Office Visit Tongue Biopsy

Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
edited June 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Went to my 3 month appt expecting NED but getting a tongue biopsy instead.  It was my first visit without my wife as she had to stay home with our daughter who wasn't feeling well.

As soon as my doc started pokling around in my mouth I knew he saw something he didn't like.  A small little legion was visible on the lower left tongue way in back.  I got a shot in the mouth of numbing agent and then he maneuvered around for the biopsy.  He kept telling me to open wider and relax my tongue more (easier said than done!).

I now to get wait 3-5 business days for results.  He did say that he was just being cautious and that it can be any of a number of things.  It'll be a tough week so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

This whole thing started well over 3 years ago when I was diagnosed SCC unknown primary.  I had surgery only due to a very positive pathology report. 

Hope you are all doing well in your fight and thanks for listening!





  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Prayers for you

    Praying that it's just a precaution and nothing is found!!  Keep us posted on the results.

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Joel, you will definitely be

    Joel, you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Just remember it isn't cancer until they say it is cancer! I know it is tough but try to keep positive thoughts. You have alll of us pulling for you!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Sounds like you have a sharp eyed ENT.  Try to relax and stay positive.

    Hopes and prayers are with you.


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Praying for you and


    Praying for you and hopefully this is just nothing!  Hang in there and have faith!  I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member

    The wait is rough, we all know that.  Try to find peace in knowing so many are praying for you.


  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
    sin9775 said:


    The wait is rough, we all know that.  Try to find peace in knowing so many are praying for you.


    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    I'm so happy for you and

    I know the relief you felt getting to hear the word benign !


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    Good news...!

    I am so glad it wasn't a reoccurrance !  I agree this HPV thing is confusing but not unheard of.  Have you asked about any oral medications that can and will help with this ?  I can't think of the names of them off hand, my daughter uses them daily.  I'm keeping only good thoughts for you and your family !   Katie

  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member

    Good news...!

    I am so glad it wasn't a reoccurrance !  I agree this HPV thing is confusing but not unheard of.  Have you asked about any oral medications that can and will help with this ?  I can't think of the names of them off hand, my daughter uses them daily.  I'm keeping only good thoughts for you and your family !   Katie


    Well Katie, my doc only spotted one and he completely removed it so based on what he said I should be all set but I will research that.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    I am very

    happy to hear the good news!!!  :)

  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    Good News

    Congratulations on your great news. Such a relief.


    "I love you dude . . . I never say dude".  That is so great!!!   I bet it just made his day, it made mine.


    Praying you stay healthy.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    sin9775 said:

    Good News

    Congratulations on your great news. Such a relief.


    "I love you dude . . . I never say dude".  That is so great!!!   I bet it just made his day, it made mine.


    Praying you stay healthy.




    Awesome news, dude :-)

  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    hwt said:


    Awesome news, dude :-)

    DUDE !!!!!!!

    Man that is such great news.  And I didn't even get to say I was gonna whisper a prayer, dole out words of


    I am happy for you ...that is great ....We all know the relief you feel ...God bless you !



  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    I wouldn't spend a minute

    worrying about where this papilloma came from.  Fewer than 10% of oral papillomas are HPV 16.  Most of them are caused by several HPV subtypes that have absolutely nothing to do with anything sexual, or with the virus that causes oral cancer. 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Late for the Party

    Totally late for the party...

    But I'll still offer up my thoughts and prayers for many more good reports, and those future NED's...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Joel4 said:

    Good News

    I had my biospy on thursday and was supposed to wait 3-5 business days for a call BUT my doc called me at work yesterday.

    I was very relieved when he told me it was a benign papilloma (wart).  As you can all imagine I was so relieved, it is such an amazing feeling to get good test results back after being so nervous.

    God was faithful as always and the support from my family, friends, and you wonderful people is so important and I am grateful for you all.

    I was so overcome with emotion when talking with my doc on the phone that I actually uttered the words " I love you dude".  I am mortified that I said that, I never say dude.  Thankfuly I don't go back for 6 months so hopefuly he will forget that I said that.

    I called my wife from work and we both quietly cried a little bit.  Of course I have to explain that the good news is no cancer but the bad news is oral warts.  I don't really get this whole HPV thing.  My wife and I have been together for 17 years she is the most faithful person you can imagine and we both have a very boring PG sexual history and now I'm sporting oral warts. I have no doubt that I brought the HPV into the mix so I am very thankful that my wife has so far tested negative and is perfectly healthy.  Don't get me wrong though the most important thing I heard yesterday was the word benign.

    Well thanks again for the prayers and I am praying for you too!

    joel, so happy for the great

    joel, so happy for the great news!  i'm glad the doc called u right away, that was considered not 2 let u wait.  heres 2 more good reports in the future.
