Dad in surgery NOW, getting PEG

CherieLW Member Posts: 472

Just wondering if everyone could keep dad and my family in your prayers.  Dad went in this morning to get PEG.  Wish I was there, but had to be at work :(.  I took off yesterday though so I could drive him to radiation and glad I did bc he's not feeling great.  I can tell he's miserable so I hope this PEG really helps.  Anyone with a PEG, did you have yours inserted by them going down the throat?  I thought insicion was made in stomach directly but apparently they put a tiny device with tube attached down throat, then pull through stomach.  Anyone else's similar.  I'm nervous for dad... just praying everything goes great.  I'll keep everyone posted. 



  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Dad made it through fine!

    I guess that going through the throat was the easier procedure?  That's what doc said, but he has his tube in place and is awake.  He's had problems with anesthesia before so they are going to watch him awhile to make sure he doesn't pass out, then he can go home!  Can't wait to get off work to go see him.  He can start feeding tonite! Thank God dad is going to get nutrients he needs now!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Thoughts and Prayers coming his way...., tell him to duck or one is going to smack him square in the forehead....

    Sounds like he is getting it together.....

    Keep on him..., calories and hydration...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    CherieLW said:

    Dad made it through fine!

    I guess that going through the throat was the easier procedure?  That's what doc said, but he has his tube in place and is awake.  He's had problems with anesthesia before so they are going to watch him awhile to make sure he doesn't pass out, then he can go home!  Can't wait to get off work to go see him.  He can start feeding tonite! Thank God dad is going to get nutrients he needs now!


    cheri, i'm glad the tube is

    cheri, i'm glad the tube is finally in and u have 1 less worry.  i've never heard of going thru thr throat but f its easier then great.  easier is always better.  i hope ur workday passes quickly so u can visit ur dad.  take care.


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472

    cheri, i'm glad the tube is

    cheri, i'm glad the tube is finally in and u have 1 less worry.  i've never heard of going thru thr throat but f its easier then great.  easier is always better.  i hope ur workday passes quickly so u can visit ur dad.  take care.


    Thanks Debbie! It is one less

    Thanks Debbie! It is one less worry, the man hasn't ate in over 2 weeks and is starting to get dehydrated.  I just have so much love for my family- it's hard not to worry so much! Thanks again, you take care as well!


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Skiffin16 said:


    Thoughts and Prayers coming his way...., tell him to duck or one is going to smack him square in the forehead....

    Sounds like he is getting it together.....

    Keep on him..., calories and hydration...


    Truly appreciate all the

    Truly appreciate all the prayers and thoughts from you and everyone!  He is going to get back on track.  I've been harrassing him about not drinking/eating as hard as it is...

    Now I can literally force water and food down him and it doesn't have to be by mouth!  He starts his ensure diet tonite.

    Thanks again!  :)  It has to start looking up from here!  I know this PEG is going to make a difference- even if its getting back some energy. 


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy all went well with

    So happy all went well with the PEG. He should start to feel better soon. Still keeping you both in my prayers.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    CherieLW said:

    Truly appreciate all the

    Truly appreciate all the prayers and thoughts from you and everyone!  He is going to get back on track.  I've been harrassing him about not drinking/eating as hard as it is...

    Now I can literally force water and food down him and it doesn't have to be by mouth!  He starts his ensure diet tonite.

    Thanks again!  :)  It has to start looking up from here!  I know this PEG is going to make a difference- even if its getting back some energy. 



    If all else fells...., ujse a sling shot..., LOL

    Open the hanger, here it comes...hehe...


  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    so glad dad is on his


    so glad dad is on his way with the peg.  My dad had two different ones.. One with a tube and one just a button..anyhow I remember in the begininng he had trouble with how fast or slow the food dripped.  He tolerated it much better dripping it slow. He could not do the bolus feed where you just use the big syringe and push it through He would get nauses. Dad would drip it slow and do much better.  

    Hope your day goes by fast!


  • trebor
    trebor Member Posts: 4
    CherieLW said:

    Dad made it through fine!

    I guess that going through the throat was the easier procedure?  That's what doc said, but he has his tube in place and is awake.  He's had problems with anesthesia before so they are going to watch him awhile to make sure he doesn't pass out, then he can go home!  Can't wait to get off work to go see him.  He can start feeding tonite! Thank God dad is going to get nutrients he needs now!


