the pain and anguish go away.  You are loved by your family and here by all of us.  Thank you for keeping us uptodate on your journey.  I love to read that you're still fishing. 


  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    Praying for You


    I am sorry you are in pain and wish I could take it away.  I'm glad you got to go to CA even if it was difficult.  I'm glad you have lots of help and loving people surrounding you.  I pray for you every day.  Wish I could give you a big old hug.  You are an amazing woman and fighter! 




  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    mom62 said:

    Praying for You


    I am sorry you are in pain and wish I could take it away.  I'm glad you got to go to CA even if it was difficult.  I'm glad you have lots of help and loving people surrounding you.  I pray for you every day.  Wish I could give you a big old hug.  You are an amazing woman and fighter! 




    Omega 3&6


    have you tried to add Omega3oil to your drug list ? It coul help a a natural source and may provide additional benefits. Sometime biological source assimilated better by body or inhance chemical. Are you taking Vitamin d3 liquid Or liquid softgellisthmuses are  easy  for the body to utilize.


  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Omega 3&6


    have you tried to add Omega3oil to your drug list ? It coul help a a natural source and may provide additional benefits. Sometime biological source assimilated better by body or inhance chemical. Are you taking Vitamin d3 liquid Or liquid softgellisthmuses are  easy  for the body to utilize.


    My prayers and good thoughts

    My prayers and good thoughts are sent your way.  I hope you continue to do all that you want even if it is at a slower pace.  It is so good that you have such a supportive family.   Please know that we are all keeping you in our hearts.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Carol, you are such an

    Carol, you are such an inspiration!  Your courage and grace are amazing.  I know why your boys love you so much!  I hate cancer too and I just wish there were something I could do.  I am praying for you.  You are such a strong and kind lady!!!!

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537

    Omega 3&6


    have you tried to add Omega3oil to your drug list ? It coul help a a natural source and may provide additional benefits. Sometime biological source assimilated better by body or inhance chemical. Are you taking Vitamin d3 liquid Or liquid softgellisthmuses are  easy  for the body to utilize.


    I am taking the blue gel soft vit D, and the b12 injections.
    I think she added the magnesium to help my body absorb the vits and minerals. I am also eating an egg a day that is high in Omega 3 and added the greek yogurt with fresh blueberries. Tonight I went to my brothers for dinner and atemore than I have in a month! So far no stomache pains and it was good to spend more time with him. I will miss him when he and his wife go back to Arizona.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537

    Carol, you are such an

    Carol, you are such an inspiration!  Your courage and grace are amazing.  I know why your boys love you so much!  I hate cancer too and I just wish there were something I could do.  I am praying for you.  You are such a strong and kind lady!!!!

    Thanks everyone.
    Thisnis definately a journey and I love that we have so many good people to join us on this journey, even though it would be a blessing none of us ever had to do it!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    camul said:

    Thanks everyone.
    Thisnis definately a journey and I love that we have so many good people to join us on this journey, even though it would be a blessing none of us ever had to do it!

    Carol, You are my HERO,

    have been, always will BE.  I bonded with you quickly, and keep you, and your family close in my heart and in prayers.


    I adore you so much ... xoxoxoxxo


    Vicki Sam

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Carol, You are my HERO,

    have been, always will BE.  I bonded with you quickly, and keep you, and your family close in my heart and in prayers.


    I adore you so much ... xoxoxoxxo


    Vicki Sam

    I wish I was

    I wiah I was a strong as you.You've put up a good fight and haven't decided on Hospice.And you and your family are having such  good times. I wish you the best.You're one of the strongest people I know.You keep going!!!!

    Oh and for the worms. My husband or sons did that.Not me.Now that my grandchildren are raised thay all love to fish.The girls always got in tournaments when they were young.Oldest son had only girls and their daddy raised them to fish. After their dad got out of the Marines he got a good paying job as refrigeration manager at a food plant.Then he started his own business.He has a bait shop and provides fish to every lake in the area,He's making good money at both jobs and loves to fish WHEN he has time.

    Keep us updated and continue having good times with your family.

    Lynn Smith 

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    I wish I was

    I wiah I was a strong as you.You've put up a good fight and haven't decided on Hospice.And you and your family are having such  good times. I wish you the best.You're one of the strongest people I know.You keep going!!!!

    Oh and for the worms. My husband or sons did that.Not me.Now that my grandchildren are raised thay all love to fish.The girls always got in tournaments when they were young.Oldest son had only girls and their daddy raised them to fish. After their dad got out of the Marines he got a good paying job as refrigeration manager at a food plant.Then he started his own business.He has a bait shop and provides fish to every lake in the area,He's making good money at both jobs and loves to fish WHEN he has time.

    Keep us updated and continue having good times with your family.

    Lynn Smith 

    I'm sorry to read this

    All I can do is hold you close, send good thoughts, and pray for the miracle. I wish life were otherwise. 

    My advice: keep fishing as long as you can and let the boys put the worm on for you:)

    You're never far from my thoughts.



  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Keep fighting Carol!

    Thinking about you.






  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Keep fighting Carol!

    Thinking about you.






    I am sorry you are in pain

    I am sorry you are in pain and wish I could take it away. you have aways amazed me with your journey and how you have managed it. Hugs to you!

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    You're in my prayers Carol, I

    You're in my prayers Carol, I love your fighting spirit. I am so glad you went on your trip to Ca. Hugs to you sweet sister. Please keep us posted as you can. Love you....Kay,

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Dear Carol,

    I am sorry that you are having a lot of trouble walking.  I also admire you fighting spirit.  Am glad that you have your sons, brother, sister-in-law and former husband to help you.

    Wishing you the best,



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    SIROD said:


    Dear Carol,

    I am sorry that you are having a lot of trouble walking.  I also admire you fighting spirit.  Am glad that you have your sons, brother, sister-in-law and former husband to help you.

    Wishing you the best,



    Wish I could wave a magic wand

    and take all the rotten stuff away, Carol.  I look  to people like you to be strong when I need to be.  You are truly amazing to me, and I'd like to think that I can do it all as well as you do.  I'm so glad you have a wonderful support system in your sons, your ex and the rest of your family.  That means everything and it's all that really matters--at least to me.

    Sounds like you are still managing to find joy in life when you can and that is awesome.

    Hang in there, Carol, and keep fighting as long as you wish.  You remain in my daily prayers.

    Love and hugs, Renee