Possible thyroid cancer or lymphoma :(
Well, for over a year now I've had a rounded lump on the left side of my neck. I'd always assumed it was a swollen lymph node and didn't really pay any attention to it. About 2 months ago it occured to me just how long I'd had it and went to the Dr and wound up having an ultrasound done, they also looked at my thyroid. While it didn't look like a lymph node, and wasn't really in the appropriate place, they put me on strong anitbiotics to see if it would start shrinking. It didn't. The results of my ultrasound also show quite a few nodules and cysts on my thyroid. My Dr. said that they aren't uncommon, but the fact that I have those AND a mass in my neck that there is a very real chance that I may have cancer... I'm going to an ENT appointment on the 5th to have my thyroid looked at further. I'm really worried, even though I know both forms of cancer she mentioned are very easily treatable. My dad died of cancer when he was 54 (extremely healthy man!). I'm only 28 too!! I haven't told anyone about this. I don't want to worry my family or my husband (currently deployed in Afghanistan) until I have all the answers, I just can't do that to all of them if it turns out to be nothing. I guess I'm just looking for people to talk to about this.
So sorry for what you're
So sorry for what you're going through. You definitely came to the right place, there are a lot of people here who are supportive & caring and I'm sure they will offer you some encouragement! You definitely can't go through something like this alone, I pray you find your answers quickly and that you get good news.
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Hi Sherry-rescue911chick said:So sorry for what you're
So sorry for what you're going through. You definitely came to the right place, there are a lot of people here who are supportive & caring and I'm sure they will offer you some encouragement! You definitely can't go through something like this alone, I pray you find your answers quickly and that you get good news.
Thank you! It'sHi Sherry-
Thank you! It's nice to be able to talk about this! I'm praying so hard that it isn't cancer... but the odds don't seem to be in my favor. If it were just the nodules and cysts on my thyroid, or just the mass in my neck, I would be much more optimistic, but having both seems to be one of the bigger signs of a problem
. We'll see I guess! Cross that bridge when I get there right?
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Scary...emily_mac2003 said:Hi Sherry-
Thank you! It'sHi Sherry-
Thank you! It's nice to be able to talk about this! I'm praying so hard that it isn't cancer... but the odds don't seem to be in my favor. If it were just the nodules and cysts on my thyroid, or just the mass in my neck, I would be much more optimistic, but having both seems to be one of the bigger signs of a problem
. We'll see I guess! Cross that bridge when I get there right?
So sorry you have to be dealing with this at such a young age. It's hard to do, but try to stay as calm as possible until all the testing is done. I was so scared before all my tests were completed. We are here for you and will help you through the days ahead. You can click on our pictures and read about each of our cancer journeys This is scary stuff, but totally do-able...Take care, Love Sue
(Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 62) In remission.
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Praying for you
Words of encouragement are needed....Sue is 100% right, these things are very scary, but do able...I was in the shock of my life when I got told that my lymph node on the left side of my neck was lymphoma, but luckily it is a slow growing, non-agressive cancer. I have since been through 3 treatments of CVP+R treatment and have been blessed to have no real side effects thus far and able to carry on life and take care of my 8 year old son with little interruption. I am always willing to talk or just listen to anyone who needs an ear. Many things in lie are scary, but know that bottling it up as to not stress those that love you so much can create stress for yourself that can speed up the progression of chronic diseases. Perhaps, journaling your thoughts and fears if you are unable to talk with others about this, will allow you to alleviate some stress on yourself. Being 28 and facing such an awful thing can be heartbreaking or enpowering depending on how you choose to deal with it. Know that anyway you choose is your choice and the right one for you, as we are all different and deal with things so very differently. I chose to become as knowledgable as I could about my form of cancer and treatments. There are some VERY knowledgable people on here that will be more than hppy to answer any questions that you have.
I will pray for you and send you some warm thoughts
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Thank you for yourgirliefighter said:Praying for you
Words of encouragement are needed....Sue is 100% right, these things are very scary, but do able...I was in the shock of my life when I got told that my lymph node on the left side of my neck was lymphoma, but luckily it is a slow growing, non-agressive cancer. I have since been through 3 treatments of CVP+R treatment and have been blessed to have no real side effects thus far and able to carry on life and take care of my 8 year old son with little interruption. I am always willing to talk or just listen to anyone who needs an ear. Many things in lie are scary, but know that bottling it up as to not stress those that love you so much can create stress for yourself that can speed up the progression of chronic diseases. Perhaps, journaling your thoughts and fears if you are unable to talk with others about this, will allow you to alleviate some stress on yourself. Being 28 and facing such an awful thing can be heartbreaking or enpowering depending on how you choose to deal with it. Know that anyway you choose is your choice and the right one for you, as we are all different and deal with things so very differently. I chose to become as knowledgable as I could about my form of cancer and treatments. There are some VERY knowledgable people on here that will be more than hppy to answer any questions that you have.
