Clean and Green



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Have to share

    Jeff and John,

    When I read your posts it reminded me of a something that happened on the water many years ago I have to share. Putting the liquor in something else to disquise it triggered this....

    I had a great little fishing boat (since sold it) that I fished on for many years. A 14' Grumman that I added seats, rod holders, downrigers etc. to. It was great for rivers and lakes. I had an 8hp Johnson. electric motor, downriggers, fish finder etc....

    Anyway. One early May morning my friend Craig and I were out on the Delaware River at New Hope/Lambertville fishing for American Shad. The river was very crowded that morning with upwards of 30+ boats anchored in various spots. We had been out since dawn and had a few shad on the stringer and were waiting for more to hit the lines we had out. While we were waiting we were hitting the cooler and drinking the Sea Breezes we made before hitting the water. It looks like Pink Grapefruit juice so we mixed it up (heavy on the vodka) and put it in Minute Maid Pink Grapefruit Juice bottles.  

    Well, about 9am, the State Police came down and launched their Aquatic Unit. They started below us and were working their way upstream. By 9am, we were pretty buzzed and that's not a good thing with the police checking every boat. They finally get to us...  I was in the back of the boat and my friend was in the front. The pull up next to us and ask who owns the boat. I stand up and take out the registration, my ID etc. and hand it to the two officers. I show him our flotation devices, fire extinquisher and such that are required. Problem is, I'm wasted and trying to be cool....

    The one officer asked how our luck has been and I show him the two shad on our stringer. He then asked "Whatcha got in the cooler?" My heart is now racing. So my friend opens it and says... "Breakfast!" They saw a couple of sandwiches and several bottles of Minute Maid. No worries... Then the other officer says... and I kid you not...  "So ummm... how big's your Johnson?" (there's a 15hp limit on the river there) I'm thinking "He didn't just ask me how big my Johnson was did he?" Well, right away, my mind was in the gutter and a plethora of off handed comebacks went racing through my mind. My friend Craig is in the front of the boat with his face in his hands and I could see his shoulders shaking because he's trying not to laugh out loud! So I answered "Ohhhh.... it's an 8"

    All of a sudden my friend couldn't contain himself and let out a laugh into his hands... The officers looked at him and then at me (by that time I had a big Sh** faced grin on my face) and then at each other as they realized what was said and why we were laughing. They handed my ID and such back to me and said "You gentlemen have a nice day". All I could mutter through my now hysterical laughter was "Thanks" as they pulled away and motored to the next boat. We both came close to peeing our pants from laughing so hard!

    Moral of the story.... don't ever ask a boater how big his Johnson is! Especially when he's had a few!


    t, great story.

    t, great story.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Have to share

    Jeff and John,

    When I read your posts it reminded me of a something that happened on the water many years ago I have to share. Putting the liquor in something else to disquise it triggered this....

    I had a great little fishing boat (since sold it) that I fished on for many years. A 14' Grumman that I added seats, rod holders, downrigers etc. to. It was great for rivers and lakes. I had an 8hp Johnson. electric motor, downriggers, fish finder etc....

    Anyway. One early May morning my friend Craig and I were out on the Delaware River at New Hope/Lambertville fishing for American Shad. The river was very crowded that morning with upwards of 30+ boats anchored in various spots. We had been out since dawn and had a few shad on the stringer and were waiting for more to hit the lines we had out. While we were waiting we were hitting the cooler and drinking the Sea Breezes we made before hitting the water. It looks like Pink Grapefruit juice so we mixed it up (heavy on the vodka) and put it in Minute Maid Pink Grapefruit Juice bottles.  

    Well, about 9am, the State Police came down and launched their Aquatic Unit. They started below us and were working their way upstream. By 9am, we were pretty buzzed and that's not a good thing with the police checking every boat. They finally get to us...  I was in the back of the boat and my friend was in the front. The pull up next to us and ask who owns the boat. I stand up and take out the registration, my ID etc. and hand it to the two officers. I show him our flotation devices, fire extinquisher and such that are required. Problem is, I'm wasted and trying to be cool....