    PEG tube 101

    As a five (5) year continously using PEG tube patient, I feel I have some answers to questions concerning new patients.

    This thing they put down the throat is nothing more than a 'camera' with a strong light on it.  Once they have it the place they feel is best for the PEG, they turn it toward the stomach wall facing the front of the patient, turn the lights in the room down a little so they now have a 'glowing' spot.  THIS is where they make the incision and it is always in the best place for the patient.  NOt all patients stomachs are the same.  They also look around for ulcers which could be problematic.  The NEXT time your loved one has to get one of these, have a KIMBERLY CLARK MIC-KEY low profile feeding tube put in.  See the illustration I am including.


    Kimberly Clark Mic-Key Low Profile Gastrostomy Tube Kit - 14 Fr, ...this is the cadillac of feeding PEG tubes and can last an awful long time.  My first one lasted 14 months and I replaced it when it exploded in my stomach.  Don't know what caused it to do so, other than possibly age.  MEDICARE  sees that I get a new one every 3 months.  Easy to replace, but not for the squeamish.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    We keep telling you

    that getting a tube is no biggie....I looked at the time you wrote that he was getting it, and the time you wrote he was out and awake...20 minutes :).  He's going to feel better because he's going to be getting more nutrition and more hydration...the two main stays of how to get thru this and feel the best (considering the treatment).  Make sure they show him or your mom how to use the darn thing.....they sent me home without a syringe or instructions....I was a lost cookie till a home health nurse showed me how to work it.

    Most of the feeding tubes get installed via the throat....that's just how it's done. 

    Expect some cramping the first day or so...then he'll be off to the races catching up on the food and water he's been lacking the last few weeks.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    PEG happening


    The PEG should make a lot of improvements for your Dad.  With the PEG in operation, hydration, nutrition and medications will be a piece of cake (this battle won).

    Don’t forget, he must try his hardest to keep swallowing.  Even while I had a PEG, I managed to drink one meal a day (fanboy for canned sugar).

    If you wish to see my PEG (from inside my stomach) check out my expressions page.

    Best of luck,


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    trebor said:

    PEG tube 101

    As a five (5) year continously using PEG tube patient, I feel I have some answers to questions concerning new patients.

    This thing they put down the throat is nothing more than a 'camera' with a strong light on it.  Once they have it the place they feel is best for the PEG, they turn it toward the stomach wall facing the front of the patient, turn the lights in the room down a little so they now have a 'glowing' spot.  THIS is where they make the incision and it is always in the best place for the patient.  NOt all patients stomachs are the same.  They also look around for ulcers which could be problematic.  The NEXT time your loved one has to get one of these, have a KIMBERLY CLARK MIC-KEY low profile feeding tube put in.  See the illustration I am including.


    Kimberly Clark Mic-Key Low Profile Gastrostomy Tube Kit - 14 Fr, ...this is the cadillac of feeding PEG tubes and can last an awful long time.  My first one lasted 14 months and I replaced it when it exploded in my stomach.  Don't know what caused it to do so, other than possibly age.  MEDICARE  sees that I get a new one every 3 months.  Easy to replace, but not for the squeamish.

    Thanks for the advice, I hope

    Thanks for the advice, I hope that dad's is only temporary- docs seem to think so too.  If you don't mind me asking, why are you stuck on the PEG for so long? Is it because lack of taste or other reasons?  Hope I'm not being too nosey.  I've never heard of peg tubes exploding in stomach, that is scary! :(  Hope youa re doing better.

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Skiffin16 said:


    If all else fells...., ujse a sling shot..., LOL

    Open the hanger, here it comes...hehe...


    Lol, thanks for the laugh

    Lol, thanks for the laugh John!

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    jim and i said:

    So happy all went well with

    So happy all went well with the PEG. He should start to feel better soon. Still keeping you both in my prayers.


    Thanks so much Debbie!  I

    Thanks so much Debbie!  I hope he starts feeling better, they said he can have his first feeding at 8 p.m. EST tonite... so hope it goes well.  Did anyone have a hard time using the peg?

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    michdjp said:

    so glad dad is on his


    so glad dad is on his way with the peg.  My dad had two different ones.. One with a tube and one just a button..anyhow I remember in the begininng he had trouble with how fast or slow the food dripped.  He tolerated it much better dripping it slow. He could not do the bolus feed where you just use the big syringe and push it through He would get nauses. Dad would drip it slow and do much better.  

