Still have my PEG after weight check

Had my weight check this morning.  Rad oncologist said last visit "I want to see you maintain or go up a couple of lbs by next visit and we'll talk about getting that tube out."  I had gained 5 lbs but then was struck this week with the stomach bug :(


I told the nurse (not my usual nurse) about the virus I had, and she said they had ALL had it and it was going around terribly.  Whew..good, she understood.  Well, I weighed EXACTLY the same as I did at my last appointment and she was so glad I had been able to maintain.  She also was happy to hear how well I was eating. She said the doctor was going to be very happy!  She goes back to speak to him and tell him all of this and he replies "Well, she can come back in 2 weeks and I'll see how things are going then."  


That's it.  He didn't see me, speak to me, or leave his desk.  All of the staff there commented on how great I was looking and all asked if I got the tube out today...I have to admit I'm a little bummed.  Hindsight is 20/20 and I should have said "Let me see the other oncologist.  HE is the one who put the order in for me to GET the tube in the first place."  


*sigh*  Peggy will be with me at least another 2 weeks.  I go next Friday to see my surgeon for a follow up. 


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tracy, sorry u will b w/peggy

    tracy, sorry u will b w/peggy for 2 more weeks but i'm sure the time will pass quickly.  hang n there, its not much longer.  Smile


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    Sorry to hear Peggy will be sticking around with you a little longer. Time to go back to the beach and start chowing Peggy she is an unwanted guest!

    Not that much longer...hang in there!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    almost there


    Two more weeks is like 14 more days and you area asleep for about 4 ½ of them, so it is really like 9 days.  Be nice to Peggy; take her out for a drink (or two) or maybe just a flush.

    Hindsight being 20/20, be ready next visit and announce “I am here to pop my PEG”, then lay down and say “let’s do it”.

    Do it the Tracy way,


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    almost there


    Two more weeks is like 14 more days and you area asleep for about 4 ½ of them, so it is really like 9 days.  Be nice to Peggy; take her out for a drink (or two) or maybe just a flush.

    Hindsight being 20/20, be ready next visit and announce “I am here to pop my PEG”, then lay down and say “let’s do it”.

    Do it the Tracy way,


    Pop goes the weasel


    Mine will be taken out August 6th (they better anyway! ~lol~). What's it like? Does it really make a popping sound? Any pain? 


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Still sounds like you


    Still sounds like you are doing great even though you have to wait to get Peggy out!  Hang in there!  Glad things are starting to get better for you! 

    I'll pray that in two weeks you can kiss Peggy buh bye! ;)


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member


    I had to giggle at the name. Like you, I want mine out! I haven't used it since the Memorial Day weekend. I'm tired of that funky sour smell and having to flush and clean it all the time. I've maintained my weight within a few pounds depending on the day and whether or not I've visited the boys room if you know what I mean ~lol~ I'm pretty sure they'll "pop" it as Matt says...

    Sounds like you're well on your way. What a difference a month makes! Glad to hear it. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    1, 2, 3, you are done

    Tracy & T,

    Mine made a champagne cork pop, followed by a little belly juice and you are done.  The hole into your stomach seals back up quickly followed closely by your skin.  For mine, the doc just gave a firm pull (my wife watched, I closed my eyes).

    Been there popped that,


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Oh darn!  I am so bummed for you.  Didn't you tell them I said they should take it out?  Wink  Well, keep eating like normal and Peggy will be a distant memory before you know it.  I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well!



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Once they get them in, they hate

    taking them out, I swear.  I totally quit using mine within 4 weeks of my last treatment (that was Aug. 28)....but they absolutely refused to take it out until I gained weight.  Week after week I'd go in, and nope...not enough weight had been gained.  I told them I wasn't using it, wasn't GOING to use it, either.....but they were using removal as leverage on the weight thing.  Finally in November I wore a pair of Danner work boots when I went in....and they put 3 or 4 lbs on me....and voila....the tube removal appointment was finally made. Laughing 


    PS...after that one appointment they have made me remove all shoes I'm matter how light they are....before putting me on the scale.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Once they get them in, they hate

    taking them out, I swear.  I totally quit using mine within 4 weeks of my last treatment (that was Aug. 28)....but they absolutely refused to take it out until I gained weight.  Week after week I'd go in, and nope...not enough weight had been gained.  I told them I wasn't using it, wasn't GOING to use it, either.....but they were using removal as leverage on the weight thing.  Finally in November I wore a pair of Danner work boots when I went in....and they put 3 or 4 lbs on me....and voila....the tube removal appointment was finally made. Laughing 


    PS...after that one appointment they have made me remove all shoes I'm matter how light they are....before putting me on the scale.

    p, u sneaky little thing

    p, u sneaky little thing


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracy

    Try not to be too disappointed about not getting the PEG out, just think of it as your little friend because it is what got you to where you are today. I know it is hard because you were hoping to see your second belly button, but remember in a few months this will all be behind you. Just remember some of us who are doing life on the PEG, after a while you just settle down and get use to it. You are doing great; life will soon comeback to your new normal you, so keep positive and keep moving forward. God Bless



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Hi Tracy

    Just remember to much to soon is just not as much fun as spreading it out. On the bright side you have two weeks to look forward to. Mick Jagger once said you can't always get what ya want and he made millions from it.

