HIPEC Surgery

thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

HI All!

Our adventure started with us having a BBQ with a lot of friends in Vetura County. The BBQ was a lot of fun!


Then we went to San Diego, Ca.  The Van broke down about 4 miles short of our destination.  It overheated in the Hot weather.  Our friend in SD knows a mechanic whom fixed the broken hose for a reasonable rate.  Our friend got up at 5a to drive us the hospital since we had no transportation. 


I had the Colon resection surgery.  Unfortunately the mass was behind the stomach and never showed on the CT. (It makes sense the stomach is always glowing from the contrast for the CT.)  The tumor was the size of the surgeon's open fist. (Really Large)  The colon was nearly blocked at the ostimosis and that is why I was having abdominal pain. I had to many mets for HIPEC.  One needs a certain amount of mets for HIPEC to be considered, and to many mets gets one incosidered.  Dr. Lowy did a good surgery and I was able to get up soon after I woke.  2 days later, I am walking around, waiting to pass gas so I can eat food.  lol


UCSD is doing a lot of genetic studies on chemo and whih meds are effective on which cancers. My tumors are getting tested through the genetic testing trials to see if UCSD has anything for me. There are about 200 current trials and several look promissing.


Laurie is with me and she is able to work at the extended stay hotel.  UCSD also allows her to spend the night if she desires. The staff here is friendly and helpful. I do not need a lot of attention, since I get no food, and Laurie helps me clean up and walk. She also nags at me to use the spirometer. lol  Dr. Lowy told me since the surgery was not very sever, I probably will get out of here in a week.


It is not the news we wanted. At the same time, things could always be worse. As long as the Doc is positive, that makes me feel better.  The Docs at MD Anderson were not positive, and I would never recomend them nor go back.


Best Always,  mike


  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    thanks mike

    for letting us know the update.sounds like you are doing good.just keep walking and you will be out of there in no time.keep thinking those positive thoughts and i will be praying for you...Godbless...johnnybegood

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    You're right, Mike, things
    You're right, Mike, things can always be worse. Sorry it didn't play out the way you were hoping. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Your positive attitude is commendable. You set a good example for us all.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Thanks for the update

    Sorry it wasn't better news, but like the rest of us, you're a fighter. 

    You must be in good health ( cancer aside) with your juicing.

    your in our prayers as always. 

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    You have such an


    You have such an amazing attitude!  I am sorry the HIPEC isn't an option but remain hopeful there are other viable options.  

    Prayers for an easy recovery, a good treatment plan, and that your hopeful attitude is contagious!


    Cathleen Mary



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    You have such an


    You have such an amazing attitude!  I am sorry the HIPEC isn't an option but remain hopeful there are other viable options.  

    Prayers for an easy recovery, a good treatment plan, and that your hopeful attitude is contagious!


    Cathleen Mary



    Hey Mike,

    I wish you a fast recovery and the best possible outcome. Thank you for showing us that in even dire circumstances good attidude and optimism can be maintained. It's very inspirational. I wish your wife the best as well and applaud her for being there for you.

    Where are the metastases located?


  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296

    I was wondering how your surgery Turned out.   Well Dr. Lentz wanted my husband to go to San Diego and to see if he was a good candidate for HIPEC.  Sorry it didn't work out for you.   We have decided not to even look into it, so my George will keep up his fight for now Without the HIPEC.  

    We will just see how things go.  For now we have a break and will be @ Lake Lopez fishing Tues.  You get out of that hospital soon.  Maybe when you get out you can enjoy a few days in San Diego.  I never miss a trip to Anthony's for dinner when I am in San Diego.   

    Lots of Hugs to you & your Mrs.  George & dyan

  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    Dyanclark said:


    I was wondering how your surgery Turned out.   Well Dr. Lentz wanted my husband to go to San Diego and to see if he was a good candidate for HIPEC.  Sorry it didn't work out for you.   We have decided not to even look into it, so my George will keep up his fight for now Without the HIPEC.  

    We will just see how things go.  For now we have a break and will be @ Lake Lopez fishing Tues.  You get out of that hospital soon.  Maybe when you get out you can enjoy a few days in San Diego.  I never miss a trip to Anthony's for dinner when I am in San Diego.   