I will pray for you and send you some warm thoughts
Thank you for your encouragement everyone! I had my appointment with ENT on the 5th, if you can call it that
. I waited only about 20 min's in the room they put me before I was seen by someone (still in training) who felt my thyroid and neck with his fingers for about 2 min's, then asked me a few questions. He then said that they wanted to do their own ultrasound, and that he would be back in about 10 min's. Well, 40 min's later, I had to poke my head out into the hallway to flag someone down to let them know I had to leave, I was going to be late getting my daughter from school and still had to get my son from daycare. The Dr. I was supposed to see, and still hadn't, was chatting in the hall a few feet away and over heard me, grabbed my chart really quick, thumbed through it and said he was sorry to keep me waiting, but he's pretty sure it's nothing to worry about....?!?! HE hadn't even checked me yet, and admitted that they had only given a quick glance to what the radiologist had written down about the ultrasound they had given me earlier. He hadn't even seen pictures yet, let alone me, and was telling me he doesn't even think a biopsy is necessary. We don't even know what this thing in my neck IS yet! It just really made me anxious about being in his care at all. I reschedualed to see him next week, but I'm going to get a second opinion regardless of what he has to say. I found out from my neighbor (had the same Dr in ENT as me) and he said that he had to literally force them to do a biopsy on the tumors in his neck (was looking through their drawers in front of them for a needle apparently, he's kind of a straight forward guy!) and wouldn't leave until they did it. Turns out he has something really crazy (can't remember what it's called) but has had to go into surgery 3 times already, but this Dr gave him the same response as me... that it's probably nothing, don't worry about it, no further tests are needed. Ugh! I was really hoping to have some answers by now...
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Unfortunateemily_mac2003 said:Thank you for your
Thank you for your encouragement everyone! I had my appointment with ENT on the 5th, if you can call it that
. I waited only about 20 min's in the room they put me before I was seen by someone (still in training) who felt my thyroid and neck with his fingers for about 2 min's, then asked me a few questions. He then said that they wanted to do their own ultrasound, and that he would be back in about 10 min's. Well, 40 min's later, I had to poke my head out into the hallway to flag someone down to let them know I had to leave, I was going to be late getting my daughter from school and still had to get my son from daycare. The Dr. I was supposed to see, and still hadn't, was chatting in the hall a few feet away and over heard me, grabbed my chart really quick, thumbed through it and said he was sorry to keep me waiting, but he's pretty sure it's nothing to worry about....?!?! HE hadn't even checked me yet, and admitted that they had only given a quick glance to what the radiologist had written down about the ultrasound they had given me earlier. He hadn't even seen pictures yet, let alone me, and was telling me he doesn't even think a biopsy is necessary. We don't even know what this thing in my neck IS yet! It just really made me anxious about being in his care at all. I reschedualed to see him next week, but I'm going to get a second opinion regardless of what he has to say. I found out from my neighbor (had the same Dr in ENT as me) and he said that he had to literally force them to do a biopsy on the tumors in his neck (was looking through their drawers in front of them for a needle apparently, he's kind of a straight forward guy!) and wouldn't leave until they did it. Turns out he has something really crazy (can't remember what it's called) but has had to go into surgery 3 times already, but this Dr gave him the same response as me... that it's probably nothing, don't worry about it, no further tests are needed. Ugh! I was really hoping to have some answers by now...
Sorry you had such an unfortunate encounter. I would definitely seek other ENT's if you can find one, I know there aren't many around. This is not any kind of treatment that i would stand for or pay for. Not to scare you, but imagine how long that node had been funky before it presented itself? You need to have answers for yourself and your sanity. Have you had another of the other lymphoma side effects? Thyroid you would definitely know and I believe it is located in the front of your neck, the area you are speaking of is a cervical lymph node. Mine looked like a half of a gumball sticking out when I turned my neck to the right. Not sure where you live, but I seriously just googled ENT and found mine, which I would never recommend but I was desperate and he put a scope down my throat that day and scheduled an fine needle biopsy with another doctor 2 days later. He knew as soon as he looked at it that it was some sort of Cancer, he was leaning more towards Hodgkins but he isn't an oncologist or hematologist. You have alot more steps towards finding out your answer, so be patient and ask for help or guidance any time...We will all be gald to just chat with you and answer any questions truthfully to put you at ease.