    Hope your day goes by fast!


    Thanks Michelle,
    I'm counting

    Thanks Michelle,

    I'm counting down the time, it seems like forever though!  Only a half hour til I get off and another half hour to get to his place from work.  I'm scared about how he will respond to feedings, but I'll remember to tell mom- Slow drip! Thanks for all your advice! I really appreciate hearing from those who have been through it or been beside someone else going through it.  Very informative. :)


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    michdjp said:

    so glad dad is on his


    so glad dad is on his way with the peg.  My dad had two different ones.. One with a tube and one just a button..anyhow I remember in the begininng he had trouble with how fast or slow the food dripped.  He tolerated it much better dripping it slow. He could not do the bolus feed where you just use the big syringe and push it through He would get nauses. Dad would drip it slow and do much better.  

    Hope your day goes by fast!


    Thanks Michelle,
    I'm counting

    Thanks Michelle,

    I'm counting down the time, it seems like forever though!  Only a half hour til I get off and another half hour to get to his place from work.  I'm scared about how he will respond to feedings, but I'll remember to tell mom- Slow drip! Thanks for all your advice! I really appreciate hearing from those who have been through it or been beside someone else going through it.  Very informative. :)


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472

    We keep telling you

    that getting a tube is no biggie....I looked at the time you wrote that he was getting it, and the time you wrote he was out and awake...20 minutes :).  He's going to feel better because he's going to be getting more nutrition and more hydration...the two main stays of how to get thru this and feel the best (considering the treatment).  Make sure they show him or your mom how to use the darn thing.....they sent me home without a syringe or instructions....I was a lost cookie till a home health nurse showed me how to work it.

    Most of the feeding tubes get installed via the throat....that's just how it's done. 

    Expect some cramping the first day or so...then he'll be off to the races catching up on the food and water he's been lacking the last few weeks.


    Thanks as always. 


    Thanks as always.  I know you all kept telling me, I couldn't help but be a little worried though.  I'm glad he will start feeling better soon.  I was with him a good part of the day yesterday and I could tell he was just so exhausted.  He fought with me to drive to radiation and I won, I drove him...which I was glad bc he is very weak and we got stuck in derecho type of storm here in Ohio on the way.  Anyway, sorry kind of lost track.  Dad went in for the procedure at 9:00 am, had to be there an hhour earlier to prep.  I'm relieved now knowing that he's going to be getting back some energy.  He's the best.  Want to see him get better.  Of course, this put us back a radiation treatment but he is still down to only 10 treatments left so there is an end in sight to these trtmnts! I thought it would never come!


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    CivilMatt said:

    PEG happening


    The PEG should make a lot of improvements for your Dad.  With the PEG in operation, hydration, nutrition and medications will be a piece of cake (this battle won).

    Don’t forget, he must try his hardest to keep swallowing.  Even while I had a PEG, I managed to drink one meal a day (fanboy for canned sugar).

    If you wish to see my PEG (from inside my stomach) check out my expressions page.

    Best of luck,


    Thanks for your kind words

    Thanks for your kind words Matt.  I'm so grateful I've had you all to help my stress levels and keep me in check- so I can keep dad in check.  He's still drinking by mouth I believe, but I can't get him to eat anything not even Ensure by mouth. :( 

    Hopefully with time and healing that changes!

    I will check that out, thanks again!


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    He should

    start feeling MUCH better soon!!! My PEG truly saved my life, got me through treatments and starting my healing journey. I love it, but I'm actually starting to eat real food now. I can even taste a tiny bit. Not bad for only three weeks out. I think it's the has healing properties! So glad he got it and you'll be amazed at the difference it makes! 

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472

    He should

    start feeling MUCH better soon!!! My PEG truly saved my life, got me through treatments and starting my healing journey. I love it, but I'm actually starting to eat real food now. I can even taste a tiny bit. Not bad for only three weeks out. I think it's the has healing properties! So glad he got it and you'll be amazed at the difference it makes! 

    Thanks Tracy! So glad to hear

    Thanks Tracy! So glad to hear you are doing better and tasting some.  That's great!  I can't wait to see him feel better!