Survivor checking in at one year mark

Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member


I just filled in rollcall and realized exactly one year ago, i finished my radition on june 27th.  When i was going thru treatment I really liked to read about feedback from patients who have gone thru same.

I am doing really well, here is a update:


1. My energy level is alomost back to what it was before

2. My weight is getting to my original weight and i am struggling for it not to increase 

3. My dry mouth is managable with biotine dry mouth gum and drymouth gel for night time. I take this as part of life for ever.

4. My taste is all normal except i cannot eat anything spicy. Spicy food still burns

5. Have to take really good care of teeth, water pik and brush after every meal. No cavities so far.


Sorry had not been logging too often, promise to be more active when we will be empty nesters in 3 years.



  • iluvbeagles
    iluvbeagles Member Posts: 8
    Congratulations Sam and

    Congratulations Sam and thanks so much for the update.  My husband just completed is treatment.  I will be sure to share this information with him.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hey Sam!!

    old bus-mate!!  Glad to hear that you're doing well, and pretty much back to normal.  Don't give up on your saliva yet....remember John (Skiffen) took 2 years to get his all I've decided to use his goal as my goal. Smile  Same on the the eating, as you...nothing too spicy tho I keep giving my old favorite....Mexican food......a try every month or so.

    Glad you popped in.


  • sin9775
    sin9775 Member Posts: 199 Member
    Good News

    It is so great to hear such an upbeat update.  Congratulations on a marvelous recovery.  Thank you for sharing.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I love

    to read updates like this one!  It truly encourages me!!  Congrats on the one year mark Cool

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    Great news 

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    So glad you are doing well! I

    So glad you are doing well! I am about 6 weeks behind you. Have you tried pilocapine tablets for the dry mouth? I am taking those and it does seem to help me. I have also found these lozenges made by ACT that really help when I can't have a drink with me all the time. My taste comes and goes a lot still,  defintely better but still have a ways to go. Keep up the good work!


  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member

    So glad you are doing well! I

    So glad you are doing well! I am about 6 weeks behind you. Have you tried pilocapine tablets for the dry mouth? I am taking those and it does seem to help me. I have also found these lozenges made by ACT that really help when I can't have a drink with me all the time. My taste comes and goes a lot still,  defintely better but still have a ways to go. Keep up the good work!


    Very Happy

    Very happy on your progress, sounds like you are doing great!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    one year


    Congratulations on the one year anniversary.  You have come a long way from last year.  I am with Phrannie on the 2 year + plan.  Everything seems to be getting better (a little bit at a time).


  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    This is awesome news Sam! 

    This is awesome news Sam!  Hope that every day brings you great things!


  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    CherieLW said:

    This is awesome news Sam! 

    This is awesome news Sam!  Hope that every day brings you great things!


    so nice to hear from

    so nice to hear from everyone! howdy fellow bus mate phrannie!

    I agree with everyone, 2 year mark will bring things a bit more closure to normal. But as skiffin says our lives will always be a bit abi-normal :)

    boardwalkgirl, i will definately look into ACT lozenges.