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Oh how I WISH my ENT was likegirliefighter said:Unfortunate
Sorry you had such an unfortunate encounter. I would definitely seek other ENT's if you can find one, I know there aren't many around. This is not any kind of treatment that i would stand for or pay for. Not to scare you, but imagine how long that node had been funky before it presented itself? You need to have answers for yourself and your sanity. Have you had another of the other lymphoma side effects? Thyroid you would definitely know and I believe it is located in the front of your neck, the area you are speaking of is a cervical lymph node. Mine looked like a half of a gumball sticking out when I turned my neck to the right. Not sure where you live, but I seriously just googled ENT and found mine, which I would never recommend but I was desperate and he put a scope down my throat that day and scheduled an fine needle biopsy with another doctor 2 days later. He knew as soon as he looked at it that it was some sort of Cancer, he was leaning more towards Hodgkins but he isn't an oncologist or hematologist. You have alot more steps towards finding out your answer, so be patient and ask for help or guidance any time...We will all be gald to just chat with you and answer any questions truthfully to put you at ease.
Oh how I WISH my ENT was like yours! I had a "follow up" the other day which, lets face it, was still my first appointment with him lol Apparently he's the lead guy in the office, and one of the guys under him took care of me right up until the biopsy... let me back track! (side note, really liked and appreciated the guy who I saw at first!) The younger guy I saw the other day had made sure to actually look through my whole file before my appointment! My blood tests, my symptoms, my radiology report AND images! He felt my neck for a long time, asked a load of questions, went over his concerns, and pretty much approached the whole situation with the hopes of convincing me to get a biopsy (I didn't need convincing haha). The only thing missing from my appt. was the actual Specialist, Dr. H (I'll call him in short), and we needed his appproval/permission to do a biopsy. He wanted to do a biopsy himself, but before hand he told, again, that he didn't think the ultrasound, let alone the biopsy, was at all necessary. As he was doing the ultrasound, the guy who I had technically had my appointment with was right there, looking at the ultrasound. He was still in training to use the machine (nobs and dials) but was very good at understanding what he was looking at. HE pointed out 2 more small masses and "something" on one of the arteries running through my neck!!! The "Specialist" agreed with him, told him he had a good eye..... and moved on like they weren't there.... (UGH!!) A few min's after he looked at my thyroid I became more annoyed with his way of doing things (again, it should be mentioned, I'm a VERY passive person, and have a hard time with "stepping on toes" so my inner feelings are ALWAYS masked with smiles and kindness.... darn it hahaha) but yes, I became internally annoyed! I realized that he had flat out lied to me with that first hallway meeting we'd had with the cysts and nodules on my thyroid. He had made it sound like they were far too small to even attempt a biopsy, but as he was doing the ultrasound, the other guy started pointing out "That's the first one I FELT.... I think that's the second one I felt on the lateral side", and so on! Sorry, what? You can FEEL them with your fingers? That's not as small as you made them sound! He continually tried to talk me out of getting a biopsy. Not in a "I don't want you to get freaked out with bad information" manner, but a "Just don't worry and forget about it" manner. Said that "1. it's not that big, 2. since it's oval and not round it's nothing to worry about at all, 3. it hasn't been painful, and 4. it's been around a long time and hasn't been growing." ok... I had a correction for every one of those, and he brushed them all of still! "1. One centimeter in size is cause for concern, it's nearly double that!! 2. Only the thick middle section is an oval, it's the shape of a saucer... last time a checked, tumors come in all shapes!, 3. it's become sensative over the last 3 weeks, and i get muscle spasms near it sometimes, and 4. Yes, it's been around (as far as when I noticed it) for about a year, and it HAS gotten bigger since I noticed it, and lymphoma AND thyroid cancer are SLOW growing!!!"
