Not cancer

Hi all,

Just came back from Dr. Office and it is not cancer.  I told him what happened with his secretary and he got really upset.  He then proceeded to show me my medical file and it was written "Call Ms Nadeau on July 6th (when my results came in) and tell her she has no cancer and that I want to see her in 4 weeks for a follow-up"  

He told me he was very sorry and that he too, would have been quite scared if it had happened to him.  He said he would talk to he and all the others to make sure something like this never happens again.

I will be adding all of you in my prayers and thank you so much for your amazing support.

Best to you all and may NED be forever present in your lives.




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    WooHooo....What Day Is It....

    Come on, what day is it Chantal.....

    It's hump day......woohoo....

    And...for you, it's NO CANCER DAY....



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    no, no, no!


    Peace, for you.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Love to say this...

    I THOUGHT SO! ~Smile~ 95% is pretty good odds!

    Best wishes and success in the new job!



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    praise God!!  i'm very, very

    praise God!!  i'm very, very happy4 u.


  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39
    Thank you all.
    I have been

    Thank you all.

    I have been blessed to have been able to get to know you and I am humbled by your strenght, courage and determination.


    If you want, you can add me on Facebook.  I would love to keep in touch and see how you are doing.


    This is my Facebook URL :



  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    I am so happy to hear this!!!!

  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Such a relief!  I am so happy for you.  God's blessings to you and good luck with your new job.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Great news Chantal !

    All I can say to that nurse is some peoples kids !  I'm sorry for the scare she gave you....but WOW on the fantastic news !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Chantal

    It dont matter as long as it is NED, glad to hear the good news



  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    Wonderful news!!!! Congrats...

  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39
    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your kindness and for your eagerness to help even when dealing with your own pain and issues.

    Bless you all!



  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    You can't beat it...

    When you get told you don't have cancer.


    Out of interest, what was the diagnosis of your condition?



  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    ya gotta love that kind of news, no matter how you got it

    so very happy for you! celebrate. 


    please keep us updated in the future as you go thru follow up. 


    God Bless


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813

    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your kindness and for your eagerness to help even when dealing with your own pain and issues.

    Bless you all!




    Best news ever !!

    poor delivery but a really good outcome.

    Happy to hear this.

    (p.s. thanks for the Facebook accept! )

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723

    news, God is great!

  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39
    GavinP said:

    You can't beat it...

    When you get told you don't have cancer.


    Out of interest, what was the diagnosis of your condition?



    My ENT and dentist think it's

    My ENT and dentist think it's TMJ.  What was throwing the ENT off was the inflamed lingual tonsils and that is why he investigated further.

    Thanks for the congrats, I am very happy and will not hesitate to help anybody in any way.


  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39
    Thank you all for the

    Thank you all for the wonderful feedback.

    I wish you well and will be a great supporter for all of you.  I will still come and visit, just to make sure you are all doing great.

    I think you are all very great and I am humbled by what I have seen here during the past few months.

    Bless you all.


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    That is great news


    That is great news to hear! 


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    You left it get the best of ya. I believe you said you were 99.9% sure. You didn't give that .1% enough credit. As "T" referred to, the fat lady didn't sing.


    I am very happy for you. I hope the doc did a side job in Proctology and reamed one out.


    Enjoy the day
