The date is coming and I am getting quite anxious

Hi again to all of you,

I am feeling quite anxious as the date of my biopsy is July 2nd.  I have to go for pre-op tomorrow and I am so scared they'll find something else.  I read the horror stories of finding lung cancer while doing an x-ray for something else.  For some reason, this scares the "poop" out of me.

My ear pain is getting worse and my jaw cracks when I chew food.  I have symptoms of TMJ and I know that it is not a good sign.  I have night sweats 5-10 days prior to my periods, that scares me also.  The swollen glands have not gotten bigger but not smaller either.  

I feel so alone in all this.  I can't really express my feelings to my friends and family because of the previous cancer (lung) scare and they think I am over reacting.  

I hope all goes well but would like to have some comforting thoughts and prayers. 




  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Prayers coming your way..........

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    i just went thru the worry of

    i just went thru the worry of a biopsy too so i understand you being scared.  mine turned out to be an ulcer!  we have a saying here, it ain't cancer until the doc says its cancer.  i know its not easy but try not to think about cancer.  keep busy so u have less time to think.  praying 4 the best 4 u.


  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39

    Thanks to the both of you.  It helps more than you know.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    that you'll get the answers you need!  Hopefully it's nothing major and you can put this behind you. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    For me the biopsies and subsequent surgeries turned out to not be such a big deal (other than the obvious).  It was in and out a 1-day affair.  My tongue and neck both healed up well and with very little discomfort.

    Remember, you haven’t been diagnosed with cancer and there is no reason to get a head of one’s self.  Heck, I held out hope until the moment the words slipped off my ENT’s tongue.  I’ll remain positive for you until I hear different.

    Positive prayers,


  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39

    ...thanks for your prayers and kind words.

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Sending prayers your way

    Sending prayers your way along with positive thoughts!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    You're never alone when your here. Especially when  fear begins to take over. Phrannie has really big and deep pockets and is always toting someone. We are all pulling for you.

    Thoughts and prayers


  • Threelittlebirds
    Threelittlebirds Member Posts: 39

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.