I made him give me a biopsy!!! He seemed irriated, like it was a waste of time, but I did it! We don't know what it is darn it!! AND cancer runs in my family! I had 3 biopsies done (boy was that painful!!!!) but I will get my results back on Monday! I'm hoping that he was right, it was nothing to worry about, but I don't find his practice good at all! Like I said... He said the same things to my neighbor, and it turned out to be something serious... If there is something growing in the body, and there is NOTHING leading to what it might be, don't brush it off! UGH! Sorry, I that was very long, and very much a rant!! If my results come back fine, I will be getting a second opinion in about a month, just to be sure! He had a hard time doing the biopsy.. Sorry, that really was long!!0 -
It's ok...emily_mac2003 said:Oh how I WISH my ENT was like
Oh how I WISH my ENT was like yours! I had a "follow up" the other day which, lets face it, was still my first appointment with him lol Apparently he's the lead guy in the office, and one of the guys under him took care of me right up until the biopsy... let me back track! (side note, really liked and appreciated the guy who I saw at first!) The younger guy I saw the other day had made sure to actually look through my whole file before my appointment! My blood tests, my symptoms, my radiology report AND images! He felt my neck for a long time, asked a load of questions, went over his concerns, and pretty much approached the whole situation with the hopes of convincing me to get a biopsy (I didn't need convincing haha). The only thing missing from my appt. was the actual Specialist, Dr. H (I'll call him in short), and we needed his appproval/permission to do a biopsy. He wanted to do a biopsy himself, but before hand he told, again, that he didn't think the ultrasound, let alone the biopsy, was at all necessary. As he was doing the ultrasound, the guy who I had technically had my appointment with was right there, looking at the ultrasound. He was still in training to use the machine (nobs and dials) but was very good at understanding what he was looking at. HE pointed out 2 more small masses and "something" on one of the arteries running through my neck!!! The "Specialist" agreed with him, told him he had a good eye..... and moved on like they weren't there.... (UGH!!) A few min's after he looked at my thyroid I became more annoyed with his way of doing things (again, it should be mentioned, I'm a VERY passive person, and have a hard time with "stepping on toes" so my inner feelings are ALWAYS masked with smiles and kindness.... darn it hahaha) but yes, I became internally annoyed! I realized that he had flat out lied to me with that first hallway meeting we'd had with the cysts and nodules on my thyroid. He had made it sound like they were far too small to even attempt a biopsy, but as he was doing the ultrasound, the other guy started pointing out "That's the first one I FELT.... I think that's the second one I felt on the lateral side", and so on! Sorry, what? You can FEEL them with your fingers? That's not as small as you made them sound! He continually tried to talk me out of getting a biopsy. Not in a "I don't want you to get freaked out with bad information" manner, but a "Just don't worry and forget about it" manner. Said that "1. it's not that big, 2. since it's oval and not round it's nothing to worry about at all, 3. it hasn't been painful, and 4. it's been around a long time and hasn't been growing." ok... I had a correction for every one of those, and he brushed them all of still! "1. One centimeter in size is cause for concern, it's nearly double that!! 2. Only the thick middle section is an oval, it's the shape of a saucer... last time a checked, tumors come in all shapes!, 3. it's become sensative over the last 3 weeks, and i get muscle spasms near it sometimes, and 4. Yes, it's been around (as far as when I noticed it) for about a year, and it HAS gotten bigger since I noticed it, and lymphoma AND thyroid cancer are SLOW growing!!!"
I made him give me a biopsy!!! He seemed irriated, like it was a waste of time, but I did it! We don't know what it is darn it!! AND cancer runs in my family! I had 3 biopsies done (boy was that painful!!!!) but I will get my results back on Monday! I'm hoping that he was right, it was nothing to worry about, but I don't find his practice good at all! Like I said... He said the same things to my neighbor, and it turned out to be something serious... If there is something growing in the body, and there is NOTHING leading to what it might be, don't brush it off! UGH! Sorry, I that was very long, and very much a rant!! If my results come back fine, I will be getting a second opinion in about a month, just to be sure! He had a hard time doing the biopsy.. Sorry, that really was long!!Hey...don't worry about how long your post is...we all need to vent and sometimes to get the full story it takes a lot of words. The more I read what you are going through the angrier I get. I know you are limited on who you see, but please try to figure out a way to see a doctor not afilliated with where your going now. I just want you to find some answers and get some peace in your life. This is crazy all this back and forth banter going on between your doctors. Please let us know what you find out on Monday...my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Much love....Sue
(Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-dx 6/10-age 62) In remission.
