Anniversary of Sorts

osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
edited August 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

2 years ago today I had my first all day chemo treatment , cisplatin, taxotore, and my favorite the 5FU pump,  I would have 2 more of these all day treatments each 21 days from August to Oct before starting 7 1/2 weeks of rads with 1 infusion of carboplatin for ever week of rads.  As I sit and remember the last 2 years , I remember my ENT telling me I had cancer ,my onco doc using phrase and terms I had never heard before, I'm the first person in my family to have cancer; apparently cancer didn't care that I had plans of an early retirement, to  go back east spend time with family , enjoy watching a then 6 yr old granddaughter grow up, everyday life enjoying all it had to offer. While fearful of the unknown, treament , how cancer would effect my life,my mortality, I do know that the first time I had an infusion  my daughter and granddaughter were with me, they left to do some shopping as I was going to be there all day and they would pop in and out, watching them walk away,brought tears , but at that moment I could have looked at myself as a victim or as lucky and a survivor, I chose the later. Lucky in the fact the cancer was diagnosed , that I ultimately placed my life and care into the hands of very qualified doctors,nurses and technicians. Cancer also taught me about the total love my family and friends have for me,how  they changed their lives to be at my side , it taught me to take time to enjoy every day,  even the tough ones , to laugh more,to appreciate the little a things,to slow down and make time for all that is important , and not to stress about things I couldn't control or change. Did I loose my hair, yup, my taste, yup, lack of saliva, yup..but you know it all comes back. Today, 2 years later , I'm working full time, I work out ,my health is good, and as I sit here writing this I realize at the end of the day I don't care what cancer thought , I've come thru the other side. 

love , blessings , and light to all of you




  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Your Anniversary

    What a beautiful, happy and inspiring post.  Thank you for sharing your feelings with us.  May God  bless you with many more  NED years.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Happy for you


    Well put! I am still navigating these new waters cautiously, but you seem to grasp that nugget of truth shared by many of the happy survivors.  I won’t hit the 2-year start to this adventure until November (lump in neck).  So far it has been a heck of a ride, a few more bumps, but getting smoother every day.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    WooHoo ~ Two Year Milestone..

    You are my junior..., or sorts...

    Just over four years ago, I had finished up basically the same treatment as you, same chemo protocul for sure... Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU...nine weeks worth. Then an additional seven week of daily IMRT rads concurrent with weekly Carboplatin...

    Congrats on your job well done...

    I'm looking forward to many years of survivorship with you Linda...

    BTW, as you are well aware I'm sure, two year is very important milestone...


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    What an encouraging post to read. For those of us coming out of the cloud of treatment, reading yet another testimonial that life does eventually return to normal...or "abi-normal", is encouraging to say the least. Congrats on your anniversary!

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    linda, congrats on 2 yrs.  it

    linda, congrats on 2 yrs.  it sounds like life is good for u and i'm very happy for that.  i pray it only continues to get better!


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Smiling big time !


    Boy I've said most of these words and  are a very strong, determined, loving woman !  Thank you for the hope of a great future....and to remember what life is all about !  Many hugs sent your direction lady !   Katie

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Skiffin16 said:

    WooHoo ~ Two Year Milestone..

    You are my junior..., or sorts...

    Just over four years ago, I had finished up basically the same treatment as you, same chemo protocul for sure... Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU...nine weeks worth. Then an additional seven week of daily IMRT rads concurrent with weekly Carboplatin...

    Congrats on your job well done...

    I'm looking forward to many years of survivorship with you Linda...

    BTW, as you are well aware I'm sure, two year is very important milestone...


    Thank yoi

    Thank you my friend!!!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Happy two years

    And here's to many many more. Like you I share being the first in the family and I'm hoping there is no second. It's funny how you react to the whole ordeal of being told you have cancer and how it seemed to be just a bad dream as we traveled the road through the battle and recovery.

    Linda, it sounds like your enjoying more today than yesterday.

    Life is good


  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    Duggie88 said:

    Happy two years

    And here's to many many more. Like you I share being the first in the family and I'm hoping there is no second. It's funny how you react to the whole ordeal of being told you have cancer and how it seemed to be just a bad dream as we traveled the road through the battle and recovery.

    Linda, it sounds like your enjoying more today than yesterday.

    Life is good


    Yeah Baby!!


    Great post.  As Skiff pointed out - 2 year date pretty significant!  Good for you!


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Greg53 said:

    Yeah Baby!!


    Great post.  As Skiff pointed out - 2 year date pretty significant!  Good for you!



    My post (all) treatment 2 year anniversary is 12-31-2013... a truly awesome day to celebrate the New Yeaw. 

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    osmotar said:


    My post (all) treatment 2 year anniversary is 12-31-2013... a truly awesome day to celebrate the New Yeaw. 


    Congrats on hitting the 2 year mark!!  I love the encouragement on this site!!  This should be an incredible New Year's Eve for you!!!