This is such a roller coaster ride...

We went on a wonderful vacation last week to the beach.  Just me, my hubby and two kids.  It was a great family time and a break that we all needed so badly!  I healed SO much in the week we were there.  I started eating real food, cut my tube feedings down to just one a day and eating real meals, all my spitting stopped...completely, I stayed out of the sun and my scars look better, I felt great, was able to sleep in a BED, and had great energy.  I went back to a full day of work yesterday and felt awesome all day long.  Got home last night and my younger son and I were slammed with a wicked stomach virus.  Ugh. I have a weight check this week to get my tube out possibly, but I guess now that won't happen.  My spit is back, thick and gross, and my energy is gone.  I thought I had overdone it, but my son has all of the same symptoms (minus the spit issue).  It's such a roller coaster ride!  I tried to tell my husband that the beach was good for me and we should just move there :)  I had a house picked out and everything! haha  He reminded me of the $152K of medical bills waiting for me and that brought me back to reality.  Ahhh...I'm missing that salt air already! (and I'm super hungry!!)


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Hope that you feel better

    Hope that you feel better soon and glad that you got away!  I'm sure it was much needed!  I hope to get away with my fam soon also! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    mostly good


    Your problem is you came home.  Not really, recovery is a series of  steps forward and an occasional step back.  The mere fact that you had such a good time is a good sign of your recovery.

    Good luck on the weight and I will anticipate your “popping” of the PEG (soon).

    Remember that is $152K well spent.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    CivilMatt said:

    mostly good


    Your problem is you came home.  Not really, recovery is a series of  steps forward and an occasional step back.  The mere fact that you had such a good time is a good sign of your recovery.

    Good luck on the weight and I will anticipate your “popping” of the PEG (soon).

    Remember that is $152K well spent.


    Thank you

    I tried to convince my family that a move to the beach would be worth it! haha


    My husband was sweet and said that my life was worth WAY more than $152k to him!  I sure have a good man!! 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Salt is in my blood... I can definitely understand your draw to the beach...


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracy

    Sound like you had a really good time, and you are right something about beach, fresh air and salt water for healing the old body. Just take it easy and get back it to action slowly and you will do a lot better. When I go to Honduras I live on an Island and I always do so much better there, but then I wake up and my vacation is over way too soon, but that’s OK because as soon as I get back I start planning my next vacation.

    Wishing you the best


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Your Roller Coaster Ride

    I am very sorry to hear about your setback.  It sounds like you and your son probably picked up the same bug.  Of course I don't know, because I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on t.v., but I would think that you should still be able to get that PEG removed in a timely manner.  You obviously are eating food well.  Tell your doctors I said it was ok.  :)  It would be very interesting to see if your issues continue after the virus is cleared up, if you went back to the beach if they would go away again.  Certain climates help certain ailments, that's a known fact.  Perhaps there is beach living in your future after all. 

    Reading the amount of medical bills you have was like getting a bucket of cold water in my face.  My brother and sister-in-law have not mentioned anything to us about that aspect of this terrible thing.  May I ask if that amount of money owed is normal for throat cancers??  Good Lord in heaven, that would be near impossible for my brother and his wife to pay!  How do people do this?  God bless all of you.  Sigh.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    sin9775 said:

    Your Roller Coaster Ride

    I am very sorry to hear about your setback.  It sounds like you and your son probably picked up the same bug.  Of course I don't know, because I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on t.v., but I would think that you should still be able to get that PEG removed in a timely manner.  You obviously are eating food well.  Tell your doctors I said it was ok.  :)  It would be very interesting to see if your issues continue after the virus is cleared up, if you went back to the beach if they would go away again.  Certain climates help certain ailments, that's a known fact.  Perhaps there is beach living in your future after all. 

    Reading the amount of medical bills you have was like getting a bucket of cold water in my face.  My brother and sister-in-law have not mentioned anything to us about that aspect of this terrible thing.  May I ask if that amount of money owed is normal for throat cancers??  Good Lord in heaven, that would be near impossible for my brother and his wife to pay!  How do people do this?  God bless all of you.  Sigh.

    Doctor bills

    I actually got a "deal" due to my son being in a scholars' program designed by the TOP cancer advocates in our area!!  Our problem is no insurance.  I think Medicaid is going to help us out, though.  Fingers crossed!!  I think we're actually up to about $165K now. 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Doctor bills

    I actually got a "deal" due to my son being in a scholars' program designed by the TOP cancer advocates in our area!!  Our problem is no insurance.  I think Medicaid is going to help us out, though.  Fingers crossed!!  I think we're actually up to about $165K now. 

    I Knew You Could...


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    Doctor bills

    I actually got a "deal" due to my son being in a scholars' program designed by the TOP cancer advocates in our area!!  Our problem is no insurance.  I think Medicaid is going to help us out, though.  Fingers crossed!!  I think we're actually up to about $165K now. 

    Doctor Bills

    Some deal!  LOL  I almost hate to say this, but I am glad to hear your bills are due to lack of insurance.  You know what I mean, I'm sure.  My cousins wife has been suffering from breast cancer (she is in hospice now) and they lost their insurance very early on in the game, and she is on Medicaid.  My cousin told me they don't pay a penny for anything!  Good luck with that, my friend.  Then maybe you can move to the shore.  :-)

    Blessings to you.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Good to hear...

    Good to hear you enjoyed yourself. It's amazing what our mind and body do when we are at a calm and relaxing state. I say anytime you can get to any body of water and some sunshine, to grab it!

    Hope the medical bills can be taken care of for you. But glad to hear your hubby shared his thoughts about the amount with you!

    Take Care,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy you were able


    So happy you were able to get away. I live in the Daytona Beach area so when I am down I go sit on the beach, listening to the steady rythm of the waves. Cure all for anything:) I hope your states medicaid is better than Florida's.  In Florida you must be 65 or older, or have children. Many are caught in the middle. But I wouldn't leave Florida for anything.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    It looks like

    Medicaid is going to help with at least my huge bills. I'm sure I'll be responsible for some, but not the whole amount. i applied as an "emergency" need and it took 7 months to get accepted! The amount of information I had to provide was crazy!! Medicare is what takes over here at the age of 65. I'm 40 so that wasn't an option. I've prayed over these bills, been upfront with all doctors/hospitals and everyone has been very nice and understanding. I've been sending payments in for the last 3 months and we've had friends do fundraisers for us. God always provides a way :)

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    sin9775 said:

    Doctor Bills

    Some deal!  LOL  I almost hate to say this, but I am glad to hear your bills are due to lack of insurance.  You know what I mean, I'm sure.  My cousins wife has been suffering from breast cancer (she is in hospice now) and they lost their insurance very early on in the game, and she is on Medicaid.  My cousin told me they don't pay a penny for anything!  Good luck with that, my friend.  Then maybe you can move to the shore.  :-)

    Blessings to you.


    I'm so sorry

    to read that about your cousin's wife!  The whole Medicaid thing is such a "who knows what they will really cover" type situation.  I know the collections (for the anesthesia) have totally backed off and that I haven't been billed anymore for my large bills (the hospital, surgeon, radiation...) and they were sending me monthly statements because I was making payments.  


    I'd love to move to the ocean, but maybe in a few years when both kids are grown and gone.