    You have come a long way and being bummed should not be on your schedule.

    Heal on


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Y'all always are so sweet!

    AND right!  I shouldn't be bummed, I just had my hopes up based on what he said last time.  I should have known better than THAT for sure!!  haha


    I'm very thankful for Peggy...she truly saved my life a few weeks back.  I know many of you have had yours longer, have them for life, and have had problems or issues with yours and I sound feel like a kid having a tantrum over my little set back.  Y'all are my heroes and I thank you for all of your encouragement, support, hilarioius posts, advice and just being there to listen and understand.  My friends are incredible, but they don't truly understand.  I think I'm much more frustrated and tired of my oncologist than I am of Peggy.  She just kind of hangs around and helps out Laughing My doctor is brilliant but not compassionate.  He HATES PEGs.  He never puts orders in for them.  His associate did for me while my doctor was on vacation because I was dehydrating every single day and needing IV fluids.  So, I think he's upset that I even have the thing to begin with.  I've spoken to friends in healthcare...he really needs to retire or just consult on the rads part.  (sorry for the vent, there...) 


    I hope you all have a great weekend! Two weeks? Hah...that's nothing compared to the last 7-8 months!!  

  • robswife87
    robswife87 Member Posts: 209

    Y'all always are so sweet!

    AND right!  I shouldn't be bummed, I just had my hopes up based on what he said last time.  I should have known better than THAT for sure!!  haha


    I'm very thankful for Peggy...she truly saved my life a few weeks back.  I know many of you have had yours longer, have them for life, and have had problems or issues with yours and I sound feel like a kid having a tantrum over my little set back.  Y'all are my heroes and I thank you for all of your encouragement, support, hilarioius posts, advice and just being there to listen and understand.  My friends are incredible, but they don't truly understand.  I think I'm much more frustrated and tired of my oncologist than I am of Peggy.  She just kind of hangs around and helps out Laughing My doctor is brilliant but not compassionate.  He HATES PEGs.  He never puts orders in for them.  His associate did for me while my doctor was on vacation because I was dehydrating every single day and needing IV fluids.  So, I think he's upset that I even have the thing to begin with.  I've spoken to friends in healthcare...he really needs to retire or just consult on the rads part.  (sorry for the vent, there...) 


    I hope you all have a great weekend! Two weeks? Hah...that's nothing compared to the last 7-8 months!!  

    Rob still has Peggy

    and hasn't used it since right before the 4th. 

    When they put it in they said it had to stay for 2 months no matter what for healing purposes.

    His ENT nurse is also a personal friend and she will be pulling his. She said no use for 3 weeks and make sure over 2 months and maintain of gain weight and they will pull. He is calling her on Monday to get in some day next week and she will do it.

    She said she could have pulled it at home if it was her office that ordered but needs to go by the book as it was his MO ordered so he has to go down to hospital to get it done.

    It will be done in time for healing before we head to the lake so he will be able to swim. It only bothers him for the fact he can't roll onto his stomach for sleeping and the chiropractor

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    Rob still has Peggy

    and hasn't used it since right before the 4th. 

    When they put it in they said it had to stay for 2 months no matter what for healing purposes.

    His ENT nurse is also a personal friend and she will be pulling his. She said no use for 3 weeks and make sure over 2 months and maintain of gain weight and they will pull. He is calling her on Monday to get in some day next week and she will do it.

    She said she could have pulled it at home if it was her office that ordered but needs to go by the book as it was his MO ordered so he has to go down to hospital to get it done.

    It will be done in time for healing before we head to the lake so he will be able to swim. It only bothers him for the fact he can't roll onto his stomach for sleeping and the chiropractor

    Good to know!

    I was originally told a month, but now it will be close to 2 when they talk about it again.  I'm glad he's doing well and not having to use his :)  I'm also glad he'll be able to swim.  I have to admit, I did miss that while we were at the beach.  Wish him luck getting it out next week and let me know how it goes!