Checking IN

Good Morning CSN Buds!


Well, it's finally here!  I'm 60 today!  Checks start next month.  I did get approved for the hamp program for my house which is a big plus!  Starting celebrating last nite as went to free concert on the square with some friends and will be going to dinner with them tonite to celebrate.  Then, tomorrow morning I'm meeting my niece and her two girls for breakfast as they are up near me visiting friends this weekend.  She's the one that lives in Tallahassee and is my brother's daughter.    Its her dad (my only brother left) that had the cluster of tumors at base of spine back in March but were benign tumors.  He's doing great.  Brian the nephew hit by the car was in the ICU a few weeks back and he had myxedema coma which is a serious result from mismanagement or in his case no mangement of low thyroid condition but he's back at the rehab/nursing home now.  So hopefully with treatment he'll lose some weight and other things will improve too! My best friends husband is finished with lung ca tx and doing well.  THey're the ones whose house burned on 3/24 and she lost her dad in the fire.  However they finally started digging the foundation on Thursday after quite a delay with monsoon season we've been having and yesterday she e-mailed they were now an official construction site as they delivered the port a pottie to their site.  They're rebuilding where they were!  I told her "all right we beginning serious work now if the port a pottie has been delivered!"  After breakfast with nieces in the morning I'm heading to Chatt. for a couple of days to see great niece in a play tomorrow and continue birthday celebrations.  Hours at Jo-Ann have become really skimpy but planning on substituting when school starts up again.  Hope all of you are doing great and I do keep up with the site just haven't posted in a while.  Also, if y'all remember Charlie's birthday is the same day as mine.  He would have been 61 today and would have been eligible for full retirement from Kmart today!  It has been a rough six months trying to make ends meet; behind on everything but some people have been great.  Wells Fargo was great about car payment and my situation, utility people have great and car ins. people great.  It's nice to know there are still some people out there that have a heart and not just after the almighty dollar!  Now if the credit card people would be so understanding and stop their annoying calls.  I've told them the truth of the matter and that's all I can do.  My credit has certainly taken a hit but at least it was available for me to make it these last six months and you know that light at the end of tunnel is getting pretty darn bright!  Take care and love y'all and of course God Bless!


Jan (Basketcase)


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Happy Birthday

    It is always good to hear from you.  Glad the checks will start coming in and subbing should help a bit also.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I hope

    things continue to improve for you!! The light at the end of the tunnel does shine brightly :)



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Sun Glasses...

    Jan my bud.... I think your future is so bright you need sunglasses... Cool




    Happy Birthday Girl...

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    keeping busy


    It is still your on the West coast so, Happy Birthday (Charlie too). 

    How about only good things happen to you for a while?

    Your Oregon Bud,


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    keeping busy


    It is still your on the West coast so, Happy Birthday (Charlie too). 

    How about only good things happen to you for a while?

    Your Oregon Bud,


    Happy B-day Jan!!!

    Hi Jan ...exactly ditto what Matt said !! :)



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Happy Birthday !


    Your posts always bring a can do attitude to my eyes.  I hope you had a wonderful time, and the bills....well we do our best.  Hugs sent girl !  Katie

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Happy Anniversary

    My Mom refuses to celebrate birthdays anymore, she celebrates anniversaries from her 30th birthday ~lol~ My sister has adopted this as well. (Yeah, I come from a weird family but don't we all!)

    So Happy 30th Anniversary! 


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You're always SO upbeat and busy!!!

    Hope your birthday celebrations were the best!!
