My Brother Has Rung The Bell!!

sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

Well, it has been a long 7 weeks, but my brother has finally finished with his treatments.  He is doing pretty well, I guess.  He spent one day in the hospital because of severe constipation (not fun), this neck has blistered and is dealing with the typical sores in his mouth.  His attitude is still great, however, and he is looking forward, as we all are, to his recovery.  He knows not to expect improvement for a while yet, but is still pretty psyched, none the less.  Thank you all for all of your support and helpful hints.  I have passed them all along.  I am quite certain I will be needing more advice as the weeks go by.  God bless you all!


P.S.  I DID dance a little jig around the kitchen table for him!  Wink


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Ring that bell!!!!!

    Glad to hear about your brother. What a relief to put it past him now. The next couple of weeks may feel like he's not doing as well as he would expect, but that's normal. It will get better after that....just keep the patience up!


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    and i'm do'n a jig now!!  way

    and i'm do'n a jig now!!  way to go. i'm so happy 4 ur brother.  finishing is a big success and well worth celebrating.  i thot i heard a bell ring earlier.  now recovery.  remember it will take some time for recovery and ur brother will have 2 b patient.  keep us posted on his progress.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Good sister


    Congratulations to your brother and of course to you.  I hope he heals quickly and completely, (what I really mean is I hope he is spitting, tasting, swallowing and eating normal as soon as possible).  Those are high hopes, but I wish them on him all the same.

    You are one special sister,  I should have picked-up on it earlier, but I firmly blame my mistake on rads to close to my brain.

    Thanks for a happy Monday.  Now, I will go ring my bell for your brother.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    GREAT news!!

    I am so happy for him!!!  I want to share what I wrote and put on my fridge the day I rang the bell...


    "Today is the hardest day.  Today is the worst day there will be.  Each day from here on out will get easier and better." 


    Reading that every morning helped me SO much!!

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Shawn, huge congratulations to your brother on finishing the treatment gauntlet!  It gets better from now on, slowly, but surely, as the saying goes.  Keep it movin forward!


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Thank you all for the well wishes.  I especially thank DJ for her jig and Matt (you crack me up) for joining me in ringing the bell!  I will, indeed, keep you posted.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo!!

    What a great day for him!!  It's such a relief not to have to go to radiation every day.

    Glad to hear you did a jig in the kitchen, too....dancing in the kitchen is a tradition around here. 


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Great News

    Ringing the bell is far better than having you bell rung. I had my bell rung once or twice and did some ringing of my own. However when I finished treatments at the Perelman Center they didn't have a bell. They do now and I had the pleasure of witnessing someone ring it and had even more pleasure in giving him a standing ovation. I do the same for your brother.

    Tell  him to heal on


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Duggie88 said:

    Great News

    Ringing the bell is far better than having you bell rung. I had my bell rung once or twice and did some ringing of my own. However when I finished treatments at the Perelman Center they didn't have a bell. They do now and I had the pleasure of witnessing someone ring it and had even more pleasure in giving him a standing ovation. I do the same for your brother.

    Tell  him to heal on



    I still recall my tears of joy when I rang the bell...just thinking of it 14 months later tears me up. One tough all in his rearview mirror :-) Wishes for a speedy recovery with very few side effects. I was warned of the weeks following tx but fortunately things steadily improved during that time. I hope the same for your brother. 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    It's a wonderful feeling!

    It's glorious to ring the bell! Congrats!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    big milestone

    Hi Sahwan,

    Glad your brother is now in recovery phase and post tx. You been here long enough to know bumpy road ahead for most so do continue to help as you have been doing. Everyone is different in their recovery so you just need to deal with what gets dished onto your plates each day/week. best, don

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Great news! I've had


    Great news! I've had so much going on that I haven't had a chance to hop on the past few days... super glad to hear this.  I know you and your brother have to be a little relieved knowing that treatment is behind him!  Only 2 more days then my dad gets to ring the bell and I'll be dancing like a crazy woman!

    Keep us posted on how he is doing and continued prayers for you both!