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ARRGGGemily_mac2003 said:Oh how I WISH my ENT was like
Oh how I WISH my ENT was like yours! I had a "follow up" the other day which, lets face it, was still my first appointment with him lol Apparently he's the lead guy in the office, and one of the guys under him took care of me right up until the biopsy... let me back track! (side note, really liked and appreciated the guy who I saw at first!) The younger guy I saw the other day had made sure to actually look through my whole file before my appointment! My blood tests, my symptoms, my radiology report AND images! He felt my neck for a long time, asked a load of questions, went over his concerns, and pretty much approached the whole situation with the hopes of convincing me to get a biopsy (I didn't need convincing haha). The only thing missing from my appt. was the actual Specialist, Dr. H (I'll call him in short), and we needed his appproval/permission to do a biopsy. He wanted to do a biopsy himself, but before hand he told, again, that he didn't think the ultrasound, let alone the biopsy, was at all necessary. As he was doing the ultrasound, the guy who I had technically had my appointment with was right there, looking at the ultrasound. He was still in training to use the machine (nobs and dials) but was very good at understanding what he was looking at. HE pointed out 2 more small masses and "something" on one of the arteries running through my neck!!! The "Specialist" agreed with him, told him he had a good eye..... and moved on like they weren't there.... (UGH!!) A few min's after he looked at my thyroid I became more annoyed with his way of doing things (again, it should be mentioned, I'm a VERY passive person, and have a hard time with "stepping on toes" so my inner feelings are ALWAYS masked with smiles and kindness.... darn it hahaha) but yes, I became internally annoyed! I realized that he had flat out lied to me with that first hallway meeting we'd had with the cysts and nodules on my thyroid. He had made it sound like they were far too small to even attempt a biopsy, but as he was doing the ultrasound, the other guy started pointing out "That's the first one I FELT.... I think that's the second one I felt on the lateral side", and so on! Sorry, what? You can FEEL them with your fingers? That's not as small as you made them sound! He continually tried to talk me out of getting a biopsy. Not in a "I don't want you to get freaked out with bad information" manner, but a "Just don't worry and forget about it" manner. Said that "1. it's not that big, 2. since it's oval and not round it's nothing to worry about at all, 3. it hasn't been painful, and 4. it's been around a long time and hasn't been growing." ok... I had a correction for every one of those, and he brushed them all of still! "1. One centimeter in size is cause for concern, it's nearly double that!! 2. Only the thick middle section is an oval, it's the shape of a saucer... last time a checked, tumors come in all shapes!, 3. it's become sensative over the last 3 weeks, and i get muscle spasms near it sometimes, and 4. Yes, it's been around (as far as when I noticed it) for about a year, and it HAS gotten bigger since I noticed it, and lymphoma AND thyroid cancer are SLOW growing!!!"
I made him give me a biopsy!!! He seemed irriated, like it was a waste of time, but I did it! We don't know what it is darn it!! AND cancer runs in my family! I had 3 biopsies done (boy was that painful!!!!) but I will get my results back on Monday! I'm hoping that he was right, it was nothing to worry about, but I don't find his practice good at all! Like I said... He said the same things to my neighbor, and it turned out to be something serious... If there is something growing in the body, and there is NOTHING leading to what it might be, don't brush it off! UGH! Sorry, I that was very long, and very much a rant!! If my results come back fine, I will be getting a second opinion in about a month, just to be sure! He had a hard time doing the biopsy.. Sorry, that really was long!!I am so sorry that you are going through this, I did this dance with my P.A. for 6 months and it is no picnic. None of my lymph nodes ever hurt or caused pain, the one I could see was just ugly to look at and that bothered me enough to have it looked at further. I know exactly how you are feeling, they don't really know that some cancer is slow growing and starts out non-aggressive. Seriously my ENT was amazing, but he told me that he didn't know anything about it...Said it was the "good kind of cancer", I looked at him like he lost his darn mind, there is no good Cancer.
Make sure you get a copy of your pathology reports
I too was a passive person until this happened to me, I know how it feels. They make you feel like you are a hypochondriac and need to just chill out because it is nothing, then it starts playing tricks on your mind. You start thinking that you might be making something out of nothing, FIGHT THAT FEELING!
It sounds like you had one person that was really the type of care provider that you need, too bad his "upper hand" got in the way. I will pray for you to get the personal care that you need as well as some answers.
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