    Lots of Hugs to you & your Mrs.  George & dyan

    Sorry HIPEC didn't work out

    Sorry HIPEC didn't work out for you.... I too went for genetic testing about two months ago, haven't heard anything from them yet ..... they said it would take a couple of months for the results to come in.      I would really like to get into an immune therapy clinical trial.  there seems to be some recruiting in the States but not here in Canada.  

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    smokeyjoe said:

    Sorry HIPEC didn't work out

    Sorry HIPEC didn't work out for you.... I too went for genetic testing about two months ago, haven't heard anything from them yet ..... they said it would take a couple of months for the results to come in.      I would really like to get into an immune therapy clinical trial.  there seems to be some recruiting in the States but not here in Canada.  


    So sorry it was "no go" on the HIPEC. I'm hoping they'll reach a new option for you. Here's to a speedy recovery from this leg of the journey and that you'll soon be on your way home.



  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    If no HIPEC then something

    If no HIPEC then something better is coming for you!  Best of luck on your recovery .. walk, walk, walk .. Wink.   Good luck to you on getting into a good trial/treatment. Speedy recovery to you!!

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

    Woo Hoo I got food today.  Well, that is if one believes broth and jello is food.  lol  Tomorrow I should get soft food and progress from their. 


    My intestines and colon came back to functioning this morning.  I walked about a mile today, while dragging an IV pole.  My IVs are limited to the basic Potasium Dextrose mixture, and the pain management pump.  Most likely I will lose the pain management pump tomorrow. 


    We have several of the nurses jazzed about visiting the AZ.  We show them our pictures, and they told us I did not know AZ was that pretty.  lol 


    Thanks for all of the well wishes, and positive words.  Keeping positive is half the battle in cancer. 

    Best Always,  mike



  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    thxmiker said:


    Woo Hoo I got food today.  Well, that is if one believes broth and jello is food.  lol  Tomorrow I should get soft food and progress from their. 


    My intestines and colon came back to functioning this morning.  I walked about a mile today, while dragging an IV pole.  My IVs are limited to the basic Potasium Dextrose mixture, and the pain management pump.  Most likely I will lose the pain management pump tomorrow. 


    We have several of the nurses jazzed about visiting the AZ.  We show them our pictures, and they told us I did not know AZ was that pretty.  lol 


    Thanks for all of the well wishes, and positive words.  Keeping positive is half the battle in cancer. 

    Best Always,  mike



    103 Temp

    I woke up shivering at midnight.  They doubled up the blankets up the thermostat, out heat pack on my spine.   I got poled and prodded until 6am.  Hopefully we can find an easy solution for this fever.


    Best Always,  mike

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    thxmiker said:

    103 Temp

    I woke up shivering at midnight.  They doubled up the blankets up the thermostat, out heat pack on my spine.   I got poled and prodded until 6am.  Hopefully we can find an easy solution for this fever.


    Best Always,  mike

    Get Well, Mike!

    Doctor's orders:)

    Thanks for reading my post when you're not feeling up to speed...now, you probably gotta take a nap after reading that:)

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    thxmiker said:

    103 Temp

    I woke up shivering at midnight.  They doubled up the blankets up the thermostat, out heat pack on my spine.   I got poled and prodded until 6am.  Hopefully we can find an easy solution for this fever.


    Best Always,  mike

    I'm sorry things are so complicated, Mike.

    Things rarely seem to go easy when it comes to cancer.  It's really disappointing that the HIPEC isn't an option, but I'm glad to hear your docs are still offering some options.  Let us know how that fever is doing.  Hugs and strength~AA

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    thxmiker said:

    103 Temp

    I woke up shivering at midnight.  They doubled up the blankets up the thermostat, out heat pack on my spine.   I got poled and prodded until 6am.  Hopefully we can find an easy solution for this fever.


    Best Always,  mike

    End of the saga

    I ended back in ICU care. (I was on a floor that could rotate between ICU, Metrology, and Better then regular care.) My Temp went up to 103.5, BP 89/47, hr 88 my body was in panick mode. I had an infection, peritonitis. This caused me to have shortness of breath, the hickups, and the temp.


    After 12 hours of my body in stress they gave me a muscle relaxer, and then antibiotics. I bounced right back. The entre episode was about 36 hours. They kept me in metrology status until this morning and then I got released. We will stay in San Diego until Wednesday early monring, and then road trip home.


