What is Happening to the Discussion Board? Can't log on in afternoon and couldn't last night

SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

I can post in the morning but afternoon I can't and this is the 3rd day in the row.  I was unablea to get on last night for first time.  Anyone experiencing this?   Did I mess a message?



  • Doe1504
    Doe1504 Member Posts: 94
    I am having trouble getting

    I am having trouble getting on in the pm also.

  • Gavinsgrandma
    Gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 18
    Scam letter

    Good morning, I had trouble day before yesterday and then yesteday morning in my inbox was a lengthy scam letter telling me that I was chosen by a mrs?? ( can't remember her name) I deleted it but she said she was rich and dying of cancer and needed to leave 24 million dollars to some one that would carry out her wishes. I was to put up a certain fee and then I would get instructions on how to proceed, Only by E-Mail. Did any one else get this or a version of it?


  • Gavinsgrandma
    Gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 18
    Doe1504 said:

    I am having trouble getting

    I am having trouble getting on in the pm also.

    Feeling better?

    Hi, I hope you are feeling better today

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member

    Scam letter

    Good morning, I had trouble day before yesterday and then yesteday morning in my inbox was a lengthy scam letter telling me that I was chosen by a mrs?? ( can't remember her name) I deleted it but she said she was rich and dying of cancer and needed to leave 24 million dollars to some one that would carry out her wishes. I was to put up a certain fee and then I would get instructions on how to proceed, Only by E-Mail. Did any one else get this or a version of it?


    Scam Letter and Logging Troubles

    If you get a scam letter like that, copy and paste it in a CSN email address it to greta (spelled with lower case e). Let her know about it so that person can be banned from CSN. Recently, someone supposedly from Canada posted both on CSN and breastcancer.org asking for money. I immediately reported him to greta and to the moderators at bc.org


    I also have  had had troubles getting into the website here and there. One time I needed to update my Java, the other couple, I figured that it was just the website acting up again.

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697


    Haven't been able to get on at all until this evening.  I thought maybe I missed a msg, Doris.  Linda

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I have had trouble also.
    was able to get on now for the first time in days. I was too dizzy to see the screen b4 that.
  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 237 Member
    CSN website performance problem

    Unfortunately, spammers have once again targeted CSN. There have been almost continuous bot attacks on CSN, some so severe as to cause the site to go down (which is their goal).  Our IT team has been searching for and adding more security measures the last 4-5 days--night, day and through the weekend. Apparently, because we're an online community, have a high volume of visitors and have been the target of major attacks in the past, we are at high risk for future attacks. The IT team has a game plan to avert most of the attacks but I'm not sure of the timeline for completion. Very soon I should think.

    As for people using CSN private messages to spam/scam you... If you get weird email that doesn't feel right or make any sense, please let me know immediately. Send me a CSN pm with the username of the person and the nature of their letter. In addition, you can post it on the board to give others a heads up. We've had men looking for women, women looking for men, people asking for money or other help, selling products and services, promoting themselves/their business, researchers recruiting subjects for studies, journalists wanting to interview you, media people enticing you to be in a film/documentary, trying to convert you to follow them in whatever they are doing or believe in, etc. CSN prohibits the use of its site for solicitation of any kind.



  • IE_Hope
    IE_Hope Member Posts: 43
    Same problem

    I still have problems just logging in.  I have to continuously reset password to be able to get in.  As for discussion board takes forever


  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member


    What I have found is that before logging into CSN lately, I read the Discussion Boards. It is so much faster than when actually logged in. Then when I log in, I can reply to threads I want. Makes it much faster.

    I agree that as of late, the site has been extremely slow in the discussion boards. Getting into the Expressions Gallery and CSN Email is much faster.

    For awhile this site had many more problems. It has been better lately. Just a bump in the road. Hopefully the IT department will figure it out.