Slept through the night!


This may not be as exciting to anyone but y'all who truly understand.  I slept through the night the last two nights in a row.  7 straight, solid hours of sleep.  I've been waking up every 2 hours to gag/choke/rinse and spit.  But, these last two nights I slept right on through and the gagfest once I got up wasn't too bad.  I can tell this spit issue is getting better.  Each day it seems like I'm better.  I've been reading every post I can find dealing with the saliva/mucus stuff and you all have said that it gets better week by week.  THAT is the truth!  It's far from being gone, but it sure is nice to sleep and get some rest.  I still haven't been able to drink by mouth as this junk sits in the back of my throat and when I try to drink it gags me, but I did eat some jello and applesauce yesterday and today.  Baby steps and one day at a time.  I'm thinking maybe some soup tonight and trying smaller sips of water.  Thank you all for the support, advice and help!  Wishing you all the best! 


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Sleep Issues

    How exciting that you are sleeping better.  You know, just about everyone can understand the frustration of not being able to get to sleep and to stay asleep, regardless of the reason.  So, I truly am happy for you!  Hopefully your good fortune will continue!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I haven't slept 7 hours stright in 20 years, LOL...

    But I haven't slept more than 4 hours straight in the last 4 for sure...

    Glad that you can do it...


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    I believe of all the things we can do to speed our recovery is let our bodies work hard at recovering and that takes a toll on ones body. You go out and work hard in the hard or play hard all day and come home beat and get a good night rest while your body recovers. Same thing only 1000 times more intense as the damage the chemo and rads does to the whole body and so deeply. Your body really needs that solid sleep to help your body recovery quickly. Glad to hear. don

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    That is truly amazing ! I am so happy for you ! I like John haven't slept 7 hours in a row in years ! After my treatments I slept in my Recliner for about 6 weeks and woke up at least every 2 hours to gag , spit and whatever ! I hope that you continue to get 7 hours of sleep altogether because I am sure it will help you heal faster ! My best to you ,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    sleep on over


    Just to keep the H&N ship on an even keel, other than when my mind was racing or my bladder overflowing or the mucus choking me, I slept and do sleep well.  During treatments I give credit to the 1 Lorazapam daily (used for mask control) and the copious amounts of magic mouth wash, but I slept nicely.  I had to get up regularly since I was drinking tons of water, up until bedtime, but other than that, I am a snooze machine

    Lately, I have been sleeping through the nights.  My one problem and I don’t wish this to go any further than between you and me, the Xylimelts make me drool and it messes up my pillow case.  Anyway, congrats on the sleep, it is a good sign.

    Hopefully, I haven’t jinxed myself by talking about it.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tracy, that is great news! 

    tracy, that is great news!  sweet


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    CivilMatt said:

    sleep on over


    Just to keep the H&N ship on an even keel, other than when my mind was racing or my bladder overflowing or the mucus choking me, I slept and do sleep well.  During treatments I give credit to the 1 Lorazapam daily (used for mask control) and the copious amounts of magic mouth wash, but I slept nicely.  I had to get up regularly since I was drinking tons of water, up until bedtime, but other than that, I am a snooze machine

    Lately, I have been sleeping through the nights.  My one problem and I don’t wish this to go any further than between you and me, the Xylimelts make me drool and it messes up my pillow case.  Anyway, congrats on the sleep, it is a good sign.

    Hopefully, I haven’t jinxed myself by talking about it.



    I have a "bib" on me at night.  Actually it's a hand towel and I wake up with a drool track on my chin :)  

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member


    I am happy for you. Just proves how we get back to the norm not always as fast as we wish but we get there. Now about that spit issue getting better, does that mean you can sail one further than before???? LOL  All kidding aside I know you had some major issues at the end of treatment and you felt you were at the end of your rope. I am very happy to hear your climbing back up. It's no race to the top as long as you push forward baby steps will do fine. We are all her to nudge ya forward.

    Enjoy the day


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Glad to hear you are


    Glad to hear you are feeling some relief from your symptoms and sleeping!  That's great!  I can imagine how restless you had to have been, as I'm watching dad do the same.  He is hacking up mucous stuff every now and then.  I spent some time with him yesterday, but he is exhausted from not eating and has no energy.  Hope he starts feeling better as  you are!

    Continued prayers that your recovery comes quick!