    The one officer asked how our luck has been and I show him the two shad on our stringer. He then asked "Whatcha got in the cooler?" My heart is now racing. So my friend opens it and says... "Breakfast!" They saw a couple of sandwiches and several bottles of Minute Maid. No worries... Then the other officer says... and I kid you not...  "So ummm... how big's your Johnson?" (there's a 15hp limit on the river there) I'm thinking "He didn't just ask me how big my Johnson was did he?" Well, right away, my mind was in the gutter and a plethora of off handed comebacks went racing through my mind. My friend Craig is in the front of the boat with his face in his hands and I could see his shoulders shaking because he's trying not to laugh out loud! So I answered "Ohhhh.... it's an 8"

    All of a sudden my friend couldn't contain himself and let out a laugh into his hands... The officers looked at him and then at me (by that time I had a big Sh** faced grin on my face) and then at each other as they realized what was said and why we were laughing. They handed my ID and such back to me and said "You gentlemen have a nice day". All I could mutter through my now hysterical laughter was "Thanks" as they pulled away and motored to the next boat. We both came close to peeing our pants from laughing so hard!

    Moral of the story.... don't ever ask a boater how big his Johnson is! Especially when he's had a few!



    You're better at containing yourself than I would have been...

    I would have been hauled away hysterically..., LOL...

    But knowing my luck, as you had a few extra's in the boat, they would have asked me if I had one to share...


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Great story. I knew I gave up fishing for a reason. I couldn't remember catching anything.

    I didn't get to do any Jameson yet but I am working on it. I did have a beer last night at the casino/horse track. They made me leave with $100 of their money. So  went and had my first banana split in many years. IO ate that for our Civil Matt.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    Great story. I knew I gave up fishing for a reason. I couldn't remember catching anything.

    I didn't get to do any Jameson yet but I am working on it. I did have a beer last night at the casino/horse track. They made me leave with $100 of their money. So  went and had my first banana split in many years. IO ate that for our Civil Matt.


    Ice Cream Mmmm

    Hi Jeff,

    It must have been so hard to accept the casino's money in light of how strapped they are for cash ;)  As soon as my mouth healed enough to tolerate sweets, I was eating ice cream. Sticking with vanilla mostly as it's great for shakes and I can add banana and fruit to it. Now a banana split on the other hand sounds wonderful! ... With wet nuts and whipped cream... ohh yes... cherries!  Glad you enjoyed. And from what i understand, it was great beach weather at "da shore" Yo!



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Ice Cream Mmmm

    Hi Jeff,

    It must have been so hard to accept the casino's money in light of how strapped they are for cash ;)  As soon as my mouth healed enough to tolerate sweets, I was eating ice cream. Sticking with vanilla mostly as it's great for shakes and I can add banana and fruit to it. Now a banana split on the other hand sounds wonderful! ... With wet nuts and whipped cream... ohh yes... cherries!  Glad you enjoyed. And from what i understand, it was great beach weather at "da shore" Yo!





    I’ll have you know I stopped at the local DQ yesterday and bought 2 large Strawberry shakes and a small Vanilla cone for the ride home.  I figured soft serve was a good bet.  Well, I enjoyed it, but it did not taste like I remember, it did faintly and it felt good going down.  Since they use local Strawberries their shakes are fantastic (as I remember).  For me it was very good, with a little more than a hint of Strawberries.  I use my wife as a control and she said it was delicious.

    Well, it is better than last time, but still a ways to go.  Now a Banana split sounds like something I should try and soon.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    CivilMatt said:



    I’ll have you know I stopped at the local DQ yesterday and bought 2 large Strawberry shakes and a small Vanilla cone for the ride home.  I figured soft serve was a good bet.  Well, I enjoyed it, but it did not taste like I remember, it did faintly and it felt good going down.  Since they use local Strawberries their shakes are fantastic (as I remember).  For me it was very good, with a little more than a hint of Strawberries.  I use my wife as a control and she said it was delicious.

    Well, it is better than last time, but still a ways to go.  Now a Banana split sounds like something I should try and soon.


    Matt & "T"


    If you guys were close by I would love to buy you that banana split. I would even spring for a hot fudge sundae chaser. I picked some wild raspberryies a week ago and ate a few plain but didn't get a chance to make a shake with them. I grow my own fall raspberries and its sad to say that is right around the corner but they make wonderfull milk shakes also.

    Enjoy the day
