day 1, 2hours in.

Ok here goes.   Starting my first day of chemo with 3 types. Cisplatin, taxotere and 5fu. Looks like a long day in the chair with wonderful wife by my side im ready I think.  just a little Nervous for the most part. 



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Deep breath......


    Take a deep breath and relax. I know your nervous, and that's to be expected. I'm not going to get on here and tell you it's all a cake walk, because of course it's not, but this tx is very doable. Many, many people have been and are in your shoes. You're not alone with this! In fact for the first week or so you may not notice much. More than likely they will give you a drug (can't remember the name...someone will chime in an name it) with your chemo to eliminate the nausea. My loved one never threw up at all through his chemo that was once a week for the 7 weeks.

    Be can do this! Stay with us with updating!



  • Tony.K7ISS
    Tony.K7ISS Member Posts: 12

    Yep I have found a lot of good info here.  Really havnt done much reading on other sites, jusy and 

    I think Emend amd zofran are the anti nausea.  


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    There is much to be said about FINALLY taking an active roll in your fight after all the hurry up and wait you've been through.  Take you anti-nausea meds before you feel may never know you were sick, but better to stay way ahead of it, than start taking them after you find out you are.  Emend is the big doggie in the anti-nausea war....did they prescribe a Z-pack to take the first three days after chemo?

    5FU was very hard on my keep a big jug of soda/salt swish to use many times a day, and that might keep you ahead of any mouth sores that develop.

    You are going to be ok....keep that in mind....this is a one day at a time cure.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    First Day

    We all know what it feels like....

    Best shorterm immediate advice;

    Sit close to a bathroom for the many pee breaks you are going to need.

    Bring a lunch or some snacks.

    Stay well hydrated the next few days, but all during treatment.



  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    A few weeks ago (well 3


    A few weeks ago (well 3 and a half to be exact) my dad started his chemo treatments.  He has to do 3 and has 1 left as he had his second on Monday.  He gets them every 3 weeks, but with the nausea meds he has not gotten sick once.  So glad you have your loving wife to be by your side, hopefully that gives your anxiety some comfort.  Dad had to have Cisplatin, which he is responding well to.  Of course he is tired, but he still stays active (Ex: cutting down a tree this pas sunday lol).  Do what you can and don't overexert yourself.  Dad is doing radiation as well, do you have to have radiation?  He has 19 out of 35 left and hanging in there like a champ so far.  I'll be praying for you and your wife... as I know it is nerve racking! If it helps at all, I thought this was going to feel like forever watching dad go through treatments and yet, he's almost half there!  Just remember to take everyone's advice who has lived it! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    First Day

    We all know what it feels like....

    Best shorterm immediate advice;

    Sit close to a bathroom for the many pee breaks you are going to need.

    Bring a lunch or some snacks.

    Stay well hydrated the next few days, but all during treatment.



    Hope it's uneventful!

    Agree that there is something to be said for getting the "show on the road". I was happy to have my husband and sister with me day one but by the 2nd chemo I just wanted a couple of those blankets straight out of the warmer and to sleep. It also gave my caregivers a break. I did get dehydrated after my first tx but never had any nausea throughout. Hope you avoid that as well!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    and it begins


    Good luck on your trip.  Try to avoid The Nausea Gardens and The Dehydration Caves.  Instead stop for something to eat at the Soft Food Cafe and don’t forget to book a room at the I am Sleepy Motel.

    This may seem tasteless, but you will get use to it.

    Seriously, prevent nausea, drink lots of water and get plenty of nourishment.


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Will be

    thinking about you!  Stay tough and listen to these great guys/gals on this site!  They have been so encouraging to me :)  Wish you all the best!!!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Good Luck

    Good Luck Tony

    This room is full of support and prayers. Stay focused and move forward in ridding yourself of the cancer. Nervous is as natural as the fighter within.

    Keep us posted


  • Tony.K7ISS
    Tony.K7ISS Member Posts: 12
    Duggie88 said:

    Good Luck

    Good Luck Tony

    This room is full of support and prayers. Stay focused and move forward in ridding yourself of the cancer. Nervous is as natural as the fighter within.

    Keep us posted


    closr to end of first round.
    Monday I get the 5fu pump out. So far only a couple of rumble stomach. Marching on through and doing good. Pain better from peg surgery. Getting use to the leaking and cleaning. Guess thats just a necessary evil. Trache helps soooo much for good night rest.
    There has been soo much good info on here.
    Thanks everyone.
  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    closr to end of first round.
    Monday I get the 5fu pump out. So far only a couple of rumble stomach. Marching on through and doing good. Pain better from peg surgery. Getting use to the leaking and cleaning. Guess thats just a necessary evil. Trache helps soooo much for good night rest.
    There has been soo much good info on here.
    Thanks everyone.

    tony, i'm glad ur trmnt has

    tony, i'm glad ur trmnt has started so it can soon b over.  i hope u get thru it w/few side effects.  stay strong and hang in there and u will soon see the lite at the end of the tunnel.