    I have a poast op meeting with Dr. Lowy at UCSD on Tuesday. Then I will find out all the stuff that happened. I know I had cyto reduction and several mets removed. There was to mmany mets to preform HIPEC. It is ironic, that in 2010 I was not sick enough to have HIPEC, and now I am to sick to have HIPEC. We live in a crazy world.


    We did get to see family, friends, and have a good surgery for me. Over all, not a bad trip. 

    Thanks All Again for the support. It does help not to feel alone. 

    Best ALways,  mike

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    thxmiker said:

    End of the saga

    I ended back in ICU care. (I was on a floor that could rotate between ICU, Metrology, and Better then regular care.) My Temp went up to 103.5, BP 89/47, hr 88 my body was in panick mode. I had an infection, peritonitis. This caused me to have shortness of breath, the hickups, and the temp.


    After 12 hours of my body in stress they gave me a muscle relaxer, and then antibiotics. I bounced right back. The entre episode was about 36 hours. They kept me in metrology status until this morning and then I got released. We will stay in San Diego until Wednesday early monring, and then road trip home.


    I have a poast op meeting with Dr. Lowy at UCSD on Tuesday. Then I will find out all the stuff that happened. I know I had cyto reduction and several mets removed. There was to mmany mets to preform HIPEC. It is ironic, that in 2010 I was not sick enough to have HIPEC, and now I am to sick to have HIPEC. We live in a crazy world.


    We did get to see family, friends, and have a good surgery for me. Over all, not a bad trip. 

    Thanks All Again for the support. It does help not to feel alone. 

    Best ALways,  mike

    Good grief, Mike!  What a


    Good grief, Mike!  What a whirlwind.  So glad that you seem to be passed that trauma.  Be gentle with yourself.  Rest and safe home.

    Cathleen Mary

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    thxmiker said:

    End of the saga

    I ended back in ICU care. (I was on a floor that could rotate between ICU, Metrology, and Better then regular care.) My Temp went up to 103.5, BP 89/47, hr 88 my body was in panick mode. I had an infection, peritonitis. This caused me to have shortness of breath, the hickups, and the temp.


    After 12 hours of my body in stress they gave me a muscle relaxer, and then antibiotics. I bounced right back. The entre episode was about 36 hours. They kept me in metrology status until this morning and then I got released. We will stay in San Diego until Wednesday early monring, and then road trip home.


    I have a poast op meeting with Dr. Lowy at UCSD on Tuesday. Then I will find out all the stuff that happened. I know I had cyto reduction and several mets removed. There was to mmany mets to preform HIPEC. It is ironic, that in 2010 I was not sick enough to have HIPEC, and now I am to sick to have HIPEC. We live in a crazy world.


    We did get to see family, friends, and have a good surgery for me. Over all, not a bad trip. 

    Thanks All Again for the support. It does help not to feel alone. 

    Best ALways,  mike

    Hey Mike,

    I'm glad you are doing better. Take it easy and rest a lot. Sometimes our mind and positive attitude (even though essential) makes us do more than our body can handle.

    Wish you all the best and let us know how it goes.



  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    thxmiker said:

    End of the saga

    I ended back in ICU care. (I was on a floor that could rotate between ICU, Metrology, and Better then regular care.) My Temp went up to 103.5, BP 89/47, hr 88 my body was in panick mode. I had an infection, peritonitis. This caused me to have shortness of breath, the hickups, and the temp.


    After 12 hours of my body in stress they gave me a muscle relaxer, and then antibiotics. I bounced right back. The entre episode was about 36 hours. They kept me in metrology status until this morning and then I got released. We will stay in San Diego until Wednesday early monring, and then road trip home.


    I have a poast op meeting with Dr. Lowy at UCSD on Tuesday. Then I will find out all the stuff that happened. I know I had cyto reduction and several mets removed. There was to mmany mets to preform HIPEC. It is ironic, that in 2010 I was not sick enough to have HIPEC, and now I am to sick to have HIPEC. We live in a crazy world.


    We did get to see family, friends, and have a good surgery for me. Over all, not a bad trip. 

    Thanks All Again for the support. It does help not to feel alone. 

    Best ALways,  mike

    Mike...I am so sorry they

    Mike...I am so sorry they were not able to do the HIPEC .  I hope you are recovering well from your cytoreduction.  Are they talking chemo now as an option?


    i go in on Monday for a laparoscopic to evaluate wether or not I am a good candidate for HIPEC.  I am just hoping for some answers and some sort of a direction on what is next.

